Stop bullying the pasta with a facial disorder, just because he's ugly doesn't mean he's black
Stop bullying the pasta with a facial disorder, just because he's ugly doesn't mean he's black
This. After Hooper he is unironically the most Aryan character in the show
I dunno man most of the people on the show are pretty damn white
The fact that all the "LOL AMERICANS ARE NONWHITE LOL" exploded within the last two weeks strikes me the wrong way.
America was still pretty damn white in the '80s. How much has changed in such little time.
To be fair, he and Steve had the best arc this season.
Still a 56% face, though.
Don't forget that little boy they are trying to pass off as a girl
Son of Italian immigrants, so if he's black that makes him a pastamutt
They're all ugly desu
>both parents fresh off the boat from europe
that explains it
she'll grow up to look like her clone sisters Natalie Portman and Rachel Weisz
Sicilians have nigger blood pumping through their veins. The Moors, they did so much fuckin with Sicilian women that they changed the whole bloodline forever.
Fuck this show.
I liked Season 1 but after that utter display of blatant kikery by the directors & kike kid during that interview I'm not touching Season 2.
Caps of full grown titties
I look like this kid and will never be accepted by the right
why even live
It was okay, it wasn't as well written as the first season. They have parts that don't really make sense why they're in the show.
everyone is lacking something.
trust me, even the chaddest chad is insecure about something. just self-improve
Do your hair like him at the end. He looked great
And that's a toothless girl trying to pass as a toothless boy.
Look at this Stranger Thing
lol. you're an idiot.
which one?
>That hairy mole on her neck.
Il goblino
we Sup Forums now
See it's always the faggots with EU flags too. How much is Brock paying you per post bud?
What the fuck do you think *this* is?
>tfw watching S02E07
>just because he's 56% White doesn't mean he's black
56% White 44% Stranger Things
its a soft pilot for the season 4 crossover
t. butthurt eggplant
>After Hooper Dustin is unironically the most Aryan character in the show
Hooper looks Hispanic or Italian to me.
Very Mediterranean Face, Tanned Skin, Brown Eyes, Brown Hair.
Where are the Nordic Characters in the Show?
You guys don't actually watch TV, do you?
white europeans everyone
She's supposed to be frumpy tho
desu I think this is the shittiest MDE skit
Something you'd see on Robot Chicken
Brainlet detected.
>After Hooper he is unironically the most Aryan character in the show
56% Aryan
Explain the skit then, Paddy
if you actually thought that's what the skit is about you're braindead
Again, if his parents are off the boat from fucking Italy, then this meme applies to, you know, Euros
the kids are jewish. the series is all about growing up as jews among the goyim
She's so hot. That bath tub scene
It's funny how the minority children have the worst acting on the show.
> needing a simplistic skit like this explained
t. braintard
The joke is that they both just treat the wife like a piece of damaged property instead of an injured human.
They're casually sitting on the couch smirking while she's all fucked up.
It's a mockery of liberals constant deflections of blame.
And jews blatantly lying to the goyim, you could actually look at it as a version of the USS Liberty being bombed.
>The Moors
They weren't black though.
that kid did nothing wrong what the fuck is wrong with yall
Amerimutt meme
you're reading comprehension sucks, fren.
It's about a beta white knight male (when my field hockey wife asked me to marry her...; she's educated), afraid of confrontation when an actual issue arises with another man.
I know that. It's from a film.