>the hype leading up to Nov 4th protests was a distraction for something
The hype leading up to Nov 4th protests was a distraction for something
Jake jugglinballs
I'm pretty sure they just pussied out after expecting "someone else" to lead the glorious revolution while they banged on trashcans.
To distract us from these digits.
Nothing. The little fuckers were expecting to have a chimp out and hurt people, but they pussied out because they gave themselves away by harping on it for months ahead of time.
Russian shills trying to start a race war in america, pay no attention to them.
The 7th of November is the 100th anniversary of the Red October Revolution.
Nothing. Trumpers and Sup Forums made it up, so they could say it was a failure when it didn't happen. Like, you're not fooling anyone but your fellow retard Trumpers.
was fake news
Did we make up your $150,000 full page ad too?
Fucking faggots can't even open their mouth without saying something stupid.
>these aren't the Nov 4th Revolution ads you're looking for
Possibly the purge happening in Saudi Arabia and the bad actors connections in the US
It was to distract the stupid fucking liberals even more from the fact that our boy Trump is right about everything given enough time.
This was put out by the right. Trumps way to try and make it seem like any movement against him would fail.
>Make an exaggeration
>He just fucking goes for it anyway
I unironically want to see what reddit has to say about this failure. Can someone who actually browses it post a link here?
>jfk files
>isis getting smashed
take your pick
The Saudi Arabian arrests.
Is this the way you wanna go
Unaware of the flames below
Is this the way you need to be always in a daydream
Theres a fire in the house now
But you won't get out
Bleeding smoke and clouds
While the ceilings coming down
Keep me awake in the middle of the night
Oh why can't you trust your own eyes
Keep me awake in the middle of the night
Oh, why can't you see the gas light
You can't hear anybody calling
Can't hear the sirens or the warnings
Why can't you trust your own eyes
Why can't you see the gaslight?
Why can't you trust your own eyes
Why can't you see the gaslight?
You thought that you were in control
Turns out that's impossible
Cause you handed it off to a fool
Now only you can save you
Theres a fire in the house now
But you won't come out
You think the smoke is a storm cloud
But the ceilings coming down
Keep me awake in the middle of the night
Oh, why can't you trust your own eyes
Keep me awake in the middle of the night
Oh, why can't you see the gas light
You can't hear anybody calling
Can't hear the sirens or the warnings
Why can't you trust your own eyes
Why can't you see the gaslight?
Why can't you trust your own eyes
Why can't you see the gaslight?
Run run
Go go *huh*
Run run
Constant conviction and the unconvincing information
You'd like to think that all of this was part of your invention
I guess I should recede but I see a salvation round
Come out the house now
Come out the house now
Keep me awake in the middle of the night
Oh, why can't you trust your own eyes
Keep me awake in the middle of the night
Oh, why can't you see the gas light
You can't hear anybody calling
Can't hear the sirens or the warnings
Why can't you trust your own eyes
Why can't you see the gaslight?
Why can't you trust your own eyes
Why can't you see the gaslight?
Nothing, it was always nothing, the only hype was from gullible newfags on here obsessed with antifa and desperately hoping for something exciting
Maybe you got hyped up on your own confirmation bias? Also willingness to believe everything an user posts here.
>Be There. Join with the Thousands.
Be there with the dozen plus, and get laughed at by everyone passing by.
White hat psyop against the (((left)))? *Shrug*
My mother's birthday tommarow
Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
They're probably being ironic by warning of Nov 4 because they're massive dweebs.