Can we take a minute to laugh at the 4 november fiasco?
Can we take a minute to laugh at the 4 november fiasco?
Fascism in America is so bad that people are too busy literally shaking in their homes to go out and fight back.
We're doomed.
that was the most spectacular passive parade i've ever seen. definitely worth the wait. ah well no one can beat the man.
i was called in to work, can anyone give me a quick rundown?
Pic related.
>spend $18 billion for a revolution
>nothing happens
All dem Sorosbux and this is the best they could manage.
small pockets of antifas walked around with signs but nothing major happened. today's only habbening is Rand Paul getting attscked by a neighbhour
I didn't pay attention today after around noon, but it seems to have been a really weak turnout from antifa-fags.
It was an embarrassment from both antifa and the retarded slack-jawed Trump supporters
A minute? I'll be laughing at this for the rest of the year
This lady and her husband had been out on the sidewalks of Chicago off and on for the past few weeks shouting about Nov 4th and irrationally shouting down anyone who tried to have a discussion with them.
>planning a revolution in the same day your revolters want to buy the new iPhone X
Did anythign even happen? Or did antifa pussy out like usual?
Im totally not a pussy trying to deflect
Austin user here. here's a screencap another user posted from my livestream of the glorious revolution.
Note the unicorn onesie.
Austin never fails to be a fucking disappointment.
very, very small protests.
No wonder she wears a onesie, she has the proportions of a toddler, babyfat and all.
And don’t you ever forget it leaf ;)
Can confirm nothing significant happened here in Chicago. There was a guy passing out fliers yesterday too saying the protests were going to start at 1 P.M. I was downtown doing some extra Saturday work today and I never saw anything. It was raining, after all!
well your revolution fell apart maybe you can all go in on a casino.
>very, very small protests.
muh hundreds of thousands of protesters! BHAAHHAHAHAHA...seriously the most pathetic shit i have ever seen.
Hahahahahahahahaha get raped bitch
kick ass casino, thated be dope.
Probably spent all their disposable income and had to stay in for the weekend
everything has been pretty quiet
no protests, local news has nothing to report on so they just put a kitty from the local animal shelter on the desk and called it a day after saying the weather is shit
maybe 20-30 max protestors showed up. counter-protestors outnumbered them probably five to one.
no one could actually determine the gender of that thing. there were fierce arguments about the unicorn's gender identity among counter-protestors.
the unicorn looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in xer filthy onesie. Very very disrespectful.
I wasn't paying attention was there something that was suppose to happen?
Atlanta user checking in. Approximately 25 androgynous degenerates, beta-cucks, and septum-pierced roasties held signs and milled about the streets in an area polluted with similar-minded remedials.
isn't it amazing how Sup Forums continues to fall for larps and hypes them up?
this is like the 4th or 5th time this has happened this year.
The fact that they couldn't stir up any support in the ONLY city in Texas that they would have a ghost of a chance in is even more hilarious.
Sup Forums btfo, we were only pretending to be retarded
see We're out some popcorn and free entertainment, we didn't make all those signs.
Why did Sup Forums lie to me? Where were the happenings?
Still two hours left in the day...
I shit you not the fucking CBC was hyping this retard event all fucking day as some kind of "civil war". I've never cried while laughing Sup Forums but you gave that to me :')
>first we gas the kikes
>deport the spics
>Send the niggers to africa
>slaughter all of the middle east ZERO mercy women and children, everything
>take oil, refuse to sell it to anybody but german fascists
>Aid a fascist uprising in germany
>aid a Fascist uprising in sweden
>declare war on leafs
>Burn leafs
>gas leafs
>annex leafs
>use leaf oil to fuel our tanks so we can invade china
>Invade china
>Rape china
>leave china in shambles
>if EU tries to go after us, take all of the oil rigs and drills in the middle east and refuse to sell it to the EU
>EU forced to buy from russia
>Russia now likes us
>At the same time purge faggottry from the US
>Chads everywhere
>ally with Russia and Sweden + Germany and go to war with india cuz fuck pajeet
>let the slavs have slav lands
>germans have german land
>Americans have Americas
>Swedes get northern lands
We can't invade pajeets without imminent nuclear fire back
I almost felt kind of bad for them towards the end. As autistic as I can be, I've never marched through the streets of downtown Austin in a unicorn onesie being mocked mercilessly for my bullshit ideology.
one of the speakers at the event was a public school teacher, too. I'm going to try to find info on her. Good to know someone speaking at a communist revolutionary event is in charge of educating children.
Drumpfkins don't wanna admit that Trump hopped on air force one with general Kelley to avoid us and the coming indictments
I'm in tears. It's gonna be so nice when Mueller appoints Hillary president soon
Leftypol saying Soros defeated communism, sited his wikipedia as the source.
Is this faggotry really supposed to last through Nov?
Today's protests showed that a lot of mommies and daddies put their collective foot down and told their brats that if they go to the protests, they'll get cut off from anymore money.
Wait what happened
I forgot to check in and see what happened
Why what happened today?
No, they'll be too busy reassigning streets to shit in
And then antifa thought people supported them. kek
Kek, and are we including France and Spain in the new axis? (Fuck Italy, tho)
I can only hope.
they supposedly have multiple events every week this month in Austin, but today had to be bad for morale. it must be nice, though, to not have a job or friends to worry about so you can dedicate so much of your schedule to fighting la revolucion.
>only 4 or 5 times
There were supposed to be protesters in Omaha/Bellevue Nebraska near me, but as near as I can tell literally nothing happened. Checking twitter, one "resistance" group (@IndivisibleOmah) was going to go but apparently canceled a couple days ago when they found out communists were involved (wut), while @antifa_ne played the "lol we trol u" card.
>i-it's the r-revolushon guise
Your days are numbered nazi's.
It's 3d chess and no (fiasco)
lol faggot. get to the gas chamber.
I was going to post something about this. Whatever event they thought they were going to have didn't even make it on the news that I'm aware of. lol...
ANTIFA = Child molesting terrorists.
The one that was invented by Sup Forums so that it wouldn't happen and then they could laugh about it?
Also: new COD. It was an exciting day for the consumer
>we were only pretending to be retarded.
Pretending? Bahahahahahaha.
That's like a niglet telling a cop that he was only 'pretending' to murder someone and steal their wallet.
I suppose we also paid for the 6-figure NYT ad or the piles and piles of unused protest signs?
>nothing ever happens
why even live?
It's all ogre now.
Somebody should cut up a guinea pig and fuck its corpse, and post a three minute video about it. I'll give you a (you). I bets you don't have any balls faggots.
didnt even get to meme
Honestly I expected nothing to really happen. Glad my ameribros are safe for another day.
Not like they were in much trouble to begin with but still. It hurts to know they might get attacked even if it's by rabid leftists/communists.
Kek. I could use more laughs as well.
I know leftists, I don't wanna be like them at all.
Biggest autist of all time? Holy shit the things you can do with $18B, Trump’s costed him so much money jej
>"We previously warned that capitals of countries attacking Yemen will not be safe from our ballistic missiles," Houthi spokesman Mohammed AbdulSalam said. "Today's missile attack comes in response to Saudi killing innocent Yemeni civilians."
Literally NOTHING happened.
There was a parade?
>Can we take a minute to laugh at the 4 november fiasco?
A minute? I've been laughing all fucking day.
>buy 400 signs
>but only 4 show up
This is exactly what I said would happen. Was it only in liberal cities?
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums hyped it up more than antifa did.
>3d chess
Heheh, dipshit doesn't even know what 4d chess is. What a retard
Is Austin Texas liberal?
You must be new here. I'll let you in on a secret: due to the nature of this site all you'll find here is losers with too much time on their hands and spite in their minds baiting and goading other spiteful do nothing losers into ridiculous fantasy. Take it from someone who pulled his head out of his ass got a career and a life and just comes back occasionally for the lulz and to appreciate just how high I've climbed after sinking so low. nothing ever happens that you don't make happen. Have the things you make happen be positive and enjoy the finer aspects of life or else you'll be stuck at the bottom of an ugly rabbit hole and miss out on everything that could have been
Christ. I just got done giggleing like a little shit holy fuck. 18 billion dollars and this is the best they can manage? Which makes me beg the question. How far can a human go being btfo before just loseing it? Man god has the best way of showing people karma.
Yes. It's where we keep all our Liberals and Commiefornia Transplants. Think of it as less of a city, and more of a Containment Zone.
I got banned for a month for saying i was going to whoop some ass not even knowing wtf was happening fuck this honey pot board