I miss my foreskin

I miss my foreskin

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wtf are you a muslim? we don't do that here

never had a chance to miss it

feel robbed desu

definitely not doing it to my kids

Well, some Rabbi has already roasted it with a nice walnut sauce.

I don't remember what it felt like, but yeah I wish I still had it too.

Not falling for the "your son has too much foreskin" meme like my parents did with me.

Imagine going through teen years where you and your friends had no idea your dicks were cut off

that was every day in america

Same here.
Just another Jew disease inflicted on the West.

night time canister restoration

I fucking love mine.

theyre all fucking amazing. beyond words really

I thought they chew it like gum?

Hard to miss what you never experienced. but just do your best to tell women how unnecessary it is and how it's just a big scam to make face creams with the stem cells and shit.

I hear girls in the US prefer cut, but it really doesn't matter, it's a decision that should be up to your kid when he's old enough, not something you decide for him at birth

literally a form of genital mutiliation, but since it's boys I guess it's OKAY

removing foreskin made me a bottom bitch
that foreskin rubbing feel can only be matched by a good prostate rubbing

yeha i bet you do fyou bucing faggot can't do shit with your cut cock

lmao dodo might as well off yourself right nonw

I still have mine, cuck

Are they really that great?

Like most Americans, I wouldn't know.

I'm told circumcision is more hygenic and with less epicurean pleasure from sexual stimulation, it promotes self-discipline.

What are the advantages to foreskins?

What have I been missing?

>tfw foreskin intact
>white Christian wife
>family owns land

sucks to suck, OP

Starting my foreskin restoration soon desu.

ive invented a new test for boner strength. posting vocaroos of it hitting your abs after holding and releasing. laying down on back is best for this by the way. aaaand go! lol

I had it done in (relative) adulthood. You don't really lose any sensitivity in the head (why you need lube, it's too sensitive without it), you just lose the feeling in the foreskin itself. The thing is, the head is really sensitive underneath where your foreskin rolls up and that area never gets stimulated during sex/masturbation if you aren't cut, so it really evens out because you get more stimulation there after circumcision. It doesn't feel any better or worse, really. Girls in America just hate uncut guys so these threads trigger people.

Does it sensitize your dick, too?
Like you an actual foreskin? Or is just for the looks?

I don't get the foreskin butchery thing. Why do it? I just crave dick but am an antisocial female autist so wtf do I know... anyway. Never understood this immediate chopping off bits after exiting birth canal.

I do too. I often wonder what it would look like. Given my skin's complexion, vein-iness, etc...I think I have a pretty good idea.

its jews

not even joking

Thanks for the reply.

this is where foreskins go

Some medical professionals say it's done for hygiene reasons...although we live in the US where many people shower twice a day so it's not terribly relevant. It's also done as a preventative measure against some minor medical issues that are not uncommon such as phimosis.

Most guys I know, and all men do eventually have this conversation with each other, all say they wish they weren't cut.

you get the same stimulation if you just pull your foreskin back, and while holding an erection most uncut glandes pop out of their foreskin anyways

Me too user

i was going to simply compliment your post but feel i should add that i wouldnt mind comparing sketches with you ahaha. i'm pretty good at this sort of thing. but it's great you even consider such a thing


They use it to make lampshades, ironic huh?

>I hear girls in the US prefer cut
two reasons. Because it's all they know and they're told.

I had it done because of an infection
Girls like it better, you only lose the feeling in the foreskin itself and you gain some under the head from it being gone, all in all I don't mind it


... this is why you pull it back

I have some years on me, so I am sure this would not happen today. My best friend in high school was a Danish exchange student. Circumcism somehow came up as a topic in class. My based female teacher took him aside after class and just told him. He was fucking horrified. I miss my Danish bro. Hope he is well.

[email protected]

I crave impregnating female specimens

I still have mine but I got a tiny dick

thanks for the wrinkle cream, goyim

No, I'm talking about the area at the base of the head. Even with the skin pulled back, there is a part of it that stays covered. It gets stimulated if you're circumcised, I'm not going to draw you a diagram.

frenulum. and no. its gone. like everything else when youre circumchuckled

I had it done in early adulthood, I know better than you. The frenulum is that little flappy piece of skin that attaches the foreskin, that's not what I'm talking about. There is an area at the base of the head that doesn't get stimulated with the foreskin, that's why I said losing it pretty much balances out.

where the fuck is the base of the head then? all of the head is stimulated if you just pull back the foreskin

I'm not debating this all night, go get circumcised and find out or don't worry about it. FFS.

So glad i was born in spain. I am happy with my non mutilated cock and so is my wife.

2 mount old baby died yesterday from circumcision yesterday. You know women talks about equality while every male getting sexually abused as a kid. History will remember this and will get disgusted by the hypocrisy of modern feminists.

First save male children from sexual abuse. Than we will talk about grown up women's pay gap and shit.

>where the fuck is the base of the head then?
back of the knee, duh

I grew mine back. It just takes time.

i did too nigger. im also a fag. oops. i win

circumcision is a sign of Jewish ownership

We all do user

>tfw being American and have my foreskin
I feels sorry for you foreskinless christcucks

circumcision is not Christian

>You don't really lose any sensitivity in the head

Ya you do. The head gets dried out and callused. It's like how cutting off your eyelids dry out your eyes.


Let your anger build OP.
If they mutilated you...what do you want to return?
I think eye for an eye...but you were a baby, so exponentially increase your vengeance for every year of your life so far.
Maybe a Rabbi does not need his cock?

your wife has a penis?

>tfw Dr. Shekelstine convinced my mother that should have a circumcision so my penis can be just like my dad's
She later regretted that
>mfw my first redpill was getting SCHLOMOED

Yup. It says in the new testament that the heart should be circumcised, not the body.

Catholic, full foreskin.
Christian is not Catholic.

Sadly, this. I don't understand this mutilation. I absolutely fucking hate men (sorry, not my bros here) but this a crime. Fuck.

If you use lube or are actually inside of a woman the dryness doesn't matter
It doesn't cause any noticeable loss of sensitivity

yep. so that's not what you were implying when you said you had your heart skin i guess
>even the food needs to be butchered; put a boy scout suckin on a salami too

How does one deal with intense homicidal urges for being circumcised?

Said no one ever. stop trying to LARP as a cleandick, faggot.

You say antisemetic things in Sup Forums

women dont clean. women arent clean. being clean is still a womany's, liar's, non-argument. faggot doesnt work in these threads. sorry jew

Take your nasty, saggy, AIDS riddled dick elsewhere sodomite

They mutilate your little boys for what?
Kill the doctors that do it to your boy.
Be patient with your anger, I know you want to unleash...
Do it three months after.

Um. I use soap...

get out of a dick thread dumb lying skank. only jews suck on their moms' clits for permission to breathe. you even lied about adam in a perverted way. we all know what youre doing. how you lie and whine like you always do. truvada. doesnt work on you. only me. period. dead. done. gone. grabbems. hi fags take my daughters. make sure i grab ivanka and pisstapes and pedos epstein and putin for the ride too. only you are a sodomite. not me. you bite of penises for a living. defend tits. grow some. go back to being a girl. and shit on me. kys

your washrooms. whatever. theres myths about who needs to use what. who wipes when they piss or "cum". vagisil and "dickisil" and etc etc. dick or gtfo

Lol this is the finest mental retardation. Do go on. PLEASE.

ok frank


>tfw my parents didn't fall for Jewish tricks
>grow up in England because chAir Force family
>go to English schools
>forced to get naked with other boys in a little shed to change into our swimming drunks
>only one uncut kid from South Africa
>my best friend
>hides it for as long as he can
>one kid sees
>wtf is that?
>kids steal his towel so everyone can see his dick
>everyone is laughing

Pretty terrible experience seeing my best friend like that



Fucking kikes what the fuck

I don't understand this. I mean, I DO, but I don't understand this. God damn it.

He is the promised one.
His anger will be well perfected.
I witnessed the same shit myself...only a ginger.
2/10 are circumcised here. It's mutilation.

Girls dont fucking care.
You put a hard dick in front of them and they get fucking horny.

Look on the bright side.

Until the practice is ended you have the right to kill any women guilt free.


You can still be saved.
Embrace the truth!

This is a rare time a leaf is right. We don't care.

Just another gallon of fuel to my revenge fire

Finally someone put that faggot in his place

You got LAMPED kraut. enjoy being without your dick skin, kikes dont atone for their shitty behaviour.

>tfw parents will still do this to next boy they give birth to again
>tfw my fucking KEK father let my mom make this decision
>tfw I was their 3rd boy, they witness this horror before and they're fucking lefty atheist whites in SoCal

At least they let me keep my dick.


If I ever marry and birth a son, I will give them the big middle finger and think of you. This shit is wrong. "Muh genitals is not muh sex" retards can just shut the fuck up. This mutilation happens at birth. And I will say no.

turned off your wifi aunt jemima? get some context and some self reflection skills. count the threads. count the posts. of which yours is one. and find ALLLLLL THE FAGGOTS YOU WANT! There's fucking billions of us!!! You just don't like that I don't lie my ass off for a living like you do. Rebecca

I love my parents, but there is this compartmentalized hatred I have for being cut. I can't get in to details (too long), but I do feel that there was a permanent alteration in my brain via trauma when 8 hours old.

If the day ever comes when I get to further the white race, I think I'll certainly abstain from having my boy circumcised. I'm all for preventative medicine, but this is nonsense. It's as nature intended. Let it be so. And the hygiene argument is moot in the modern age. Lastly, I feel like men are a bit under siege on this topic. Why aren't more women ashamed of their pussy stank? I've experienced three girls in my life with one smelling beautiful, one being meh, and the other being "holy hell, let's get out of here." I love how women are told their blood belching bodies smell is lovely while men are told their bodies are shameful.

Friends of the mark, donate and shill Foregen. Its the only hope for getting back the nerves and specially stretchy skin that normal stretching techniques can't solve.