Fuck they're on to us. Stick to the ORIGINAL PLAN. Don't listen to the shills. There is no Phase 2. Use only "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" and Sup Forums approved variants. No Nazi imagery or Nazi Pepes. Include links ONLY to Sup Forums.org/pol/ and no Daily Stormer shit. Non-Nazi Pepes only.
When posting these up, stay away from cameras. Its not illegal in most places but do it at night and wear some kind of mask
/IOTBW/ general: NO PHASE 2 Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums approved variants.
there are no acceptable variants besides stickers and on money
Wrong. Something like this is perfectly acceptable
This is fine because it keeps with the original idea of being something the leftists can't argue against without being racist
phase 2 official:
OP is controlled opposition. Use no variants, only the original. We don't need to be fancy or special. We are not snowflakes.
Thanks. Its meant to show that whites have privilege.
>Its Okay To Be White
>Its Okay To Commit Mass Shootings
>Its Okay To Enslave PoC
I'm going to spend all week raising hell over this student paper calling IOTBW white supremacy. If there is such a thing as phase 2, it should be public shaming of the lugenpresse
The false flaggers here truly make me hateful. I wasn't involved in this thing whatsoever until I saw how many people were trying to destroy this movement. And for what? For saying it's okay to be white? I can tell there really are people trying to undermine this this who hate white people. Im starting to see that Sup Forums is right about the shills. I don't care if standing up for myself is racist or whatever, count me as one more of your numbers forever more.
I'm also going to try and get the Student Government president to resign
Does Darby shock you?
lmao false flagging on Sup Forums as a moderate. Fucking kek, you've stooped to new lows. Grow a spine and be proud of what you believe.
Oh my fucking god this isn't...jesus christ it is! Its the Left trying to MEME. AHAHAHAH *breathes* AHAHAHAHAHA OH my God this is so pathetic. Libcucks can't meme for shit. I mean this is really sad watching them trying to be funny. They can't even approach the level of irony and humor of the alt-right. No one even finds this funny. All you're going to get from this is a laugh, but you might get a free helicopter ride! BTFO. No wonder Trump won, our memes are so much better
Fuck off you insufferable idiots.
Phase 1: IOKTBW
Phase 2: IT"S OKAY
Phase 3: Blank sheet of white paper
Keep it simple you fucking retarded sperg lords. Make these idiots freak out over a blank piece of paper.
But aren't they right? I'm confused. I thought we WERE the white supremacists
Phase 2 is e-celebs cashing in
>MFW finally make progress with qt3.14 long time oneitis and she posts on Faceberg that she saw an IOTBW poster on campus was repulsed by it.
>Sup Forums is right about the shills.
Yes, people are paid to have different opinions than you. That's how smart anf right you are. And the only people who troll you, sorry, "make you hateful", are also paid to do so. Its very lucrative enterprise
That says whites have privilege. The exact opposite of what we want
Fuck off Soros
>and Sup Forums approved variants
Fuck off. sage.
Thanks, yeah its a poster about reality rather than dog whistling. Appreciate the feedback.
Try to slowly convert her. If no luck in a couple weeks, get a new woman
>Get a new woman
The woman he stalks on FB isn't exactly his woman.
No it's not. The media has an anti white bias and is an extension of educational propaganda to make whites feel guilty. We get replaced by immigrant drones that suck corporate cock and make the 1% richer
Get lost
Clever girls. They got it down to a tee. I guess we shouldn't underestimate them, even if they're whore media.
send them to this guy
When you've always been privileged equality feels like bias against you and makes you feel guilty.
If it bothers you to compete in inherently and non-negotiably perpetually immigrant nations why not return home?
>Succeed in life
>Lift and sculpt your perfect body
>Over flow confidence
Do all that and women will take you seriously and are more likely to take on your point of view.
My girlfriend was a rabid feminist, now she's centre right and stays at home to raise the kids.
>Include links ONLY to Sup Forums.org/pol/
if you are really trying to rebrand, is this really a smart move whatsoever? shouldn't you stick to Sup Forums lite normalfag shit like the_donald and breitbart? this has been a fascist board for years and linking to it is not a good idea whatsoever.
Phase 2 commenced
Good work user. With your power we will Redpill the Normies.
We need the posters up at the openly anti-white Evergreen State College STAT, they're possibly the most easily triggered college in the USA and very likely to chimpout. Their previous antiwhite chimpouts were already a huge redpill for a lot of normies.
Prime target for IOTBW. They genuinely NEED the IOTBW message.
hello buzzfeed
Phase 2 finally! Printing out hundreds of these.
And this is exactly my how the whole thing goes to waste. Eat a dick you fucking kike
kill yourselves shills
so i'm a shill for making an ironic joke about user's ironic poster on a fascist shitposting forum? shouldn't you go back to some place more appropriate for someone with the inability to understand humor, like reddit?
Just remember, folks. It's OK to be white.
And of course, there is no actual phase 2 of any sort. Pass it on.
Fuck her and then after she’s really into you gradually poison her mind with crushed red pills mixed in with blue pill thoughts
Women are moldable. Makaveli says men should dominate them because they allow themselves to be dominated. Don't focus on her politics, focus on her personal values. Most political opinions are mass hysteria anyways :^)
colombian shitskin faggot
>People taking this seriously
One of the Sup Forums links is broken, this was clearly done as a joke. Have a bit of humor faggots, I highly doubt the creator of that plastered those around in public.
This. Bump for keep it simple stupid.
Shills making mock ups for the media to use screenshots of this thread.
This country is so fucked up
Keep it simple
>Black lives don't matter
>This is meant to be considered a positive message
To racist leftists, maybe. You victim pandering pieces of shit need to stop preying on black people and let them be their own people. Calling them "uncle toms" when they don't agree with you is the same as calling them "nigger". You're no better than the racist Nazis you claim to hate, who call people "race traitor".
You disgust me. Even when people try to be nice, you find things wrong with it just to bitch and claim you're offended. Off yourselves.
>It's okay to enslave PoC
It is if you're Muslim, apparently. Leftshitself are still pandering to everyone but whites and keep losing but are too stupid to figure out why. So what do you do? Instead of not alienating and shaming white people, you opt to pressure them into interracial couplings OR THEY'RE RACIST. Then, after having mixed kids, "so what? You can have mixed kids and still be racist XD". People like you are filth. That meme flag isn't fooling me either. You're probably a selfhating white boi doing what he thinks will win him goodcuck points. You're dumb. You fall into the same categories as those people you privilege-check and call racist.
I just love hearing you dumb fuckers go "kill white people" while being white because it makes it obvious that you're either suicidal or a retard with no self awareness.
inb4 it was too hard to read all I wrote because your liberal brain shorted out after the first two sentences
Assblasted leddit """anarchists""", enjoy your stay. Unlike leddit, we don't ban people for having opposing views :^)
Challenge: try trolling like this on leddit. See how long it stays up. Bet you can't do it! :pepe:
>Sup Forums is a safespace
>saying this when you're from leddit, one of the biggest safespaces on the internet
Say "I'm white" on r/anarchism, see how quick they treat you.
>so i'm a shill
What does one do if caught?
Experience the consequences to your actions
Reiterate that it's okay to be white, and it's okay to reassure others of this fact. Be mellow, not agitating.
If anyone tries to put words in your mouth eg "this is racist" all you have to politely say is "I disagree" and offer no further explanation, since anything you offer will be picked at anyhow.
If you actually suffer (eg kicked out of school) as a result of posting these, talk to a lawyer ASAP. You probably have a case.
For anyone saying we're ''subverting people'' and ''causing a divide'' you're an idiot. If we wanted to do that we would have hung these posters up, then the very next day hung up black supremacist posters that say some insanely racist shit against whites. Now THAT would create a divide. All we're trying to do here is show the divide.
Are there any articles written by obvious jews like '-berg' or '-stein'? I need a picture for redpilling purposes.
>be (((me)))
>parents can afford me this dorm at uni but will not pay for my operation
>maybe comrades at the flop house can help
>wonder if my new inverted penis mash is considered private property or if it belongs to everyone
>(((dad))) too cheap for surgery and comrades don’t believe in shekels
>realize stuck with boi pucci forever
>will share with comrades anyways...because compassion
>larp phase 2 to try and fill the void I wish was between my legs
>ignore newfriend lurking rule because I’ve been on a different chan before
>stick out like like a sore thumb that went gangrene and fell off because comrades who would be doctors are now shucking corn and mopping floors
>really need to RESIST to help the oppressed
>head to local underground book co op
>must print false flag phase two posters
>co op can’t afford ink, ebil captlists keeping us down
>must resist, poc need me
>head to see comrades at bike co op. Can’t afford ink either, spent last shekels on pseudoephedrine
>can use grease from bikes and hair
>out of 200% recycled vegan paper...must resist anyways
>false flag posters complete
>art school helped with racis symbols
>busted by racis police hanging false flag iotbw posters at uni
>claim no littering on campus. Shouldn’t have used vegan tape...not sticky at all
>meet Tyrone, tyreece, and lashawn in jail
>take a stand in solidarity with their fight by offering my boi pucci
>(((parents))) post bail
>must try again. Must resist. The 99% literally need my help
>new plan, infiltrate /pol by lurking moar
>2 weeks later, no real habbenings, only 2 skykings, too many generals, and I still can’t get enough (yous).
>decide to truly help the oppressed
>gas myself
It's gotta be WHITE paper
Holy shit. Most clear convincing pic of shenaningans I've seen since the bin laden death photoshop. And I have seen that guy in news photos before.
phase 2 is getting that milo pussy
What has soy done to America's boys?
made em thicc
Phase 2 is memetic, you would not understand.
mm thas a nice adorable boi
she sure is
>There is no phase 2
2 phase no is there
Also, what happened with 4th november civil war? /pol was freaking about it and no major happening at all...
>buying shirt at all
i bet the alternative (((/bant/))) is Richard Spenser
I wonder if the white stripes are racist under these rules? (y)
Hahaha Everybody sees right through you. You guys aren't fooling anyone. It's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS what you're really saying. How do you not realize that? It's cause your blinders are on 24/7. You're fucking brainwashed.
When does phase 2 start?
>UCF set records for diversity in fall 2016: 44.6 percent of students are minorities and 23.8 percent are Hispanic. UCF is the largest university by enrollment in Florida with 64,318 students, including 55,773 undergraduates, 8,066 graduate students and 479 M.D. students.
I said a few hours ago that I was going to go do this. No printer so I hand wrote them all and they look decent. Let's hope these make it until Monday. 101 made with love, posted all inside of the red circle (pretty much every classroom building on campus and the primary food buildings). I put them on doors knowing they'd get mangled but they will undoubtedly be seen. Most are on double doors as in the photo but many are also on single doors so they will undoubtedly survive.
Damn, so many rules. What are you some kind of Fascists?
Have a bump, we can't afford to have the real one die down while Sup Forums is being raided by JIDF.
That, or these goat fuckers all look the same.
Youre Forgetting the final ed
Did he just confirm he's a plant?
There is no phase 2, you fucking faggot.
Story ?
The fake shill general is dying, great work guys.
I still can't tell if that's a boy or a girl.
They got so scared of this campaign on Halloween they called off everything else.
Top kek. Not the same guy at all. You can't hide that Jew nose from Isis. Maybe if you never looked at him from the side...