What the hell is Mike Enoch's problem?
What the hell is Mike Enoch's problem?
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He's a kike puppet? just like Richard Spencer.
big if true
checks out
>Makes post describing a leftist position
he's saying that his ex-wife had a chomskyite understanding of america-israel relations. nice reading comprehension.
i was ambivalent about the guy for a long while but after listening to a view of his podcasts, speeches and interview with fuentes i've come to the conclusion that he's one of the best the US far right has to offer desu, he's very likeable and personable, it's a shame most talking heads who explicitly identify as alt right are such shit cunts, they're dragging enoch down
>Mike Enoch is married to a Jewish Spy
>His TRS group promotes Zionism
>Mike himself is a self-admitted Jew
>oh but this is out of context
i dont get this quote, could you explain?
I was saying you're a conspiratard who can't read. Nothing to do with context.
>Present a leftist argument
>cue tons of crudely misused pol-memes
If you ever needed proof that shills were among us, it doesn't get more obvious. This is beyond pathetic. I'm guessing its leftypol retards thinking they can trick us because we're "so dumb", only making themselves look like complete retards in the process. Don't prove them right. If you ever fell for any of their character assassinations, re-evaluate your opinions.
try harder
We're talking about the utter blunder that is your OP, you fucking retard. Everytime someone picks apart your shitty pseudo-arguments you deflect to something else. Fuck off. Or even better, keep doing what you're doing because its getting increasingly obvious. If we were so dumb and ignorant it shouldn't be so hard to convince us.
Is he the one married to a jewess?
D-does she have Khazar milkers?
yall niggas posting in a leftpol thread
Way to take that way out of context. He's saying that's how leftists can be pro Palestine but still not woke on the JQ.
If Enoch is married to a Jewish spy and he's a Zionist Jew.. what is so off about the image? Can't the context apply to Enoch just as easily as a leftist? Maybe you didnt notice he subtlety of my bait. The answer, however, is YES. See:
You dipshit, Enoch is paraphrasing the typical leftist party line on Israel.
Need a better pic to determine an answer to my second question.
her tits could be DD and it wouldnt matter xD
Those two pics look like different women, wtf?
they could be? his wife is a spy for Israel so who knows
I'd plow the top pic.
I'd run from the bottom.