Redpilled me on amerindians.
Why are mexicans so retarded now if they were able do build something like this.
Redpilled me on amerindians
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Yeah. Look at that... stacking rocks. No wheel. Human sacrifice almost daily. Barely able to work gold, other than that, stone age.
>Build thousands of miles of roads
>do nothing with them
Famine, inbreeding and Christianity.
yes, being in the stone age in 1500ad, truly amazing
They're not completely dumb, you know.
Hence there are so many of them in construction.
House of Bourbon
"Oldest known building in Australia, a defensive fort used by the survivors of the Batavia shipwreck on West Wallabi Island."
Batavia was a ship of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). It was built in Amsterdam in 1628, and armed with 24 cast-iron cannons and a number of bronze guns. Batavia was shipwrecked on her maiden voyage, "
All other continents except antarctica have something. But not the australian aboriginals, there is nothing. But somehow, people on tv try and tell me with a straight face that we are all the same.
They've been in the area for 1000s of years and theres no real written records of their ancient past. Who knows man
Why is every civilization besides whites so embarrassing?
They eventually sacrificed all the smart ones
How is this special in any way
Atlanteans built those celestial pyramid complexes. Not Amerindians
Are subsaharan Africa and Australia the only places that've never built civilization?
Ok so let’s start just after the arrival of the Spanish in Mesoamerica, at this point the Aztecs have already conquered what was formally the Maya empire (We didn’t get the chance to invade that shit sadly) 500 conquistadors and a shit fuck son of natives who hate the Aztecs overthrow the Aztec empire. The Spanish then start pouring in colonists, they breed with the Amerindians and we get Mestizo (Halfbreeds, good looking ones @ that). The Mexicans take a couple attempts at independence and finally succeed but need to essentially "pay" for independence (the Mexicans were more trouble than they were worth, and the Spanish said, "if you give us dollary doos we will stop trying to get our land back") This freedom payment to Spain along with the cost they already had from waging wars of independence (expensive) left the nation in a wee bit of debt. Mexico also formed what would later be known as the "perfect dictatorship" where even if u remove the dude in charge the next person will always be another dictator and you can get rid of the entire system because it runs to deep in the military, police etc. At this point Santa Anna starts get MERICANS! to come live in Texas (Mexican territory @ this point) the Americans violate most of the immigration laws, and then try their luck @ freedom and win. Then the Mexican American War happens. America declares war on Mexico to get all the land they occupy up to this date. Mexico gets thrashed and loses shit tons of land filled with valuable resources and must pay reparations to the US of A. Basically Mexico is shit cause it was in a shit position when it got freedom and before it could ever stabilize it got raped by MERICA! And lost everything and they are still salty about it (can you blame them).
Who'd have fuckin thought?!
maybe you don't have to be smart to make that
Why does Sup Forums feel the need to constantly shit on the achievements of other cultures? Your own people have built enough to be proud of, yet it's as if in order to feel proud of it you have to belittle or deny everything that your people didn't build. Kind of pathetic really.
Racemixing has brang the worst of spanish and aztecs in the mexicans
Can figure out complex astronomy, but can't make wheel or domesticate animals. Shit don't add up.
To explain this to retards that can't read between the lines: Euros aren't "better" than anyone else. They just win more. And every time they win it puts them a little bit higher in the hierarchy and their opponents a little bit lower, so it snowballs.
Early on, European powers were dwarfed by China and the Ottomans. Europe had to fight for centuries to achieve a position of power that allowed it to conquer the world.
That position of power is NOT innate or else Europe never would've been surpassed by the Muslims and Chinese.
All of this "european exceptionalism" aka racism is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of human civilization and history.
>can you blame them
yes. we defeated their army and seized their capital. they should be grateful we let them keep anything at all.
Turns out being a shitty enough race to allow yourself to be destroyed so utterly by a superior force exposes your people as morons
Who'd have fuckin thought?
Why do they win more? Dig deeper. God.
You don't need a high IQ to build that stuff.
tequila and christianity and the white man absolutely dominating the fuck out of them.
white boys even convinced the mutts to hate the pure natives.
the more native you look, the more worthless you are.
such is life.
Fare Enough, let be rephrase "Can you see where they are coming from". I do recognize Mexico has a claim to California, Nevada, Utah, most of New Mexico and Arizona, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. I DO NOT recognize their claim to Texas as they won independence fairly and then got land grabbed by the USA meaning Mexico has not right to violate their sovereignty
>he doesn't know about the celestial alignments
>he doesn't know that all the Olmec civilizations say the pyramids were built by a previous race of people
not quite true about the reperations. after the mexican-american war, America actually payed mexico for the land it took at around its market value. The texans were not just american legal immigrants, due to the impressario system they were often european immigrants.
I wonder what would happen if the mixed baby, which is called a mestizo, had kids with another white person. Don't know much about spics, but are their features easily erasable? Like If someone was 1/4 black you could easily tell, I wonder if you can easily tell if someone was 1/4 spic.
Check homicide rates in centromerica. Some of the highest in the world. They have been sacrificing each other in that geographical area for literally millennia. you think they are going to stop now? It's in their genes.
They paid 12 million treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo. Also paid more for vadsen purchase.
troll harder, not smarter
>a civilization hits its apex
>ruling class becomes lazy and lenient, their children become socialists (in some way)
>uprising from lower classes, removal of all skilled workers (through genocide, etc.)
>civilization destroys itself
>start over from square one
they didn't built those
True on both parts, however with the Texans, the majority of the "European Texans" were either directly from America or had lived in America and then moved to Texas, that's why the had all dem slaves with them. (Also the market value was a pretty shit deal, cause gold was found right after that in California).
the murder rate in these countries is fucking absurd. by far, the worst in the world. makes any city here look like faggot shit.
I'm not retarded. I design some pretty badass aerospace systems.
Bicameral mind society, read about it
Even though the aztecs/ mayans did build cool structures, their culture was far from a "civilization". Constant human sacrafice and anti intellectualism will ultimately lead nowhere.
The only part of the world that has created civilization is western europe and east asia.
Exactly. It's written in their genes. genes both play out and record for the next generation simultaneously.
Because they sacrificed the winners to the Gods. They don't want losers after all.
A pyramid is literally just a glorified pile of stone and earth. It's just stacking. Five year olds can stack rocks, too. Even monkeys can. Doing it in a fancy shape doesn't make it unique or technologically advanced.
Anyway almost all of them were brutal, backward savages who ate/sacrificed humans because they though it made their vegetables grow bigger and shit.
This comic is pretty good for counter signalling. It would work just as well if you used asians instead of jews though.
Especially the chopping people up and eating them shit. There is definite historical precedent. Aztec warriors ate some of the sacrifice for ritual. What narcos do now is no different.
Dude, my sides! That picture is fucking great!
Lol nah, there were hardly any spics even living there at the time. Northern Mexico was a fucking lawless wasteland ruled by Apache, much less their territory north of the Rio Grande, which was Mexican only in name and completely uncontrolled by Mexico City.
Looks like I was wrong!
Let me give you the conclusion.
>The co-chairwoman of Reconciliation Australia, Jackie Huggins, praised the book for debunking the stereotype of Aborigines being part of a primitive age.
"Aboriginal people were among the first architects in the world in terms of ingenuity in providing shelter and accommodation," Ms Huggins said
>(Also the market value was a pretty shit deal, cause gold was found right after that in California).
Boo fucking hoo. Russia doesn't have a claim on Alaska now either just because we found lots of valuable resources there after they sold it to us for cheap.
Mexisharts are not descended from Aztecs. They're descendants of the lesser, dumber tribes who allied with the Spanish to wipe them out.
We're dumbasses.
the ruling class of the native americans back then were nordic aryans. same as with north africa, mesopotamia, southern europe etc.
That’d basically be a castizo. Imo it’s noticeable most of the time, but at the same time they could pass for an odd Spaniard.
>It would work just as well if you used asians instead of jews though
If you did that it would be based on actual facts too
Mexicans got there first, as long as the US of A owns dat shit in my mind its theirs, but if in a completely hypothetical world Mexico goes to war with Merica and wins, they can legally take all of that shit back and I'll support it.
California has 90k people when it was admitted to the union. More than 10 million Mexicans came in the last 20 years.
Im not saying that we need to give back land to the poor fence jumpers cause they got their shit kicked in, I'm pointing out that "They got paid for the land" is true but not equivalent to "ITS ALL GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"
As opposed to what? Giving them a participation trophy?
Slavs got Mongolia'd and didn't do shit either and I would say the same thing about their medieval mud huts even though they are white.
They didn't have trade and exchange of ideas like Western Europe. So they didn't do shit. It's not belittling it's just reality.
we are not retarded, we are aware our government is shit. the problem is we are unable to defend our country from being submitted to foreign powers, we may vote for politicians who promise change but the niggers at the CIA will always end up controlling them one way or another. example the school of the Americas. now our government is starting to be controlled by chinks and we are being sold out like always. only if CIA niggers could contact a nigga, I would happily sell my country out to gringos over chinks
>I'm not aware of their achievements therefore they mad no achievements
Truly the pinnacle of the aryan master race. Wew
>do it again but REALLY put your back into it this time
gets every time
>It's the CIA's fault
Is this what Mexicans actually believe? You aren't Nicaragua.
It's because the average Sup Forumsack has nothing in life to be proud of. Remember, you're on Sup Forums.
You get this
Hi actual Maya here AMA
I was specifically referencing 12th century russia
Not, "this test is free, right?" to each his own
lol you fucking asked
this lol
its the typical Sup Forums Sup Forums mentality that comes from being a loser irl, so they have to belittle people on the internet to make themselves feel bigger
>superior forces
>not disease that spread due to euros having domesticatable animals gallor
It's almost like you don't read history
pic related
Scandinavia had no achievemnts at the time other than nice boats. We can all pick and choose.
Mexico already had its “white” genocide, which in their case was an IQ genocide. The northern tribes were architects with an IQ confidently above 100. Unfortunately for them, they were peaceful unlike the southern tribes. So the dumb southern tribes which weren’t even native to North America raped the smart ones and made their offspring dumber until only the very far northern parts of Mexico had the intelligent ones left. Even today you can find a few pure descendents of this tribe with an IQ of at least 120. But they aren’t common anymore.
Another interesting thing to note is this happened while they were still sacrificing children. Abortion in Europe is pretty much the same thing and look at what’s flooding their lands.
>I would happily sell my country out to gringos over chinks
Mexicos problem is mob-rule. You are the average mexican, this is how you think and therefore how you vote, therefore the direction your country takes.
any spic admixture is very noticable, even at a very low level. You would basically look like matt heimbach.
It’s noticeable but it’s the least deformed mixed race breed. But if you can’t get a huwhite mate at least go for a Slav first.
We where Indians and shiiieet
they were trading routes
in the past, the cities were full of markets and non-stone temporary structures that have been lost to time
Do you want to know why?
Modern day Mexicans all carry negro blood. The average is 8%. Amerindians are shit too, but Amerindian + negro is worse
It was definitely civilization. But fine, say what you will about the Aztecs, Mayans, and the Olmecs. You cannot deny the Inca had a civilization. Their empire was the largest in the world at the time of its peak with some 20 million people.
They aren't easily erasible sadly. Native genes stick around for generations.
What? Why should a Slav mix with a native-negro mongrel?
They shouldn’t. Stay away from Slavs unless you’re white.
Can you tell that Elizabeth Warren is part Native American? No? Then you probably wouldn't be able to tell with any other person because the admixture is the same.
I got you senpai, see pic
Deep redpills on amerindians and human sacrifice in general:
That seems pretty unfair considering they were fucking squandering it big time and we developed it into one of the richest regions on Earth. But yeah for fairness it's a-ok if ugly inbred spics take it back and ruin it entirely.
>Can you tell that Elizabeth Warren is part Native American? No?
...because she isn't
>Spaniards had a billion autistic terms for every possible admixture while Anglos just called mixed kids whatever their wog parent was
The real red pill is that amerindians were demon worshippers. When you worship Satan, by offering blood sacrifices, he bestows upon you insights into the secrets of the world. He'll offer you intellectual abilities like star mapping, engineering, architecture and music (just to name a few).
What's funny is that Sup Forums actually thinks whites are exempt from this. Whites have been the main ones dealing with Satan since the dawn of time.
All of this progress isn't just I.Q and a "good enviroment". It involves dark practices into the occult at the very high levels. Just look at the elites and the practices they run in secrecy.
America is so deep into the occult, it isnt even funny. For starters, just look at the street plans in Washington D.C. It's a pentagram with the White House at the very bottom tip. For this and many other reasons, America will fall very hard in the future.
El mestisaje maligno
>Making slaves stack stone bricks is something impressive
Go to bed Styx. You have more irrelevant vlogs to make in the morning that no one will watch.
>All of this "european exceptionalism" aka racism is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of human civilization and history.
Isn't it natural proof that it is somehow justified instead ?
If what you say holds, like the Chinese/Ottomans/etc being stronger initially and Europeans while constantly infighting themselves managing to surpass them, doesn't it support the idea that maybe it has something to do with racial predisposition towards a type of civilisation ?
Honest question, not trying to say you're wrong. Just trying to make sense of all of it.
You ever seen a white person with weak facial features? There you go.
Do you honestly believe a population consisiting of the average Mexican (genetically) could create a country like Sweden 1900?
Europeans are genetically better than other people. They create better societes and countries and civilization. They have higher empathy (which is why sub-humans such as yourself and your family are not shot at the border).