>"I am smarter than a dictionary."
>American teachers
Are we saved because kids like this exist? Or screwed because teachers like this exist?
>"I am smarter than a dictionary."
>American teachers
Are we saved because kids like this exist? Or screwed because teachers like this exist?
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Screwed because teachers like this exist. California is gone under a brown tide.
T. Californian.
total Sup Forumslack
that teacher needs some gas.
he's not white
makes even more sense
Can't keep the Sup Forumsetariot down.
hello /leftypol/
mad that one of your 'highly educated' comrades is getting decimated by a boy half her age?
Kid was obviously influenced by his Uncle Tom family. What school district is this? Someone needs to call CPS on his family.
Worst part is even if this idiot teachers ID got out there she would be untouchable do to the fucking union
>lefty pol
you shithead you are talking to one of the people who helped locate the HWNDU season 3 flag and capture it
i was referencing as to how all the Sup Forumsacks that showed up to season 1 & 2 were ATLEAST 85% non-white which shows how diverse we actually are
>mfw i saw paul blart 2 weeks ago on the subway and i smiled and nodded at him and he nodded back
Teacher sounds like a spic.
kek, this.
>kid isn't even white
>teacher calls him a white suremacist
Bumping for cocaine
>he was a gun runner
God damn. He really is a Sup Forumsack
The programming flows out of them without a thought. its programmed responses. Instead of a REEEEEE they have NAZI! WHITE SUPREMACIST!! SEXIST!! to silence people. They shouldn't be considered human.
>Everybody who hurts people of color or instills fear, they are terrorists.
If you spook a spook, you deserve to go to gitmo. This bitch is looney tunes crazy and she's teaching hundreds of kids.
Probably the OP
>Sup Forumsack
checks out
Jesus Christ the way that teacher """debates""" drives me fucking insane.
Are they so aware their shitty arguments won't hold up that the only way they know how to survive a "debate" is to prevent the opponent from speaking at all?
Italians are not white.
>he was a gun runner
He let his power level slip there.
Oh god read the video description, he IS /ourspic/
>im a teacher so therefor i am god
I hate teachers so much.
Neither is the guy in the video.
Now fuck off with your d&c.
>refuses to let kid speak
>dismisses fbi statistics based on them being "skewed"
>calls fbi an organization founded on white supremacy
>right wing death squads
Definitely Sup Forums
I'm not white either.
fucking raciss
I feel pretty bad for these beaner kids who actually try to assimilate into American culture. I hope white natioanlists go easy on them.
>Be brown.
>Still get called a Neo Nazi.
I bet shes fucking white too.
No wonder people are larping as Nazi's now, if I was that kid id just stood up and said "then Zeig Heil motherfucker get the noose" because she branded him as a white supremacist Nazi minute one.
why does this guy look like my brother
actually same W T F .
>arguing politics with a teacher
>not just buring your school down
I wish i lived in america arguing with my teacher .
that and rwds. /our guy/
montenegro confirmed mexican
haha, glad someone else saw this
I only got about 15 seconds in.
I think the first thing she said was why bother talking when you already have a point?
I can't watch this stuff. Teacher here
>Pedro defends white people
>dumb bitch belittles him
Can we all agree that the problem isn't spics but modern women?
>Yes I am, you are dealing with a highly intelligent woman!
>teaches 14 year old shitskins in a public funded middle school
Definitely goes here
Based kid lol
Ironically like 10 seconds into the video she says something like "you're speaking too fast and not letting me interject". Yeah, in a rational debate you let the other person finish their thoughts, not interject every 5 seconds you dumb cunt.
sry bb
This one Marxist talking point at 1:47 is the worst.
>Believing a gov institution reinforces your bias
>Meanwhile her beliefs are based on black power lies and are fine
His power level is so high they can't even detect it like Lord Beers
He can help make Mexico great again....from the other side of the wall.
Is he still getting deported?
>if you don't think brown people are killed with impunity in this country then you are perpetuating the culture of white supremacy
what the fuck is this woman talking about? You know who is killing brown people? BROWN PEOPLE. Not cops. Not racist whites, FUCKING BROWN PEOPLE are killing other brown people.
trips of truth but i need screencaps nigga
>Le 52% face
Jesus Christ this country is dead
well done young man
Was that teacher a fat nigger or a fat (((white)))? That's a NY accent right?
All the Jews on here claiming to be white and hate latinos if your pro America...
Enjoy being a minority hwiteboi
Me too. I had some great ones, but for the most part, they were very mediocre (yet self-congratulatory) women. I always thought it was perfect that Peggy Hill aspired to be a teacher because she was exactly the personality type that the job seems to attract.
don't know how anyone make it through 12 grades without catastrophic meltdown
I think so-called 'white nationalists' are probably more open-minded and accepting than leftists.
lemme tell ya man there's nothing i want to do more than watch people bicker for 10 minutes straight
he's hit that honorary white status, following in the footsteps of greats like ole Zimzam
It's not gonna reverse at this point bucko so you can either keep hoping for that ethnic cleansing or you can accept that Heinlein-style civic nationalism is the best hope we've got.
I graduated college in the 80s and never once heard about white privilege, feminism, racism or any of that shit in class. Not a single time. You guys are really fucked.
This was every Gen X 90's kid, it won't help.
The left is a power hungry monster that wins through denying every gram of criticism that comes towards him. The kid in the video should've known that he was walking into a power vacuum trying to have a civil debate with a teacher like that. Fucks sake, she never provided a solid counter-argument once in the video, all she said was "muh political motive" and "muh white supremacist".
You can just hear she's a jew by the way she pronounces some words. Filthy scum of a (((teacher))).
>saved because of kids like these
This is gen z.
smart enough and privy to the facts to not be brainwashed like the previous gen.
I only had a couple of teachers that would support their point of views with facts when challenged, and most of them were male.
I once caught a very rare and obscure error in the resolution of a differential equation.
I wasn't even sure I was right, but me and my (male) math prof went over his procedure together again and spotted it.
If I remember it right he substituted something but in doing so introduced a division by zero somewhere, an error that wouldn't have been there if you solved it slightly differently (like I did).
He acknowledged his mistake, congratulated me on noticing, and held a 15 minute explanation to the class illustrating exactly what he had done wrong and how to avoid mistakes like that.
Contrast that with my (female) CS professor who would grade you wrong if you solved an assignment with an original algorithm rather than regurgitate the exact same one she had taught in class...
Welp then you know the drill.
Checked, so it's recht.
Not just Gen Z, this kid's part of brown Gen Z.
Why would you even give a person like this the time of day?
Do you really think if you gave her valid arguements she would say 'hmmm thats a coherent point....I am going to stop and reevaluate my position' No you are dealing with someone who says their definition of words trumps the dictionary. This person could never be wrong because they are literally living by their own definitions
Man, so many SJW's go into teaching because they're insane and want to brainwash people.
Because you're not trying to convince that person, you're trying to convince the quiet people listening.
I think the difference is that they're used to checking facts with the net.
Back in the day (even just 10 years ago) you could have hour-long discussions to try to decide whether to cities were 150 or 170km apart. Now you pull your phone out and have the answer in 5 seconds.
Same goes for virtually everything else. If something smells like bullshit you can check with almost 0 effort.
The more rationally minded millennials do it as well, but most don't. If they "check" they do so by going on plebbit or tumblr and asking there, which is the technological equivalent of the baseless arguing we used to do irl before smartphones.
For gen zers it comes naturally to just look at the facts themselves.
No way. She is definitely a POC. The 'intelligent woman' remark was a dead give away. Only POC say they are educated or intelligent like it's some sort of political protest
>Can't keep the Sup Forumsetariot down.
CAN'T KEEP THE Sup Forumsetariot DOWN!
Holy helll, that bitch be impossible to debate,she just wont shut the fuck up
Imma just say based gen z and leave it at that
There is hope
Nah, but you still gotta show other people how stupid they are.
The best part is how she rails the kid for not letting her talk while doing the exact same thing. What a dumb nigger.
>its not about numbers its about percentages
Speaking of which...
>are you saying you're smarter than a dictionary
>yes, I am
I can't tell if she's just egotistical or completely fucking retarded.
>based gen z
the kid literally puts in the description how he's one of the few right-wingers in his school. gen z is no better than millennials, stop this meme.
So basically all the self-proclaimed "feminists" are taking it to the point you can't call them feminists anymore.
Feminists are female-supremacists, no different from the people they claim to be against.
dumb mexican bitch should get deported. She gets paid to much to be a babysitter.
all liberals are hypocrites.
teachers are stupid. i know. my mom is one
He probably lives in California.
That's obvious, but it's so hypocritical that I find it hilarious.
That should be used more often.
Those are NE accents sounds NY