The earth is fla

The earth is fla..

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The moon is flat.

thats the moon

Why's one flat and the other round?

>why is the sky blue but grass is green and dirt is brown

How's the komarov mine doing?

That looks pretty flat to me user. It's just on its side like this. the earth is growing

>everyone misses what they're supposed to be seeing in the moon photo
Come on, anons.

why is water wet?

Earth is not flat like a plate but like a floating island, it has mass under the surface plus a dome too.

..t and lost all its color

Unfortunately for you, if the moon isn't round, it must be at least hemispherical.

>the moon isn't transpa--
ill wait


Vapor reflection

Chemical composition, some is blue

Metallurgical composition based on iron and carbon content

When will we see the other side of the moon?

It is a plasmid with lubricative properties.

the moon is a solid obj-

Op is a fa-

Question, if the earth is flat what's on the other side? How deep is the earths flat crust?

The moon is also flat. the thing is it's on a massive energy chain that makes it swing in a circle motion.

clearly swamp gas

The Flat Earth "Theory" is Russian sourced anti-American propaganda. They aren't really trying to convince you that the Earth is flat. To believe the theory, you have to reject all pictures, videos and eyewitness testimony from NASA and the mass media as "fake news". This has two effects. 1.) It undermines your faith and trust in your government. 2.) It trains you to reject objective evidence and believe whatever lie they want to tell you. Flat Earthers can get fucked.

pic related.
Men on the Moon Scorecard:
12- U.S.A.
0- Russia

grass atoms absorb red and blue wavelength of the electromagnetic visible spectrum and only green is not absorbed but reflected back