Lemmy (Motörhead) circa. 1969
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
Lemmy (Motörhead) circa. 1969
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>im a nigger who likes metal but other niggers put me down
>"tell them to shove it. jimmy hendrix did alright didnt he?"
are you retarded? lemmy is /ourguy/
lemmy loved to fuck black women.
Hendrix wasn't metal.
during his time he was.
About as close as you could get in 1967.
"Certainly, marriage is a state that has eluded Lemmy - or, rather, Lemmy has eluded marriage. He currently has four girlfriends, two of them black ("black girls have a brilliant sense of humour")."
I don't care what the hippies thought while they were tripping balls, Hendrix was a fried up blues rocker and was by far a better singer than a guitarist.
Lemmy or Jeff Hanneman
>expecting this drugged up man whore to have half a brain about hitler
That's kinda my point.
lemmy was a roadie for hendrix and he used to claimed he would buy LSD for Jimi
HELL YES. Terminal Show....Infero
A little hard for him to be considering that he's dead.
We don't need anybody to be our guy. We are our own guy.
Not politics.
If you ignore Eric Clapton, that is.
am i your guy ;)
Jimi helped pave the way for it. Yeah, he's a little overrated, but nowhere near as bad as the Beatles are.
They gave him a hard time too because he wasn't as butthurt about race as the narrative required even then.