just left a restaurant/bar where I was forced to witness a pajeet birthday party. >30 street shitters & their unruly offspring clogged up most of the entire place. they were rude to the service staff and rude to other patrons. as time went on, I noticed that all the huwhite folks had left, and those that came in would immediately turn around and leave. what was once a nice looking saturday night bar crowd became pic related. i could sense the service staff was unhappy with their current situation so i started distributing redpills. "do you realize every job these people have and every seat their children occupy in a school is a spot that you and your children will never fill?" these pajeets were the uppity type - most likely work for one of the many local big pharmaceutical companies (merck), and it was infuriating to see these foreigners with their large families wield financial power over the young, white men and women working at the restaurant, most of whom were the same age yet childless.
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They're nasty. They must have larger sweat glands than white people because the stink is outrageous.
I always imagine the poos here were part of the untouchable class in India.
I fucking hate these cunts. They walk into my job at a bakery 2 minutes before close and want to get a consultation for a 1st birthday cake to feed 200+ people and they want to taste all our different flavors of cake and icing. Literally every single motherfucking day without fail a situation like this occurs. Sometimes multiple, separate Indian families will come in a couple minutes before closing and want to sit down for an hour long consultation where they'll ask for ridiculous shit we don't offer and can't do.
These fucking extravagant first birthday cakes... All I can think is how every one of these cakes symbolizes our demographic decline.
Fuck off mongrel. You’re just mad pajeets value family more than your degenerate race does. Have fun making grandchildren with your pets you lonely faggot.
Lel. Sounds like you’re mad you’re a wage cuck.
you have to go back
>a cumskin talking bad about others
You have to go cuck
Everyone will go back the second tradeau simply just asks them to leave that very second. No one's going to listen to some random cuck on pol. Sorry cunt
this is such a funny meme
that sounds awful, user. i'm also a wage cuck. shit sucks. just gotta smile and nod... smile and nod.
>american flags
i guess the 52% memes are true lol
someone post the abortion hog webm
The place's fault that it can't handle the poo load.
This is why toilets are inferior to outdoor pooing.
Retail drone, can confirm poo in loos are the worst fucking customers. Needy as shit and too dumb to read the huge ass signs we hang to let people know where shit is
Hello newfag
Finally, a Canadian I can agree with.
Kek XD
is it true indians dont use toilet paper when they wipe?
and eat with their hands afterwards?
I work in tech and all the poos rinse their mouth with the bathroom faucet sink immediately after using the toilet, literally every single time without fail.
pls post abortion hog
apparently they use one hand to wipe and the other to eat, so yes
my boss just revealed to me that he hates pajeets and will literally ignore and walk the other way if he sees one or a family walk in. kind of hilarious, since i work for retail at one of the busiest stores in one of the biggest malls in america we see them a lot.
made audible laughter
they stink so much god do they stink
>Oak Brook, IL (per Google)
>mfw metro suburbs are becoming more and more Pajeet infested
>mfw they used to be a haven for white, middle-class working families
>mfw millennial whites would rather spend 2k/mo for a one bedroom in River North and all of their disposable income on bars, restaurants and Netflix
>mfw millennials don't understand the value of owning property and have no greater personal or emotional aspirations to start a family or community
How do we fix this?
wow, look at those deplorable living conditions.
cant they all come here so they can have a decent shot at life?
what a fucking racist article.
delete this.
i wouldnt mind making one of these
My city is full of them thanks to the tech industry, fucking H1B curry munchers everywhere
They're most annoying at the gym where they strut around in packs and tie up the bench press for an hour taking turns to bench 90lbs while wearing jeans or polo shirts
Not as bad as somalis or raghead shitskins tho
Somebody should cut up a guinea pig and fuck its corpse, and post a three minute video about it. I'll give you a (you). I bets you don't have any balls faggots.
if they couldnt fix their situation there they wont fix it here
even with this
pol ruined me from ever eating indian food again. lol
id deff still fuck one of these
The hottest Indian woman is Sunny Leone.
Why are Indians so damn dirty? What built this culture?
somehow they have a space program
they have mandatory shower time
who would win?
or Indian artillery
>have a decent shot at life
> in the process make this country shit just like there’s
Haven’t you ever heard that the rotten apple spoils the bunch user?
I've observed this too. Bizarre since there are drinking fountains in the building nearby.
Yes and that's a Bangladeshi
With a different hand we wipe with left and eat with right
pakeet my son
I work in tech, it’s all so tiresome. I haven’t seen the hygiene issues, but I’m so tired of hearing their durka durka click click language at work. I’m just about ready to move back to my hometown and make 25k a year doing tech support for white roasties and rednecks
Durka is Semite language.
Beak nose
I think we’re going through a genetic bottleneck whether we like it or not, we just need to do what we can with what we have. The silver lining is that Pajeets and Chinese are so material/family centered, they don’t seem to care about consolidating political power the way Mexicans have been doing for 30 years
They use water bottle as a douche, like Muslims in central Asian and Middle East.
the reason is there are not many chinks and pajeets compared to mexicans
In a few years it will be easier for middle class indians to emigrate to western countries, right now the west is getting the over achievers
indians are disgusting
Anyone that has ever worked in any retail, service, or food service industry fucking despises Indians. I worked at a KFC in high school. They are complete scum. I now am a pipe fitter. They're miserable cunts always trying to scam us.
>i could sense the service staff was unhappy with their current situation
>service staff
i bet most if not all of the service staff are liberals who voted for open borders. funny thing is a lot of liberals don't mind their country beind invaded by foreign hordes, taken away jobs, educational opportunies, driving up the price of real estate, etc, they love it when their cities become enriched, they love serving their brown overlords
but then they actually have to deal with them
and they are forced to swallow the redpill with no water to wash it down
I love India. I love Indians. I love Indian food. I love Indian philosophy. I feel sorry for their poverty. It seems related to their spiritual views on life.
OP is a camel fucking pakistani ISI agent
OP is a camel fucking pakistani ISI agent
OP is a camel fucking pakistani ISI agent
OP is a camel fucking pakistani ISI agent
Poo in loo motherfuckers! Indians suck
poos are filthy disgusting creatures with no morals at all.they smell and poop everywhere.throw trash on the streets and dont feel guilty bout it .Karachi was once a great city before Hindus migrated there :( I want to kill every single one of them.
No, You lots are worse.
You’re poos too, but Islamics edition.
gotchu senpai
It's like a fuckin cheapasss Ford taking shit on Mercedes.
Nobody cares little cunts.
You're Muslim and y'all die in fire soon.
Kek you're a plumber. WTF you miserable cunt.
Kek, damn right. I don't mind poo... but the islamic part is too distasteful.
Feminism among whites has made marrying a terrible idea for men
I'd still take poos over spics and niggers.
The over achiever pajeets are good. The ones who've left India, are educated, and have assimilated are fine. The ones that shit on the streets are the poor degenerates stuck there.
How about gas them all?
I mean sure, plumbers and pipe fitters both do work with pipes, but it really is not the same job. But I doubt you have ever even seen a pipe before, so it's not your fault.
Kek plumbers make 400 pounds sterling a day here. How many rupees is that?
Then again what use is a plumber to someone that shits in the street
nigger do you know how much plumbers make?
We'll make sure they are, Brother Poo.
I'm ashamed of my country, hopefully in future it becomes better.
I don't care. It's a shitty job and even a 20$ whore makes more money.
The point is plumbing is very low grade job with no respect whatsoever in the Society.
Nobody ever wants to say, "my dad is a plumber in a respectable Society".
Indians remind me of cockroaches.
They aren't as bad as Arabs and Africans but I still want them to fuck off back to their own countries all the same.
I am so sick of their arrogance and the awkward moments around them when they realise that I don't give a fuck if they are upper class or not, I still think of them as vermin who are rapidly infesting my country.
How the fuck did we end up here Sup Forums?
Western countries are literally being infested by people who will slowly reduce us to third world status and we can't even be disappointed aboit it...
saaa adds to tha flavour.
I know it's difficult for you pajeet. But try wiping the poo from your eyes and rereading the posts you just replied to.
Get a load of this curry nigger.
You have no fucking right to ever speak the word "society" let alone criticize the important position plumbing plays in...what the fuck am I even doing trying to explain basic human hygiene to a disgusting cigar necked purple shitskin
I think we just figured out why pajeets don't use toilets.
>no fucking right
What are you, a fuckin triggered SJW?
And plumbing maybe an important job. Still, it's not a RESPECTABLE one.
You get it stupid fat burger!
I've written just fine. Reread it bong cuck.
Either i am tripping balls or i remember japans flag really wrong
I work with a Philipeno Christian who does that too. Grubby cunt's always trying to share his food with me but I'm not eating that.
Nice edit sharter
I really don't know what you are talking about.
>unironically lives in literal Dharavi
You have no right because of the state of the ABSOLUTE shithole that spawned your heathen soul. Look at how you filthy fuckin mongrels live. You seriously expect anyone to lend credence to anything you have to say about society?
Get proper fucked, mate. Respectable jobs? Your kind wouldn't know the meaning of it, you filthy fuckin curry monster
Well done, you almost understood what I was trying to say and almost clicked on the right post to reply to me. Solid effort pajeet.
I'll put it simply for you. Being a plumber isn't looked down on in any civilised country. They make decent money and aren't consider to have a shitty job like a call centre worker.
Ever watched Indian porn? Unintentionally hilarious.
Eh? Karachi was hindu before are you dense or what? Hindus migrated FROM karachi and settled in india after independence and formation of pakistan. It was way better and civilized with hindus before it became muslim.
plumber is a solidly middle class job though in the west.