i always find it out of place because in one moment it goes from being a horror/action movie to a porno. Sup Forums please explain this.
Why do modern movies have sex scenes in them
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I am always bothered by this. It is unnecessary and uncomfortable in literally every scenario.
But, we all know why it's happening.
Can't tell you why, but it's just another symptom of the rot. Normies are sex-obsessed animals, just look at how so many of them identity with different sexual preferences, etc
Jews own Hollywood and they are perverts
>Sup Forums please explain this.
Multifaceted problem.
1. Sleezeball (((directors))) get off on forcing women to get naked on the set in front of the camera
2. Some degenerate actresses get off on getting naked on the set
3. Subhuman movie audiences need buckets of blood, 180 decibel sound effects, and gratuitous nudity to feel literally any emotion in the theater
i've noticed this with shows. it's definitely ramped up in the last ~5 years. completely out of place sex crammed in all the time.
>arousal = fear = "hurr durr dis a gud muvi"
People can be manipulated this easily.
I don't understand this at all. You're in a theater with 100+ other people.
>"i don't understand how someone can be sexually aroused"
Arousal doesn't mean you start jerking off on the spot.
it's just emotional manipulation. fear/violence/sex are usually tied together.
like in slashers there's always penis penetration to go along with the knife penetration. it's all very jewish.
>watching movies anywhere but at home
Yeah but who wants to sit around in a dark room full of boners?
it is bullshit and typically replaces a good story. Who needs good story telling when you got soft core porn to get people off!?
My wife was really into that American Horror story when it first came out and I finally decided to watch it. Sex scene in every fucking episode. The story was shit too, and at least she agreed that the show sucks now.
Cinema is subversive machination of da joos.
Wasn't really meant to be but eventually became
I get what you mean, I just find it unpleasant. Why would anyone not be uncomfortable with sexual arousal to some girl on a screen around:
>nearby elderly/children
I despise normalfag movies and only watch them in social situations.
I fucking hate when they do this. It's fucking ridiculous. If I wanted to see porn I'd find actual porn.
Movies don't even need a love story but they ALL have them. I am so sick of them cramming that shit into every movie.
Another reason LOTR is god-tier, 11 hours of movie and no holes fucked in any fashion
It's a cheap way to wring hormones into your system and make you suggestible.
Most of the women I went to school with LOVED horror movies, probably because they were getting absolutely insane hormone rushes out of it (particularly the jump scares.) Murderers watch you, follow you, manipulate and then dominate you, and as a rule you usually 'deserved it'. There's probably a window into the female sexual psych there somehow.
Men tend to be drawn to action movies and fighting games for a related reason, stimulation and simulation of the hunt and the adrenal rush you get when running down prey.
The genres place both tend to meet is in mystery, though women prefer when there's more socially oriented drama, while men prefer to stalk the truth in dark places.
Not enough lolis imho
This might surprise you, but most adult have had sex and can relate to it emotionally.
Being autistic makes it difficult, I know.
celebs are taking dick pics now. come on man. floppy cocks are awesome. wanna see a guy jizz on his own face? maybe compare the 100% boners of like 15 different actors? watch shortbus
>Jump scares
Hate these too. I am security conscious in public and jump instinctively.
Shoo shoo, degenerates
that redhead in night of the living dead 2
>Sex is degenerate
It is actually a redpilled allegory to exemplify how sex before marriage is punished with death from Satan.
Your bitch drags you to a movie, or makes you "cuddle" and watch one with her. Well there's tit and sex scenes for those poor saps to enjoy.
That and Hollywood is full of pervs man. Keep up.
Top kek. Having casual/premarital sex is degenerate by definition. Having sex with a woman on birth control (or worse, using a plastic bag) is glorified masturbation.
most women I know hate horror movies. Besides it's obviously a better look into male psychology , as it is made by men and features hot women.
It's on amc right now. Feeling comfy.
Hahaha okay good luck on your kissless virginity
1. Hollywood is largely ran by perverts
2. A lot of the populace is basically retarded and oversexual, so they need big tits in their face every or else the movie's boring
>Lefty sex
I bet you like jerking off into a plastic bag after getting a righteous pegging
Horseshoe theory is real, closet gay boy. There's a reason you are so scared of women, and it's not because sex is degenerate.
simple as sex sells
>fear of women
Nice projection, faggot.
>tfw your wife's pussy is only for Trayboon
Yes, sex in movies and TV shows is annoying.
No, sex in general is not "degenerate" and everybody who says otherwise is an autistic larper.
Oh yeah, cool having that saved to your hard drive, you fucking goof.
Hey man, gay people are cool with me, I'd have no issues admitting if I was gay. I don't care what people do in their own bedroom.
But 20+ republican leaders have been in gay sex scandals since 1970
>you fucking goof.
Canadian prison slang? You have to go back, you're the real degenerate here.
Actually, I have no criminal record whatsoever. I know what that means, I didn't even mean it in that harsh of terms though. I just meant that it was kind of pathetic you would have that on your hard drive. Fucking ugly, you should go work for him and get to thrive in that high class environment with him. Interesting you would know that term too. I worked with a chick who was actually really cool, she had kicked meth years previously from when she was really young and had spent a lot of her youth in the downtown eastside of Vancouver.
>I worked with a chick who was actually really cool, she had kicked meth years previously from when she was really young and had spent a lot of her youth in the downtown eastside of Vancouver.
That's how I knew that term, she explained it to me.
>Knows prison slang
>'Oh, I'm not a degenerate'
I work closely with corrections often. It's the go-to insult from drug-addled retards with a record, I get called it pretty often when they're off to prison.
Degenerate Hollywood
to promote niggerification, goyim. yes, settle for a brownie border hopper. she's totally based.
Yeah, it means your a rat or child molester or something along those lines if your using it in the prison sense. I remember one time I was partying with some guys in New Westminster and I got separated from them for a while when we were bar hopping. Some skid who was about 6'4", had a shiner and looked like, I don't know, some murder suspect, was yelling to his buddies "we got ourselves a goof over here!" and I knew it was time to make myself scarce and quicklike.
>prison slang
Maybe once upon a time but my fucking dad says it now.
Name two movies, thee flicks, four kinos and five films that do this.
Yeah, the perv who likes to post Gavin's hard on is the one with the problem lol