Rumors --Podesta is in US Marshal Custody..
(4C Podesta is in US Marshal Custody (11/04/17 (Sat) 08:53:22)
(1st Post) “Terms of surrender was media blackout.
Podesta’s lawyers are pleading Mueller for indictment to remain sealed.
No leaks by MSM because of loyalty I presume because Mueller team can’t keep their mouths shut with anyone relating to Trump.
Can you find Tony Podesta? Look hard. There are records!!!
Truth is the only way.
(2nd Post) Focus your digging in the upper northeast region of the US.
I really cannot say more.
I am a patriot to this country.”Here is another update:
(4C What did he mean by this (Fri 03 Nov 2017 22:31:31)
(1st Post) “Tony Podesta is in custody. Still awaiting John to turn himself in. Has not hit the news yet, but it is coming soon. Protecting Mr. Trump is more important.
(2nd Post) They both were stopped via their passports from leaving the country, Tony soon after turned himself in. No sign of John but heard he will do it tonight, but it is already 1:40 AM.
Does not matter where I get my info.
You will find out in the next few hours if John fails to turn himself in, he will be on the news and radio to prevent fleeing.
(3rd Post) I don’t have those details on charges. I stated everything I know.
who? many people do. but no, I’m not WH user, but I’m friend with them.
(4th Post) Also, the other folks asking questions, there is a reason Podesta brother’s got pushed til when it did. There is one more person doing down also besides those two who is connected to them.”
Rumors --Podesta is in US Marshal Custody
In custody for what?
I wonder if he thinks he's hot s*it
Satanic torture and sexual abuse of children/babies.
big if true!!
causing his lovechild son chester benjermin from linkin park to kill himself
Makes me think, that the world is so obsessed with that one (1) missing kid. Out of how many missing kids?
Just figure he fled to a non extradition country right after resigning...
holy shit
hot shit
Earlier today it was a photoshop of Tony being hauled away....all fake.
Any source on this? I'm genuinely curious about his whereabouts...
God is Good
Rumors --Podesta is in US Marshal Custody..
This guy needs to be taken into custody and charged with 3nd degree creepynesss
God is Good All The Time!!!
God is Good All The Time!!!
God is Good All The Time!!!
What’s in your CLOSET John podesta?
Oh boy, sure is larpy in here.....
You DON'T want to know, really.
Too evil.
Come back when it actually happens larper
STEALTH JEFF: Dozens of people are going to prison. And you know most of the names. [Epic Twitter thread]
Yeah, that always puzzled me too. The only reasons I can think of is that the media latched onto an ongoing, tragic, human interest story, and then stuck with it because it was landing with the masses.
Either that, or it was deliberately made such a high profile case for some reason.
>out of how many missing kids?
You don't want to know :\ really really don't want to know.
Just tell the truth as we know it
>all of them
If this is true this is only the beginning lads. I got a warm feeling stirring in me just thinking about the implications.
would be nice but it's actually because of Uranium One
these traitors took huge bribes to sell uranium to the Russians...who then "lost" it (sold it) to Iran, China, North Korea, Pakistan, ....
why are you trying to give people viruses?
Being this new.
Tracking that 1 missing kid is key to thousands more
Bunch of Handkerchiefs with maps on them
Would be neat if you guys could do this with Soros.
I have two younger sisters, and when they were pre teens my father showed them both videos of starving kids in Africa eating shit out of cows asses.
Then I showed them a shit ton of crime thrillers about missing kids. It really worked for a long time at keeping them within eyesight of the house at all times. And one of them at least, still calls me everytime she goes anywhere. They're almost out of highschool and I don't know what to show them to scare them some more about the world. I have succeeded at redpilling the shit out of one of them though, so that's good. The other is a narcissistic cunt.
probably for raping children
>Still awaiting John to turn himself in.
if he doesn't they should just shoot him
Prepare the celebrations, anons. Who do we think should pull the plug in pic related?
Sources or GTFO larper
Bigly if true.