Why do liberals hate Mugabe? I thought they were happy to eradicate the evil white bastion of Rhodesia?
Why do liberals hate Mugabe? I thought they were happy to eradicate the evil white bastion of Rhodesia?
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HAHA BTFO Stupid liberal white women always running off to Africa. Have fun living in a concrete room with 10 screeching, aids infected nigger demons for the next 20 years
>New York University graduate
>moved to Zimbabwe
What a colossal dumbass.
>Why do liberals hate Mugabe?
She was working for a "satirical comedy station." Any opinion she has was given to her by her jew masters.
Because they can point to the nearby countries of Namibia and Botswana that by comparison are peaceful and governed with relative competence, and rightfully identify that Mugabe's cronyism is the primary reason (but not the only reason) why Zimbabwe is fucked.
Fun Fact: Botswana has built an electrified WALL between itself and Zimbabwe to keep out migrants, and you don't see liberals complaining about that.
>Martha O’Donovan received her B.A. from New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Studies with a concentration in the politics of human rights and development in African cities. In 2014, she was a recepient of the Fulbright mtv-U award where she completed research on women in nightlife on the Copperbelt in Zambia. She now lives in Harare, Zimbabwe where she works as a media activist with Magamba Network.
The dumb cunt MOVED there? I thought she was on vacation.
Jesus, they really have no grasp of history or human tribal brutality.
Cultural enrichment
I thought Zimbabwe kicked out all the whites
pay toll
>willingly moving from the US to Zimbabwe
Fucking hell what was she thinking?
Which makes them easier to kill off
"Media Activist".
You know, honey...you could have done that job from the safety and luxury of NYC.
Yeah saw that earlier. At first I had some thoughts. I realized she was an SJW who moved there. Honestly, I don't feel sorry for her. Welcome to the real world.
LOL "Male" until she has the choice of a male or female African prison.
Because Mugabe hates homos/lgbt,is a lifelong dictator....ect
prolly wanted that big aids-infested cock
b-but hes black
If she gets raped by a pack of niggers, it’s her fault
Yeah a BASED black man
Probably just so she could say she was a Trillizon-Bazillionaire.
>freshman year of college
>need to take two history courses for gen eds because my AP classes didn't cover it
>take African Societies because its the subject I'm least familiar with
>teacher is a tiny black guy from Barbados with a borderline unintelligible accent
>90% of the lectures are about tha white devil man and how he ruined thousands of years of African prosperity
>only learn about Mugabe in reference to his stand against white colonial rule
>ace the class by basically repeating "whites are literal demons" on all the exams
>go home and read about Rhodesia and the end of Apartheid and the actual nature of the African slave trade
If full humanities students are learning that shit in every single class, it's no wonder college is stamping out ardent communists at a nightmarish rate.
Should be a redpill, but it won't be. The only thing she'll be swallowing is nigger seed.
>leftist women wanting to live amongst niggers
>get raped over and over and over
gee, this was surprising
He did not eradicate them he forced them into south Africa. It's the south Africans that are the ones killing Whites.
omg lol how do non western nations see ngos and development as anything other than soft imperialism. "fulbright mtv-U award winner working as a 'media activist' in zimbabwe" what a trip
like how are you supposed to take someone at face value as an "activist" from outside your society
Reminder Rhodesia actually fucking sucked.
If thats whats on her id or whatever she might not have a choice in africa
NGOs are commonly used as fronts for the CIA. Look up the vaccination story about how we found Osama.
I think you're probably right about planned subversion but honestly the people who get into development could just as well be self-coordinating. teach a bunch of middle class kids about women's lib 101 and they think that cultural change in saudi arabia and zimbabwe is their duty.
welp theyll release her cause trump will say no more aid in a drop of a hat.
Dumb bitch got brainwashed by Leftist propaganda sees reality for the first time.
>be white
>go to country where leader has literally forcefully deported people for being white
>publicly talk shit on corrupt leader
How did she not know what was coming?
NGO as a thing was unironically made by american intelligence
She'll just turn it around and blame whitey for the evils of colonialism or whatever. These people never actually learn, they've been thoroughly brainwashed.
wait, if she's a lefty, why would she talk trash on a black communist leader?
How's that white guilt treating ya bitch?
Fucking Poetry
>Yet they never learn.
>a media woman moves to a black country and gets fucked literally or figuratively
muh freeze peach right lololol
because: , he is everything her marxest brainwashing said her African Allies wouldn't be. She is having a hard time coming to reality, prison should help her.
because not all liberals have the same opinion and she probably doesnt like him oppressing his people?
Bahaha. Now tell us again how Trump is the oppressive fascist.
dont engage in niggerdom
now you know where obama got it from
>not all liberals have the same opinion
but in my experience if you don't have the same opinion as everyone else as a liberal it amounts to ostrasization?
It's black-on-black oppression, so she probably just joined the side with the most blacks.
>Willingly move to ditatorland Zimbabwe from free America.
>Dictator Mugabe is up front about hatred of white people, even complicted in white genocide.
>Realises now how stupid she was leaving the land of the free while starring at fifty black aids ridden cocks.
Your sacrifice might at last bring some sanity to the west at last.
that's pretty dumb
If only. Even if this story would somehow get big coverage in the west it would be spun in the most apologetic way possible.
>>Willingly move to ditatorland Zimbabwe from free America.
no one could be as bad as Trump
>>Dictator Mugabe is up front about hatred of white people, even complicted in white genocide.
translation: diverse af
>>starring at fifty black aids ridden cocks.
probably not the first time
>liberals hate Mugabe
You know, and I shit you not, Mugabe was one of the first to implement a "carbon tax". You never hear liberals give him props for that....
Obviously it was just an excuse to steal money, but I repeat myself.....