What can we do about morbid obesity?

What can we do about morbid obesity?

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nothing user

Fat shame

Tight fitting pants should have a weight limit.

you can work out and eat healthy so you don't become morbidly obese.

Kill them


Devour Europeans. Spineless and tasteless creatures tend to be better for you.


Keto diet. You drop weight while eating food that's awesome.

Freedom is allowing people to make mistakes, even mistakes that could harm them gravely. Like drug abuse, alcoholism, or any other serious life threatening condition, the most important thing to do is to keep your family and friends away from these dangers.

If you see someone you know packing on the pounds, take them to the gym with you. Help them make better meal choices. You wouldn't let a loved one shoot up heroin while you watched, so you shouldn't watch them become fatties either.

>what about strangers
That's their challenge to overcome, unfortunately.

What’s with Americans and shitting themselves?

>keto diet
>awesome food
pick one.
keto is the fatkins diet just re-rolled.

it's not healthy in the slightest and the food is shit tier.


I've "experienced" old people smelling of shit in the grocery store, never seen shit covered obese hams though.

Ultimatums and fat shaming

Shame them publicily; don't be their friends, don't encourage or defend it. Straight up isolate and harass fatties. Don't have to go to prison but you can make it socially unacceptable (it is just straight unacceptable).
Fat people lack discipline, they disrespect their bodies and themselves. They have a lowly sense of self worth which is behind every word they say and action they do. Their friendliness is masked desperation. They are filled with excuses as to why they lack any self control. It is related often to being stupid, but there are smart fatsos. All of them are foolish and have less worthy contributions to society. We see plenty of them shitting their pants. It's a microcosm and metaphor for them as people.

Youth in Asia.

well said user

Go eat those carbs tubby

Stop electing them President

improve food quality.
redpill people on big sugar

also this.


rendering plants, convert them into dog/cat food, fertilizer and grease

I kinda understand. Being that huge it must be hard to wipe your own ass. Someone needs to invent a tool for fat people that wipes their ass. It would make society much more pleasant.

kill them

The US could really do with a one-term president with measured progressive social views with the insanity level of Trump- just do something authoritarian like heavily restrict sugar consumption in children on penalty of child abuse. Rename Halloween to Sugar Day to emphasise the extreme end of moderation. Use the US propaganda apparatus to actually improve the country and not justify wars and false flag shit. All the tools are there, they're just in the hands of the wrong people.

>What can we do about obesity
Stop eating
>What can we do aboit opiates
Stop doing drugs
>What can we do about overconsumptuon of X
Stop overconsuming X

It's part of their Constitution

more like constipation amirite

Make it so that the larger the size of the clothes is, it costs a fuck ton more money.

killing them is easier