Why do americans do this to themselves?
>inb4 b.but it's cleaner.
Why do americans do this to themselves?
>inb4 b.but it's cleaner.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jewish pressure
Because it's objectively better than using meme flags.
because a corn flakes company told then to do it
>its cleaner
thats what my family said when I ask them. The reaso is because Keloggs made it standard for all american babies. for jewish reasons. it doesnt hide this fact it says right on the website History of circumscision
The funny thing is that most of the self-declared neonazis in this site are circumcised as the good goys they are.
it's just a cultural meme. porn is really the only reason it still exists. guys want to look "normal", their parents want them to look "normal" and women see the circumcised dick as more aesthetically appealing because it's what they are used to seeing in porn and media.
it's pretty rapidly falling out of style though.
Circumcised in body, while Europeans are circumcised in mind.
Because the doctor asks very nonchalantly, and your mommy says, “yeah, sure, whatever, you’re the doctor”
>circumcised dick
>aesthetically appealing
youre right. i must forever wear the seal of the jew around my dick
>have it performed on you without your consent
>post-rationalize it
>inflict it on your children
good muslim penis
Why do morons post this same thread every single day?
because youre a dyke? why arent you restoring you little shit head
>more sexual stamina
>women like it
Faggot Europeans are getting cucked by their women who flock to circumcised Muslims and Africans, if they got circumcised it would take half their penis length. If the Jews do it, it must be good because they won't harm themselves.
Idk, why do Europeans willingly cut their balls off?
>the penis in your heart is the one that truly matters
Deep stuff
doctor gave me anti circumcision
(when the doctor adds like 12 inches of 4skin)
worst fucking thing ever it's like having a sock on my dick
though i am prophesized to be the anti-jew
plus if girls think im too small i can just roll it up and shove the skin in
>giving people shit for things they had no control over and have no ability to change
there wasn't a period after that clause continue reading past the conjunction for the full comprehension you fucking mongrel
worst posts ever
Burgers i wonder did anyone of you encountered parents for what they did to you? Why don't you take them to court?
Demoralization. Obviously.
It's obviously done on the religious grounds that it'll stop you masturbating.
Uh, we do that all the time on Sup Forums, m8.
But only jews, muslims and americans get circumcised
>a literal faggot
Welcome, friend. Enjoy your stay.
Niggers are a different story
My only point being that it's one thing for an adult to get jewed, but a week old infant really can't do much.
>Americans need to buy artificial products in order to be able to masturbate and feel pleasure in their dick with almost zero sensitiveness due to the skin that the doctors took off from them whey they were newborns
Because I won't suck an uncut cock.
The aesthetics angle is still quite strong among a shit-ton of American women. You can easily find American women who like the look of a cut dick... you can easily find American women who DISLIKE the look of an uncut dick... nowadays, it's easier to find American women who DON'T MIND the look of an uncut dick... but I still don't really see many American women saying they LIKE the look of an uncut dick.
Why aren't you aligning your dick with the vapid whims of American women, Sup Forums?
I force fed them this red pill with a calm rational argument until my mother broke down and cried and my father turned pale. They apologized, told me they were committed to paying to fix it once he stemcell treatment becomes available.
You can’t take someone to court for it in this country. A judge will laugh at you.
israel #1 brah. Cool it with the antisemite remarks brah
>he thinks im bull shitting
i would post pics but you would probably throw up
so i stops playing wif muhdik
epic fail
you fucking monkey go back to the gynecology thread. all circumcisions are done by lady doctors. doctors who specialize in woman crap. leave. foreskin is my life i defend it more than almost anything
It's why God grants us dominion over the Earth.
Read your bible, pir8.
It is cleaner you disgusting freak. Enjoy your cockcheese
he has a point I last ages and a cum shot feels like a cumshot at the end of the day
>baby dicks are my life
Spacey go away
why dont you like hub caps? if youre choppin off half the dick why do you even still have one? we started as girls. you need to go back
why the fuck are you here. who said baby you fucking freezer filled of serial killer things. you shitty rabbi fuck
There have been cases where people have sued or settled out of court with the doctor/hospital that performed it. I think the catch is that once you're past a certain age you are no longer able to attempt a case.
I'm just happy that there is a way to get coverage back.
show us user
I'm American but uncircumsized
Lower STD rate
American Pediatric Association recommends
American girls prefer
You asked why. This is why. But you already knew that, you just wanted an uncut circle jerk moaning about Jewish conspiracies and virtue-signalling faggots whining about 'muh child's choice'.
you have sex with cheese sleeves you dumb retard
Because I don't like wearing hats.
Tfw unjewed
>foreskin is my life...defend it
>babies are the ones that get circumcisions
Fag, you dumb af. Very clear you love baby dick like every gay. I hope a muslim kills you
> Calls 148005101 a dyke unironically
>Has fag flag
it would be more like a mask but youre a degenerate and you dont even hide so whats the difference
Because I am Jewish and I want to save tou all from hell.
Plus, after 2,000 it is the new normal annd if you are not cut the girl will not habe sex with you again because an uncut goy looks strange.
fuck off elliot shimon. babies. you said it. not me. i got it done late for fuck all. i hate your guts for what you do. youve read my posts before and called me what you knew i'd eventually call you. im classy. started that way. youre not. fix your problems. stop being a jew or a pedo. and shut your vagina hole
fuck this board sometimes. fuck off everybody hates your religion
Only if you stay weeks without washing because you live in sahara you retard
>tfw not cut
>tfw don't know anyone who is cut
>tfw girls will think it's really weird if you are cut
bongland wins again :^)
It's not that they prefer it. It's just what they are used to. Because it's what we see in porn and media.
And it doesn't reduce feeling or have any negative side effects unless botched.
But, it is a retarded practice and is definitely falling out of style on ethical grounds.
It's the parents. How much of a ignorant failure of a parent must you be to allow this to happen to your son? Circumcising the labia is unthinkable in modern society, yet some how this is okay. Makes no sense
Women develop smegma at even a higher rate due to more surface area, yet this is looked past. Why the double standard?
because American parents are to lazy to clean the dick of their kids and it was costing to much in health care so jews came up with the idea of snip snip.
I remember going with out a bath as a kid for a good month cause I wasn't a fag.
nice, haven't seen a merchant thread in awhile
It's like how Australian porn photoshops out labias and now it's the cultural norm to like small labias.
It's purely an aesthetics meme with no other intention than wanting your child to be accepted as normal.
Some uncuts are really unpleasant looking tbqh. I had a skin bridge from a shitty circumcision though so I'd rather not be circumcised.
the bible says so
Can you tell me some of the things you said and how you presented the argument to your parents?
youre fucking stupid. the number of uncuts or their supporters compared to you is like ferrari to pinto. go home
nope. the exact fucking opposite. is your heart circumcised? no
I'll admit that I absolutely loath burgers but this is one thing that I like about them. Good for you burgers.
Don't remind me
hurr durr jew number four at your service
Prudish nofap faggotry rationalized by icky smegma, shallow skank and anteater memes.
All I'm gonna say is I'm glad my father had me circumcised and leave it at that.
>brazil, uguguay, serbia...
kek, all these insecure nobody countries wich are basically on the brink collapse are talking shit about americans because some of them are circumcised. how about you fix your third world shithole countries.
>i'm glad my father mutilated me
This absolute level of cogitative dissonance.
good goy
you faggots are okay
No it doesn't
You can't even spell kelloggs correctly
Worse than cucks
Why'd you post this on Sup Forums?
the people it happens to dont get a choice.
t. One of said people.
Happy as fuck I am circumcised
What a weird poll
I don't think you are aware of what's been done to you
Aesthetic and tradition. I'm honestly happy with the decision my parents made.
how hard are you because of it lol. there was a separate thread i didnt make but seems to have taken off anyways
wrong. and who cares. and why are you so cucked you cant even make your own decisions. grow it back dont be a lazy jew. maybe youre a woman. i mean at that point why not
aesthetically the difference is is that your bell end is scarred and dried up due to hyperkeratosis
erect, the skin on uncut dicks folds back and the "aesthetic" is the same, minus the disfigurement, postnatal trauma and loss of sensation you suffer from
because we're unironically ruled by kikes
t. dude who can barely feel sex despite going nofap weeks
>a homosexual chastising anyone on poor life decisions
that doesnt always happen. and if it doesnt. it doesnt require phimosis to not go back. just a hand or whatever. and phimosis is cured by steroid creams. concede nothing. aesthetically. ALL foreskins in ALL states of erection or not. are aesthetically and everything-ly better than fucking cripple clits
Ancient tradition that separates rulers from the ruled.
Uncut are lowbrow humans.