Why don't you support abortions Sup Forums?
Why don't you support abortions Sup Forums?
Degenerate duh
>implying I don't
Might as well call it for what it is: Nigger Population Control.
Murder is wrong.
ripping babies apart inside of their own mothers and selling their parts literally gives power directly to demons
(many of those demons are jewish too)
>Might as well call it for what it is: Nigger Population Control.
idiot. what about the children who have down syndrome and the other physical disabilities?
But I do.
For blacks.
you faggots. abortion of blacks in america doesnt mean shit when there are a billion blacks over in Africa
I support sterilization.
Ends the arguments for abortion and birth control simultaneously.
I do support abortions. It's pretty much the closest thing to eugenics we have today.
Any dead nigger baby is a good nigger baby.
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there are still a fuck ton being born in africa
That's not the point retard, it's about population control within America if it weren't for abortion in America we'd have at least twice as many niggers in here.
>we'd have at least twice as many niggers in here
damn that sounds fucked.
thank you for abortion! lol. idk man we really need to look at africa not the blacks within US
And if whites still had a concept of family, they'd have never sold out the future to immigrants, in a attempt to pay for their retirement.
for every thousand nigger baby aborted a white baby is murdered
If every family in America had 13 kids we would have 1.2 billion people within a generation. We have too many people on earth as it is.
A) Fuck off
B) China, Africa, and India have too many kids. All countries with worse environmental track records(not that they care) then the current standards of North Americans.
C) Not asking to have 13 kids, 4 will do, with 2-4 being replacement level in the long run.
D) North America(especially Canada) is vastly under populated and faces impending economic struggle due to no replacement work force for those retirement benefits.
E) Fuck off
I do though. If it wasn't for Planned Parenthood there would be millions more blacks in the world. Because of this I support them 100%. Abortion is degenerate but blacks are even worse.
because I'm christain and I value life.
and as someone that did a actual abortion before i took chraitain seriously its murder of a innosece now more than ever i regret killing off one of my unborns I could of had 3 kills by now
that said I think the first one was a mistake caused by nativity.
*too many niggers and mongoloids*
fixed dat fo yo
Planned Parenthood sould of been renamed to murder Inc
>someone shits in the toilet
sure it's gross, but it's where it belongs
>someone shits on the kitchen table
a much larger problem
Abortion should equal sterilization.
I do though. Like 50% of abortions are nigger babies aka crime factories
Birth control pills are slowly sterilizing women anyways
>replacement workforce
Fuckoff, most of this shit will be automated, so you just want more slaves to hobble old fucks around, just die.
I Support abortion.
Whats the point of a single mother giving birth to a baby which become a degenerate lefty or nigger anyway. Besides, the fetus doesn't feel any pain or something, its literally just a clumb of flesh.
>Marxist puppet detected
The Jews turned you into a jaded puppet so you won't fight, and will NEVER reproduce.
They baby actually dindu nuffin. It was either the male rapist's fault or the slutty mom's fault that would bring him into a bastardized existence. Why kill the innocent?
What race is it?
>Effective cheap demicide
>The only cost is also killing retards
I dunno, seems like a net gain.
but I do