Make An Actual Change

"There are enough pure whites who have attached themselves to our movement to justify our own land, free of the Jew and degenerates. There is rising instability in the United States of America, though it is not yet at the violent levels seen in the Weimar Republic; it will grow and fester until a civil war breaks out, and we will lose this war. We are too few, too disorganized, to overthrow the current government while also fighting with reactionaries, communist, and the police force and military.

On the other hand, if we establish a Northwest state under National Socialism, and not Fascism, we will have independence from all outside forces. We will produce our own food and possibly our own weapons, and, if and when it comes down to it, wage guerrilla warfare against our enemies, hiding amongst the population. The Jew and their puppets cannot fight something they cannot attack financially or through the police force. In all likelihood, some in the United States military will be sympathetic to our cause, and at the very least be reluctant to fight us.

We need not an all-sweeping race war, we simply need a pure homeland in which we; artisans, engineers, and architects, playing the role of guerrilla fighters when needed; can secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. This homeland shall be our first goal, as once we establish independence from the United States resource-wise, we can be safe in the fact that we are, in essence, untouchable by financial and resource-based means."

Get in touch with NA and good luck.
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