I predict.
Tony Podesta, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jim Clapper, James Brennan, Susan Powers, John McCain, Chuck Schumer Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
I predict.
Tony Podesta, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jim Clapper, James Brennan, Susan Powers, John McCain, Chuck Schumer Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
Other urls found in this thread:
A bit of wishful thinking there, buddy.
can u post the previous week?
doubt this volume is out of the ordinary
why isnt manafort on there
I was wondering the same. I don't recognize any of those names.
Manafort and Mueller got pardoned everyone knows this.
Why is this thread being ignored? Fucking shills trying to slide important threads tonight with hurp white is ok and describe your country in one word.
Fucking bump this
Get it together folks. No sleep tonight.
Can you post the Shinobu gif
why would a pardon remove the case that we know exists from the record
>Michael N. Jackson
Wut? I didn't even post the pic in the thumbnail. There was an error. if you enlarge the picture you see the real picture I posted.
Maybe Manafort was indicted BEFORE the 28th?
Well you better find it for me nigga, cause I need that cute gif!
Obama is safe. Secret Presidential Fraternity or whatever.
Same reason Bush Sr. And LBJ got their names redacted from the JFK Files.
Tried making a thread for this but it was archived quickly. links related
youtube com/watch?v=TJTpJ3wktHY
Remember when people said Comey was our guy and then he wasn't?
Yeah, that's this again.
Wrong. The truth is coming out. NOBODY IS SAFE.
Holy shit is that how you guys are spinning this? Fucking lunatics.
cocaine bumpstock
Comey is our guy. Read the art of war.
Trey Gowdy said something about "I have a feeling when all this is over Comey will be more liked" something along those lines.
I thought the first one was Ricky J Morty for a second
I've got your back, bro
They're all random black criminal names
>deangelo tyrone jenkins
yea i know i just wanted that obvious idiot to answer
(you) farming, are we?
i dont get it at all how do you corrupt so many people
not a single person willing to whistleblow?
i dont understand at all
I can smell the butthurt from Leafistan
You give them a choice:
1) Help us, keep your mouth shut, and we'll make you rich
2) We ruin your reputation with our bought & paid for media before we suicide you.
RIP Michael Jackson.
yeah but if its such widesperad obvious corruption one stolen file leaked to.....shit who would you leak it to
What am I looking at?
i bet the saddest development will be finding out about the guy taht leaked it to pol but we called it fake and gay and then he suicided
>Jim Clapper, James Brennan, Susan Powers, John McCain, Chuck Schumer Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
This isn't going to happen, not by mueller.
By whom?
I predict
Drumpf, drumpf drumpf drumpf and drumpf.
If they got a special council in there that wasn't an insider it could happen. Mueller is too political to ever indict those people.
Dude.. look at the media. "They" own EVERYONE. Even if you could leak a file to the press, they would bury it. How do you think Weinstein got away with raping women for 30 years? Why do you think they tried to spin the Kevin Spacey story as a "coming out of the closet" thing? The media has been bought off for decades. There is literally no one to tell. They take really good care of the people who are on their side, and most people are so morally bankrupt that they don't give a shit. Anyone who actually does have morals gets weeded out loooong before they can attain a position of power.
Oh. You're just a shill. Begone faggot. We all know you're wrong.
If by spin you mean evidence then yeah
Why thank you goyim
List was going strong till you hit McCain/Obama/Clinton.
Lets be real here. No one of any Senate or above political power is going down, at all.
Lets be real here. You're Jewish. You're a shill. You're losing your mind.
niggers tongue my anus
Those days are about to be over user
Comet leaked the memo and demanded the investigation in the first place he is def our guy
Show your geographic flag faggot.
You are A dumb nigger
Is this legit?
Buckle up
hi traceybeanz
What kind of fucking moron makes 30 tweets rather than just screen capping the same shit in a single image from Notepad and uploading it via one tweet?
I live for the day that bitch gets locked up, and I hope it comes. But shes far above the law it seems. Podesta? Schultz? They're going to get fucked hard. But I just don't see Clinton actually going to jail.
She should. Doesn't mean she will. Atleast not before 2020.
Nope. Everything is happening at once. Your dismissive attitude is moronic.
>Comey is our guy.
I think he threw the whole thing so this shit storm could get started. There is NO explanation why he came out and said what he said about the Hillary Emails publicly. He may also be pardoned....Who the fuck knows.
Here ya go
pic related
Manafort was before the 28th, AND he turned himself in for the indictment - they unseal docs then, hence his is now unsealed on the site
Good call to check the week prior though because there is ANOTHER sealed doc there too!
My dream jail team.
Your average person's attention span would see a wall of text and promptly move on. Shit as it is, twitter is the current best platform for soapboxing due to its character limit
Thanks user
not posting the best one...
fuck off