Literally the "we were just pretending to be retarded" revolution. They're saying now that it was all a huge hoax and the "alt-right" made it all up.
November 4th "revolution"
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If that's true then that's a lot of Sorosbucks to blow on signs and posters for a fucking hoax
it just a stupid forced meme. most people on Sup Forums were saying it would end up being nothing. and boy was it nothing.
>lefties becoming real life memes
Really makes me think
But nothing happened today
Reminder that Soros spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this at least.
What are you talking about? The ANTIFA SUPERSOLDIERS came to my house and turned me gay with their mind powers and now they're marching on the state capitol.
for him that's like $5
That's the entire point. Nothing happened, so they're claiming it was all fake
yea and there's people all on Sup Forums saying we're all liars and stupid nazis that made it up.
but I don't know if it's actual antifa or rightwing double trolls. it's hard to tell with you people sometimes.