What to do with a school shooter?

So, in my class there is this guy that gives off the school shooter feeling. Can't really report him without evidence, but I don't want to get shot. What do?
So far I'm really nice to him, so he wouldn't want to shoot me when it happens.

Seeing as you're most likely still in high school, report the faggot to your school's counselor for concerning tendencies and/or behaviors. If you really think hes going to do something, then you really need to say something.

report him for the lulz

As someone who went through being called a school shooter in high school, here's a tip: Don't be a fucking dick. If he's a nice dude then say that's that and be done with it, don't give him a hard time if he's just weird.

Be a friend to him.

Why do so many white people commit these crimes?

Make friends with him and join the plot to get the high score. Duh, you underageb& cunt.

because white people are still a majority in america

Bring a gun to school so you can defend yourself. Keep it on you always so you are ready.
It helps the good guy with a gun narrative and there is no way for this to go wrong.

I would say underage b&.

For starters, you sound like a fucked up bitch. Your "being really nice" is probably coming off as insincere, as people don't actually like people who are "nice". People like people who are direct and honest and don't play games.

Either show real compassion and real skillful listening to people, or leave the poor fuck alone. Even if he shoots the place up, that's not your responsibility. Maybe one day you'll realize stopping people from dying is as useless an endeavor as wanting to cause it.

Wtf is this 1984? Stop being a fucking coward and man up. if he does something deal with it he’s probabaly just emotionally messed. Seriously though don’t be a fucking thot agent that’s some low ass nigger tier retardation

Guns are banned in schools, so unless you want to be randomly searched and arrested, it's not recommended.

Bully him, hopefully you and other americans will get shot.

shoot it up with him

Show him /r9k/
Do it pussy. It might actually help if he knows others have his problems, and he has a place to vent.

If encounter an active shooter, you should:

1. Run

2. Hide

3. Fight

Once you're clearly out of danger, call 911 and give details on shooters (how many, weapons, etc.) and injuries / victims.

Campus is a gun free zone.

get him to kill only niggers

It's never a gun free zone when you're a white kid

This and

At the very least it might save your life.

Tell me, which US city leads the nation in gun violence.

Fucking faggot.

when i hang around you, you give those same vibes off too. dont think i dont know who you are.

Elect him class president

but then ALL whites kill niggers

I'm nice as I can to him. Didn't do anything mean to him at all. Although I really feel that I'll read in the news that he shot up a place.
He hates women.
He is really, really paranoid.
Said he was bullied throughout his childhood.
Looks and dresses in a really lame way.

Befriend him and hope he becomes a qt trap you can fuck