Being the president to Bush means being a muppet.
Bush is just pissed his little Saudi friend's got rounded up today and shot.
This Gwb faggot let 911 happened.
Wtf did Bush do sitting in a classroom reading for niggers when 9/11 happend
The world trade centers came down under his watch.
Just give Bush a bowl of pretzels and he'll find a way to off himself. The guy is a fucking dunce.
Why do liberals love bush all the sudden?
(((Bush))). NeoCon zionist cuck. How did that war in Iraq go for you?
Wew that's a lot of planes
Bush is a hardcore Neocon like the rest of his corrupt family
they have no integrity and act based on their current feelings
bush is a fucking loser spoiled rich brat who got his position through nazi power.
George Bush fucking ruined this country, and Europe by going to war in the middle East. Hell is too good for him.
The only president who came close to having the media bash them 24/7 like they do Trump is Bush. Really goes to show what kind of faggot he always was.
It's also really telling that liberals suddenly like Bush after bashing him for years.
What is this faggot talking about? Falling for false flags, being a puppet, war criminal and causing millions of people to die violent deaths for absolutely nothing? The nerve of this guy. Why dorsn't he just sit on his ranch drinking moonshine and sniffing coke while shutting the fuck up until he dies
oh shit off by one : (
He's right. What it means to be President is to adopt an an ahistorical view of what America is about in the name of reducing rich donors' labor costs and sending Americans to die in Jewish wars.
Being president means being such a fucking quagmire of neocon dumbassery that the US votes a nigger in to replace you.
so bush is #yourpresident now?
President David Cop-a-Feel raised a druggie drunk and a low energy putz.
These sleaze bags know what it's like to run us into the ground
>This guy doesn't know what it means to be president
He's right, you know. By his ninth month in, GW was already staging false flags and embroiling the nation in a trillion dollar war. What has Drumpf done? Tweet at Kim? OoOoOoOo what a president we got here.
Well that was the dumbest post I've read today
Practically a compliment coming from him
Bush was a absolute clusterfuck the very fact he is against trump reaffirms my vote for trump
Inb4 Trump releases documents of 9/11 that point to false flag
The magic hand of President Cop-a-feel
Fuck that faggot, I hated him even when I was a republican.
Neocons = Useful idiots
Liberals = Useful idiots
Same bunch of numales
>informed plane flew into the world trade center
>largest attack on main land america in over 200 years
>well, better keep on reading this stupid fucking book to these kids
Reminder that Mueller is working for both Bonesmen
says the RINO faggot that would have signed another AWB.
bush belongs... in jail.. for war crimes. aggressive war. invading countries that did not attack us, lying to UN about Iraq WMDs, conspiring to wage aggressive war with no cause... evil bastard.
Unimaginably corrupt status quo btfo
I'll never fucking forget Bush. Most of you fags were probably still too young to truly despise him. Trump is just grossly incompetent and mostly harmless, but Bush truly harmed the country.
Direct hit
Bush has no room to talk about "what it means to be president" he was literally the worst president we've had since LBJ
Never said jack shit about Obama and now says this about Trump who is a sitting President. If that's ever happened before it's been a long time. Piece of garbage. I hope it indicates that Trump is going after them in some way.
>listening to dubya about anything
I'm starting to think bush is scared of being arrested.
Worst president ever.
Include me in the screenshot
Regan was worse, but Bush is certainly down there in the muck.
I didn't vote for him but I thought the way the media treated him was despicable. They can all get fucked.
If you stand for nothing you fall for anything, and vice versa
Careful with that power user
‘I’m worried that I will be the last Republican president’
Maybe you should have actually represent the Republican party better then and learned how actual words instead of just painting art of fallen veteran's then.
Also, has he checked the polls or the videos recently that say after trump, its possible there will be a democrat, but more likely an informed republican will take office?
What's he up to nowadays?
aw he dead mane
4 relz? Rip in pepsi
Ahahaha there are no demoshits left, libtards lower themselves to sucking on some old white republicans dick!
He already left, sorry, you missed him
o fuggg
>Hurry durr Trump is the worst
>I was great, I only face fucked the planet without lube for the lulz and my jew masters.
Check'd and absolutely Correkt, Bush and his father did fuck all to preserve the constitution or American culture, instead favoring wars in sand monkey territory.
Kek has spoken
heh heh heh
weapons of mass destruction
heh heh heh
The Bush faggots love kike dick
Damn! Want to be in the screenshot.
>Why do conservards hate bush all the sudden?
Most current vocal liberals aren't old enough to really remember the bush years
the fact that Trump was willing to absolutely shit on Bush and neocon ideas was what put him in office today and nothing else.
>3 planes
>3 digits
This post made me proud of my nation
kek rekt
>This Gwb faggot let 911 happened.
Bush was the best US president in the last 200 years
>right after those saudian princes get arrested, whom GWB had ties too
yeah okay
Why do liberals like dubyah now?
wew just broke the known universe
He doesn't know rocket surgery or strategery
GWB was the most disastrous president in US history. Everything negative thats happened around the world in the past decade was directly his fault. He will burn in fucking hell.
Never liked the Bush family, or any political family.
That would be Bill Clinton
praise kek
George Dubya Bush is confused by Trump actually doing something while in office
>"they dont give you a handler like my ol'Dickey Cheney? Pence doesn't call the shots? I'm not sure you understand what it means to be President, Donald"
He was an incompetent moron that let wolves (Rove, Rumsfeld and Cheney) run the damn sheep farm.
Probably got diddled into submission by daddy. Weak as fuck president that could only be topped by Obummer.
>999111 get
holy fuck
>"911 was Clinton's fault"
>conservetards in 2001
>"911 was Bush's fault"
>conservetards in 2017
Amazing. Even when conservatards manage to say something smart they still end up looking stupid.
Must feel good to have that finally happen.
By George W. Bush? King of the cuckservatives? The grandmaster of swamp nepotism? Sorry faggot, you have to go back...
999111... that's 911 times... My God, that's... I don't even know what that is!
Its not like the Clinton's and bushes are circling the wagons for each other right now or anything. Stay in school, don't be a brainlet