Scandinavians are the master raaaa

Scandinavians are the master raaaa...

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dont tread on Scandinavians


Weren't Scandinavians establishing colonies in present day Canada in 1000 AD?

Doesn't matter if you start the race ahead, you still finish dead last.

Those Scandi’s were tranversing the Atlantic ocean and conquering countries and setting up the dynasties that would rule Europe for a 1000 years.


you aure a fucking somali immigrant. your posts are so transparent.



That's like saying


Why don't you live in Africa then, user?

He's a "child" migrant named Abdul

>Non-Europeans deserve to exist

Same reason Terry Davis lowered the resolution on his software. It is a covenant with Odin. Gettin lost in the detail isn't the point of effective prayer and storytelling trough art. Therefore, a 6 year old little Norse boy, can make a piece of art for Odin, just as good as any adult. Do you understand? Terry did. Bless his soul.

African today. Monkey race.

>tfw when you compare societies in warm places along fertile rivers whence mankind originated vs societies in buttfuck cold areas of the earth that took a long time to get to

Fun game: where does that statue on the left actually come from? What country? It just says "Africa" with no specifics. I have no way of telling if that's an actually very well preserved artifact or some modern art which is what I'm guessing it actually is.

I know this is bait and I'm not getting a reply. But that's what bait has to do, just straight up lie to get it's fucking responses.

was there ever any wrote language in Africa?

Or it could be some european or Middle Easterner's sculpture of an African too.

Ancient Africans didn't make a lot of exact to detail sculptures like that or else we'd see a lot more of them lying around Sub Saharan Africa.

They de-evolved

Why didn't the Africans ever build any ships?

>implying shipwrecking from island to island is a transatlantic voyage
>implying the Normans weren't 90% genetically French

>white face
>gook eyes
>nigger lips
>ayy skullshape
>cat whisker holes
what did they mean by this?

Niggers can't even swim, much less build a fucking ship


homo floresiensis didnt live in africa, it was asian islander and only 3 feet tall.
the pattern is retarded because everything is homo, including homo neanderthalensis

>white people and white people

>sphinx is a fuck load older than 2500 years

>2500 BC was 2,500 years ago

>american education



Honestly, amerishart education never ceases to amaze me

I hate you

You can't make this fucking shit up

For fucks sake you’re making us look bad user.

I'll give you based northerners the benefit of the doubt and say he's an inbred southerner.

So is stonehenge. These images are bait dude. It's so low-effort and everyone just takes it at face value, but if you know this than you know how much this just some user making a stupid comparison for the (you)s it will get.

Not slaves...slaves

I mean so is Stonehenge NOT the accurate date on that image.

someone pls. cap and release

>there are lineages of Europeans that have been living in civilization for over 14 000 years
Just think of how crazy that is. Mammoths were still alive for a couple thousand years when those first mesopotamic civilizations were built.


>ancient egyptians more white than current egyptians
The idea that whites just stayed tribal for centuries is a myth. A great part of modern white DNA is composed of mesopotamic immigrants.

And what not.

Nice corn rows

>written language compared to statue

Imagine the gunge that collects on that thing.

I love how collectively conservative Sup Forums usually is when it comes to what constitutes being white ("Slavs aren't white!"), but suddenly becomes very liberal when it comes to others' accomplishments ("ancient Egyptians were totally white people!").

the people who say Slavs aren't white are the same ones who say Italians aren't white, they're shills

It's funnier when there's people here that don't believe in evolution, take the bible literally and whatnot... but turn into Master Geneticists and post all the papers and evidence they can find to prove niggers and we wuz white people are totally different species or whatever, or how every single invention on the planet was made by blue eyed, blonde men.

Thanks for the flag