>be Rand Paul
>get shot at
>continue to serve as senator
>get tackled and injured by leftist nutjob
Can this guy catch a break?
>be Rand Paul
>get shot at
>continue to serve as senator
>get tackled and injured by leftist nutjob
Can this guy catch a break?
He's clearly doing something right
He's so small no one can hit him. Like ant-man.
I think in light of recent events any senator or house representative who supports trumps agenda needs a 24/7 SS gaurd detail at all times.
The tolerant left strikes again.
He is also despised by lobbyists in Washington since he won't even speak to them.
Motherfucker should be concealed carrying 24/7.
I would think Senators would get legal leeway more than the average citizen when it comes to defending themselves.
I was kind of hoping it was a nigger so Rand would go hard on the race question.
Trump will get a new VP.
He will unite the GOP and make Rand the manlet VP
Rumor has it that the 'assault' was a slap fight with his gay lover.
Is Rand Gay?
Don't know if this was facetious or not, but my first though was that this is homo stuff.
rerolling to confirm rand is gay
Unlikely, he's not a family values Republican.
welp, looks like rand is a closet degenerate. I am diappoint.
Well, to be fair, he had exactly one more middle aged man in his house than I when that thought first sprang into my head
They don't but who the fuck is gonna question them
Digits confirm
>5' 8''
He plays life on hard mode, and he succeeds. A true alpha male
5' 8" is considered short? I thought it was about average. Although people in the US from what ive seen are generally tall.
rolling to prove this user is just a fag
Checked and confirmed, Rand is gay
if he is half as based as his father, I like him
HAH! tough luck bucko. rolling to see if this user has repressed gay thoughts.
well, it's confirmed three times now. fuck.
rand is a fag.
Digits an my mans ain't gay
>be American
>get shot
I dont want him to be but its not looking good for ol Rand. Anyway i could care less about him being gay as long as he pushes more Libertarian-esque reforms.
He's really been falling short lately.
But gays don't get into ethnostate heaven. He now has to go to black/gay heaven
FBI says it was politically motivated.
How long until Rand becomes the big scary snek?
Rand Paul is my gay lover
Yeah the dude was a hardore liberal from what i saw in another thread.
>Senator Rand Paul shoots and kills attacker while mowing lawn
Holy shit, instant nomination next non-Trump election.
>mowing lawn
why isn't this getting more play? How many Congressmen and Senators mow their own lawn? And this guy is a doctor, not some politician leach.
He was posting anti-Trump horseshit on social media
Man, why do both of my Senators have to be complete embarrassments?
The Rand gay rumors have been around for awhile. It's like Spacey or Travolta where everyone knows it but everyone is scared to say anything
Liberal terrorism is more likely.
they're not repressed
rolling to see if you commit suicide sometime this year, hopefully
1 (one) reroll
Rand is one of the few decent congressmen with a spine in his body. I love the guy. Gets attacked in his own home. Are soyboys on twitter celebrating?
Not I. Pure anglo shit blood reporting at 5'7.
The gubament dumped agent orange on my pappy back in vietnam so that probably didn't do my genes any good either.
I love Randy as well. Can't believe that republican voters were so misinformed during the primaries to not nominate him instead of trump. It really is a sad state of affairs here in America. He does a very good job in the senate though. He makes me proud and gives me hope as an American.
>they're not repressed
fucking degenerate, seek the light of jesus christ so you can purify yourself.
Not bad
Trump/Paul 2020 here we come.
He did really great in the debate that Trump skipped and he was allowed to take part in, but it didn't help. I wish at least Ted Cruz had won the nomination, and maybe Rand could have been his running mate.
And it shall be so
Rand Paul letters mixed up is Luad Danp which doesn't make sense. Just like his life.
>I wish at least Ted Cruz had won the nomination
over trump?
wew lad. dumbest post i've seen in awhile.
no. it was his neighbor that attacked him when Paul was mowing his yard
Yes, Ted is much smarter than Trump, I don't think anyone would argue with that, and he's much more of an actual conservative. Trump governs like a moderate democrat sometimes.
wait so a home invader laid hands a Republican Senator? Why isn't the headline "Rand Paul kills home invader and attempted robber?" Doesn't he own guns?
Rand is merciful. That's the only reason he hasn't shot up the senate.
Rand, if you're reading this: I'd be happy to shit on his doorstep.
Fucking this. Trump is a literal democrat that panders to the lower conservative demographic, hence, "build that wall" "lock her up". Not that I disagree with these notions but the dude is very socially liberal and is showing himself to be not very fiscally conservative. There are very few fiscal conservatives in the main proponents of govt, which is why we spend money like nobodies business on military waste, pork, and bureaucratic nightmare institutions that would be better ceded to local entities.
someone get this guy some ss
and i dont mean secret service
Kek is telling you that he will do it next year.
This guy really needs to be president. Perhaps after Trump?
if you two thought the last election was about electing a conservative or a liberal then you're both fucking retarded. trump was a statement, and a big one. a vote for cruz would have been a vote for more of the same because he doesn't have the charisma or the balls to make any actual difference. the charisma comment definitely applies to rand, too.
i honestly can't believe i'm having to explain this on Sup Forums of all places.
> too smart to win
This, Trump is the best thing to happen to the republican party since WWII at the very minimum.
That will never happen. Rand Paul is just like his father in the sense that he doesn't have a knack at bullshitting the public. He tells the truth and that doesn't sit well with most Americans unfortunately.
Rand was /our guy/ until a bunch of you faggots ditched him for a narcissistic showboater with 0 fucking principles that he can actually stick to just because he says politically incorrect things.
You're probably right.
He's a modern founding father.
I'd be happy to gut him like a trout with my giant fuck-off Bowie knife. You don't fuck with the Pauls, Ron or Rand. You attack our living memes, you need your ass purged. End of story.
I agree that you're right but I still believe that he wasn't the best choice of the bunch politically. The best choice to strong arm legislation and create liberal tears he is definitely top tier. Don't mistake me for an idiot. I understand why Trump is president but much of that lies also in the incompetence of the Clintons.
Also this
Rand wasn't and isn't shit.
Sure. He is only the best legislator other than his father of our time. But for sure he "isn't shit".
go back to T_D. Stand with Rand was our thing ever since his father retired from Congress (Ron Paul was our guy before that)
Cruz couldn't inspire his own daughter to give him a hug. Hillary would have crushed him.
>get tackled and injured by leftist nutjob
>by leftist nutjob
do we know this, or are we just assuming at this point?
He got B&E'd on?
That can wreck some people's sense of peace. Hope he's alright.
fuck up memer, you know nothing of this board
The guy had posted anti-Drumpf stuff on Facebook apparently.
>I agree that you're right but I still believe that he wasn't the best choice of the bunch politically
trump is bringing more people to the right than anyone since reagan, so how the fuck is rand the best of the bunch politically?
because he's a good legislator? i'll give you that much, but trump is hands down the best of the bunch politically (and this is coming from a guy who loves rand).
A know-nothing mongrel? Fucking lol.
You mean the couple'a faggots who spammed for rand? Fucking lol.
that's weird that he'd attack Rand though, Rand voices opposition to Trump all the time on things
any credible links? I don't wanna be left hanging if someone calls me out when I say that the attacker was liberal/left wing etc.
The only senator I like.
>Rand voices opposition to Trump all the time on things
my thoughts exactly, I could be either a Trump supporter gone mad or a left wing nutter. Both are viable.
Look, it's pretty obvious that you only came here in 2016, after coming over from rebbit/The_Donald.
But prior to that shitfest of rebbit ruining fucking everything as usual, the board had a much more libertarian culture to it, with the exception of the nazis.
Yeah but that have an open dialogue and seem to get along pretty well behind the curtain..
This. Most people who are home invaded move almost immediately after.
t. Cop (racist)
the one benefit us manlets have
Nah, it was stormfags from the start. Libertards came later with their spam and general know-nothing dogma.
Sad thing is, lots of times they're still expecting it at their new place. Running away doesn't fix it.
The left is angry that their ability to destroy the country has slowed.
5'8" is short for white people (~40th percentile for men iirc - still taller than 75% or 80% of women though)
White men are 5'10" on average. For select countries like netherlands, it's closer to 5'11" or 6'
5'8" is the world average - which means taking into account all the short asians, pajeets, and mexicans.
>implying there's anything wrong with the know-nothing party
fuck of cucktholic scum, you aren't white and would be deported if I had my way
Maybe. I do think Rand and Ted lack charisma. Trump definitely excels in that. I will always remember the rally I went to. I just don't see much in the way of core values when it comes to Trump. Don't get me wrong, I voted for him once and will again but he might be the definition of a political grandstander. I think that is what makes him attractive. He is a guy who can get things done and that pisses "liberals" off to no end. But really liberals only hate him on a personal level and less on policy from the ones that I have spoken to. Most of his policies are pretty wonton and weak. Without backing from congress that will continue.