Milo is selling It’s Okay to be White t-shirts



>pozzed faggot trying to ride the rights coat tails after being cut off from his benefactor

Fuck this faggot kike.

>the profiteering kike attempts to make a profit
Why did you make a thread about this?

He's selling "It's Okay To Be ((White))" shirts for his own kind as well? lol

sasuga heebs


So much #BASED in one Image!!
K A N Y E 2 0 2 0

>making money off of a message

How come all the controlled opposition are selling these shirts. DO THE FUCKING KIKES HAVE NO SHAME?

"Based" leechs mike and milo, attempting to associate themselves with something original. Tsk tsk.

Then I am no longer okay with being white.

This proves exactly what many of us have been saying for a long time about these personalities. They were not here first, they are not original, they are just loud and they leech off of our ideas. The people that are new to Sup Forums have seen "It's Okay To Be White" develop from nothing to it's place in the headlines, and they can now see that the idols that may have influenced them into joining this website are, in fact, false idols.

wow that's a pretty good idea
I sold a bunch of MAGA hats and got free advertising here, made a lot of money

>kike uses other people's political activism to make money

It doesn't matter what your opinion on Milo is, along as we keep on the "It's okay to be white" idea spread and gather even more backlash from the left.

A Jew will always be a Jew

milos gone mad

People are getting punched in the face for wearing a MAGA hat, what do you think a low iq nigger is gonna do when he see you in this shirt. Ay yo wite boi whucha doing in dat fukkin nazi shirt? Then you have to pull out you legal gun and kill the dumb nigger.

Cunts making money off of our idea. We put in the work and hes making the money. Wtf

No, what they can't prevent they coop. Exactly like in their tale when they split the tribe into two so that at least one can live.

Typical kike move

Did he ask permission from the original OP for this? Looks like he's using exact previous art. That Jew should be jewe'd.

get a US trademark and sue him

milo was the only guy that was there way back then, he was essential. Say what you want about him but I will never forget, a lot of other people won't either. I don't hate homosexuals, jsut the militant homosexual movement.

Hope I can hang with you someday Milo, bc you are undoubtedly monitoring this thread, as you do. I can usually pinpoint your style right now. Either way, thanks for being you and doing what you do.

Let's have an Asahi someitme, no?

Fucking lol d-list tier e-celebs riding the coattails of an user based movement after their namefaggotry crashed and burned in the spotlight.

Kikes gonna kike

Because they want it to be associated with kekistani cringe so as to dilute the initial impact of the pay-ops. It’s Okay To Be White was a top tier optics victory for us, and now these kikes are going to ruin it.

Imagine a normal person who doesn’t know anything about these identity politic battles seeing somebody wearing this shirt out in public. They would look like such a douche.

>Hope I can hang with you someday Milo
Don't worry, you will.


Yes goy please purchase my merchandise,i am a goy just like you who loves to be (((white)))

You retards don't realize that every time you glorify someone and call them one of your leaders: you are putting the movement in their hands. Every time Milo, Southern, Spencer, etc. does something retarded it's the ideology that suffers.

Some poor teenager is going to get really fucked up, nigs are dangerous you can’t expect them to control their emotions. Way too early for this.

>Jews, capitalizing off white people since they enetered Europe.

Confirmed. I've lurked here since about March of this year. I am newfag. You nailed it.

It's a good lesson

Trouble is getting anons to actually hear it.

this, leave it to the jew to turn a political statement into a way to make a buck

i'm sure pun was intended but you were always too pussy to make anything happen. as far as coattails go some of us remember who was hanging and who wasn't, and we get that he was making implications that were put to a halt by people ilke mcmullen. you aren't as smart as you think you are, and you're time will come. as far as sharing a beer with milo, it will likely happen at sometime because fate has a way of uniting kindred souls. As far as you go? reality will catch up with you.

This Jew wasted no time trying to profit off of this huh

I thought this pedo thought white idpol was bad. Not when there is shirt shekels to be made I suppose!

>Milo is a faggot


Eye opening.

This, its a live learning experience.

How do yall know he's jewish


There are already 'white male' shirts out there.

If anyone actually buys this then they are the epitome of fagdom

Fuck this faggot jew.

Goddamn kike faggot all ways looking for some shekels

Honestly it's just pathetic.

His jew nature tried to make himself the center of attention, some sort of rock-star/diva, when he was pushing nothing but edgy irl memes he found on the internet.


yeah he's a jew alright

kike already subverting the movement for shekels.

All the ecelebs are subverters

We're not a movement of personalities and divas.

This Jew just wont stop capitalizing off of Sup Forums, huh?

and this is how the experiment dies

fuck milo

Giving money to Cernovich or Milo
> probably fucking each other
> you understand who the right wing Shills are

> all makes sense


based sodomite Jew!
pozz me up Milo!

If Sup Forums hates him so much, why don't they try to do something about him, like a smear campaign? Oh right, because despite everything he's a Trump supporter so you'll take whatever you can get.

His mother is jewish, are you curious? I will spell it out for you.

Trump = Netanyahu = Nationalism

Clinton = Herzog = Globalism

We are in a proxy war, and at this point in time Jews happen to be the most powerful ethnic group on the planet. As a result they are determining what direction the most powerful countries go. They are fighting amongst themselves and we are part of the crossfire. We chose Trump, we chose Netanyahu, we chose Milo, we chose nationalism. Just do your research based off what I have said and it will all become clear.

White man coming through.

Lol salty capitalist.

Join us at /r/socialism

Sums up the modern American "right" perfectly.
>SJWs suck, buy my t-shirts!

someone need to trademark it then stop him using it

ah, I forgot, he's a Catholic too.

Why would he make a T-shirt of something he wouldn't even write on his grindr profile?

>le based AIDs man is now a pro-white advocate

Can't complain i guess

>why don't they try to do something about him, like a smear campaign?
Cause we aren't leftists.

good for capitalism.

Mike, stop that. You can't just do it on twitter? you're such a douchebag. Quit fighting with other ecelebs, there is enough attention to go around. shall I go back to twitter and like your post? you JUST posted this. This is you, mike, stop fagging up /pol

I've been telling you stupid niggers for over a week this campaign was beta weak kosher bullshit, here is the proof.

yes, support the homosexual jew lover who openly admits to loving black cocks

This makes me so fucking upset
Anyone wearing this shirt is going to inevitably become the face of the movement, and something tells me that the kind of person that orders that shirt is not going to utilize the strategic plan we've put together

Next headlines:
"Meet the Alt-Right Bigots Behind the 'It's Okay to Be White' Campaign"

Thermoviff ain't virtuous either. He's a scheming Tony Robbins for autists.

Milo is a faggot but it's only a benefit that he is promoting these shirts

He has a huge out-reach

He is normie friendly and is basically doing our bidding. No complaints desu

This is a new era of character assassination. The perfect character assassinator has no shame. We have milo, the ultimate assassin. Don't take him for granted.

sup milo

Dicky is fighting back.

>a jew jewing
you don't say?



>Belittle men who play videogames, saying, "If you have a game controlled in your hands instead of two breasts, you're pathetic"
>"Hey gamers! It's me MILO! I'm the self-proclaimed head of GamerGate! I care about videogames just like you!"

This type of behavior is typical among Jews. They pretend to be champions of things they actually hate.

the fact this faggot pedo nigger loving jew was ever popular is amazing to me

Milo's Law - (n) your attempt if popular will get subverted and ruined by a jew

>Jew cashes in on other people's ideas


Looks like IOTBW is going to become the next kekistan.

>making same quick cash

disusting sodomite

Jews gonna jew

If I wanted to wear a target I'd become a cop.

there was a time when no one else would pay attention

>monetizing something like this
what a faggot

Milo has such a shitty rep Daily Caller just fired the guy who dared to hire the cunt

and now he's left with hawking t-shirts he printed

fucking lol so glad his career is this low

Milo, if you are reading m8.



LOL Kike Cernobitch is fucking pissed he didn't think of it first.

checked, and okayed

Hate both of them

lol the establishment fired this guy so he isn't legit

Milo was fucked up by a half assed hitjob, if you cna't see that then fuck you

Remember when Milo set up a white male scholarship fund and people donated, then he pocketed the money?

That's Based as fuck you shill. Have you even put up any fliers? I distributed around 1000 in the past couple of days and will be supporting the cause by buying this shirt.

It's like you shills don't want our message to reach a wider audience

I cringed thank you