Make An Actual Change

"There are enough pure whites who have attached themselves to our movement to justify our own land, free of the Jew and degenerates. There is rising instability in the United States of America, though it is not yet at the violent levels seen in the Weimar Republic; it will grow and fester until a civil war breaks out, and we will lose this war. We are too few, too disorganized, to overthrow the current government while also fighting with reactionaries, communist, and the police force and military.

On the other hand, if we establish a Northwest state under National Socialism, and not Fascism, we will have independence from all outside forces. We will produce our own food and possibly our own weapons, and, if and when it comes down to it, wage guerrilla warfare against our enemies, hiding amongst the population. The Jew and their puppets cannot fight something they cannot attack financially or through the police force. In all likelihood, some in the United States military will be sympathetic to our cause, and at the very least be reluctant to fight us.

We need not an all-sweeping race war, we simply need a pure homeland in which we; artisans, engineers, and architects, playing the role of guerrilla fighters when needed; can secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. This homeland shall be our first goal, as once we establish independence from the United States resource-wise, we can be safe in the fact that we are, in essence, untouchable by financial and resource-based means."

Get in touch with NA and good luck.
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Where its ok to be white:

wow... these threads are so dead lately...
kindda sad.

Was nazism stomped so easily by antifags?







No. Natsocs come in waves to pol. It's big for 3-4 weeks then slows down for a few months. What happens is new meat come in, get redpilled, clean themselves up, then stop posting on Sup Forums and enter the real-world as Nazis.

Then it's quiet for a while till a new wave comes in.

Recruitment is going well. Over 2000 new Nazis are made yearly. Probably at least 3-7 million in the country ATM.

probably true. ive become nazi bc of pol


You claim to of become a National Socialist, maybe this is true, but now is the time for you to truly become awakened -= -=

Not a bad idea.

A series of "Camps" where you can concentrate...
Probably within cities, like some German minority communities in the 40s.
Maybe you could set up fences... you know, to keep brown people like myself out...

What could go wrong?

>the future is blurry

We can call them Whettos.

im watching senpai

It will certainly be worse than blurry if we don't act.

>ignores hungary and italy




Look, you need to get one thing straight.

I agree with National Socialism and Hitler not because Hitler was who he was, but because these ideas not only make sense, but have worked and have successfully pulled Germany out of the gutter that it was in during the Weimar Germany era.

When you say, never question the Fuhrer or his motives, you are spiraling into a purity spiral. You should always question because everyone is human and therefore prone to error, including Hitler. If this was untrue, if the Fuhrer was all-knowing, he would not have lost WWII, no matter the odds stacked against him.

I follow National Socialism no because anyone told me that racial pride is important but rather because I saw what happens when one group have no racial pride (whites) and they are faced with another that does have racial or in-group pride (i.e. blacks or muslims). The result is conflict, where whites are divided and "minorities" are not.

The need for the ethnostate for whites will indeed lead to the advancement of human kind as a whole (simply because it is we who have lead civilization onward for the past millenia), but it is not for this reason that whites should demand an ethnostate. Even if they were the most unproductive of people, they should have the right to exist, save if Nature alone takes them due to their efficiency. A race that comes to mind in this example is the Native Americans, who are completely unproductive but should not deserve to die unless they simply starve or die of disease, both of which we will have no part to play in.

The attraction that I gained to National Socialism was due to the fact that the ideas make sense (#1) and that they were successful in Germany (#2), economically and socially. If you simply promote your ideas without even waving your flag of NatSoc and the audience agrees with you, you will have redpilled them on the truth about Hitler. But if you start on this path of "unquestionable loyalty", you will fail.

For example, I sure as hell disagree with Richard Spencer's praising of Israel with regards to it being a successful ethnostate, simply because it continues to want to conquer and destabilize other countries around it.

As such, it isn't a successful ethnostate, because its stability requires the surrounding countries to fail, in this case, via a continuous Civil War.

If Spencer was the new Fuhrer, then I would have that to disagree and therefore question him on. Should I be ostracized for this? And do you realize that if you ostracize men like me, we will still be thinking this disagreement without voicing it, and the ostracizing will only distance us further from you.

No, you have to make people understand what your movement is about. Only if they join you voluntarily will they be willing to fight with you to the end, and only then will you have proven yourself a worthy leader, just as Adolf Hitler was.



I dream everyday of a white ethnostate without Jews and degenerates

Listen to the lectures, and help partake in something that'll make it more than a dream, instead of wishing for something to change, wishing for people to do something for you, if you want to achieve this future, you must act

"I've always believed in Germany. You said I was a dreamer.

I've always believed in the rise of the Reich. You said I was a fool.

I've always believed in our German return to power. You said I was mad.

I've always believed in an end to poverty! You said that was utopian!

Who was right? You or me!? I was right!" - Adolf Hitler