The story so far:

Someone calling himself “Q” posted on Sup Forums

He claimed to have intel on major happenings coming soon.

The happenings so far:
Bank of all banks issues this: bis.org/publ/work666.htm

The Trump’s twitter taken down for 11 minutes twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/926401530013642765

Ballistic Missile over Saudi Capitol: cnn.com/2017/11/04/middleeast/saudi-arabia-ballistic-missile/index.html

Bitcoin skyrockets

Trump tweets about Saudi Arabia: twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/926793510723796993

Saudi Arrests 11 princes (!!!) zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-04/shocking-purge-saudi-king-arrests-billionaire-prince-bin-talal-others-anti-money-lau

Prince Waleed owns more of twitter than anybody. He is a part owner in the property directly above Mandalay Bay las vegas. He made sure Obama got into Harvard. wnd.com/2012/09/saudi-billionaire-did-help-obama-into-harvard/
He has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The President is traveling with military guard on his Asia trip.

Some of the info we were given might have been intentionally misleading. 11/3 came and went. Sup Forums was waiting for a news outlet to announce Podesta's arrest. It didn't happen.(Or did it? halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news/world-news/1541-boooooom-tony-podesta-reportedly-arrested-surrendered-to-us-marshals-saturday-morning)

New evidence shows up re: indictments. (see )

The battle continues, Shills say it is a LARP, Sup Forums get's comfy.



Bread Crumbs info dump:


Links to thread #1 - #20 under
#51: #52:

Other urls found in this thread:

usarrestsearch.org/search/name/results.php?fname=AnThony&lname=Podesta&state=ALL&submit=Search Now#

What is the emphasis on FAITH?

It is said that an estimated 2 trillion Saudi Riyal (USD 500+ billion- yes BILLION) will be recovered from all these arrests !!


Welp i have no idea whats going on but im strapped in for the ride. time to enjoy my last hour and a half of work

Shout out to the Men and Women making this all happen, whomever you are

Is anyone else >playing along like it's a LARP but secretly hoping it's real ?


Ignore both Mega Larpers for the love of bog.

Relevant is this, why?
Why this is relevant?
Relevant, why is this?
Is this relevant, why?
Why is this? Relevant?
Relevant? Is this why?

thats you too!

brew some covfefe and snuggle up with us!

Followup on this...

post link.

Maybe related to Lv "miracle" tweet



collective consciousness = manifestation

regular user here not asking in q format to fool people im trying to brainstorm
do the victims have tats?
pizzagate tats that could incriminate people?
which logo's can we connect to this? isis, mandalay bay, three letter agency?

is he hunting obama on the hunters moon? the hunters became the hunted?!

also is there any references to alice in vegas? is alice a person?

again just trying to brainstorming

>FAITH is in the Pattern, the long thread.
We weave the thread
>and bake the bread.
Q will come again

Not sure if related to Alice in Wonderland.

Cyber security with ties to government, ICANN and the like. Could be getting Intel from there but not sure.


>Anthony Podesta
>age 74
>Washington DC residence
It all checks out and it's real.
usarrestsearch.org/search/name/results.php?fname=AnThony&lname=Podesta&state=ALL&submit=Search Now#

>trump actually cleans house and everything slays
>People cry tears for generations becasue they lost but the world is still magically better


The ability to know God? I'm getting excited and may have started overthinking things. Who are you again?

Our Gd given attention, intention, consciousness, and awareness.

Those sites grab from public information and claim they have reports on everyone as a scam

Left ee paol was reight

larp treads are shill threads.

Look up your own name. It'll show you too, if you have a public life at all. They show entries for everyone, whether they have a record or not.

Alice is Assange
Wonderland is wikileaks.

I'm nothing
the small tiny nooks and crannies of nothing between your neurons watching them

>light up like a christmas tree.

Sounds like a plan

Does anyone know where any of the following people are located at this time?

1) John Podesta
2) Tony Podesta

3) Hillary Clinton
4) Barack Obama
5) Debbie Wasserman Schultz
6) negroe lady

Subtle pysop? Posting actually good then using a commie flag to get people to fall for the thread or make people not kvetch when they see an actual commie? Either way just sage

>Can you find Tony Podesta? Look hard. There are records!!!
>Focus your digging in the upper northeast region of the US.

From halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news/world-news/1541-boooooom-tony-podesta-reportedly-arrested-surrendered-to-us-marshals-saturday-morning

it most definitely not a larp. Combined with the tax plan and fed chairman swap this week is setting economic trajectories for the next 10-15 years

Nothing is where everything came from, isn't it.

This is the last location given of tony that I know of.

that doesn't even make any sense

Meh. Twitter is a shit hole riddled with fake real accounts. Stop posting links to that crap.

Well, assuming that you're the same person from before...

What are your thoughts on DMT use?

>mfw trump brings back hope for us generation Zykloners to have a successful economic future

Nah that poster was referring to john (skippy) and it was more of a prediction than an indication

alt er ingenting, anonymt. Spise en fjert


DMT is a baby binky compared to what we're talking about

Where's Tony?

Collective consciousness == overthinking asshole.


So you're the one that's been activating my almonds and rustling my jimmies

not for the faint of heart

We're talking Adrenochrome or others then.

Adrenochrome is connected to the child trafficking if my memory serves me right.


It's also what DJT uses to reach the people. Fuck off.

Is there time for /comfy/ user to get Chinese food? Don't want to miss the happening.

>What are your thoughts on DMT use?
Beware of unearned wisdom. One of the underrated Peterson quotes.

>> Alice & Wonderland
>> Alice and Wonderland
>> Allison’s Wonderland

An article on the deep state from ‘72.



haha i have no idea what AdrenoChrome is, but what i'm talking about is perfectly legal and you can do at almost all ages and times

you could even be doing it...

(((right NOW )))

I left for dinner with friends and missed 5 threads. Did Q really come back while I was gone? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

Go to the very bottom of the file and it says

---------- ID:GVUvg1M7 Fri 03 Nov 2017 16:38:03 No.147817468 ViewReport
What data just dropped?
Why is this relevant?
Where is HUMA?
Who is HUMA connected to?
What organization?
What is HUMA's family history?
How did HUMA meet HRC?
What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they are?
Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden?
Were deals made w/ select D's?
Can we expose every crooked politician?
Follow HUMA.
Alice & Wonderland.

Saudi Prince was behind LV

Trump told them to clean house or he glasses their country

Huma, Podesta, etc. now can't flee to SA

does anyone have cap of latest Q questions?

Ideas. Creation itself.

Hi y’all! Here’s what I tried to post in last thread before it got archived. Connects Huma, Talal and unironically, 9/11 and Vegas.

True, as related to Pakistan. Specifically those Pakistani’s that helped coordinate 9/11 with the Talal faction of the royal family. This is the faction Bush immunized and had securely extracted from the US after they watched 9/11 go down. Just like they were about to watch Vegas go, you know...

If you wanna go down this road pay attention.

Correct... MEME IT

Michael Chrichton's 1990 Jurrassic Park novel details it a lot. you can read it free online

53 threads of LARP on the baord
53 threads of LARP
Take one down; pass it around.
54 threads of LARP on the board.

Can someone view file?

Alice &

Allah's Sand?


6) your mom was wiping my cum off her chin earlier this evening

saudi activity confirmed

Amen. Thoughts and prayers and spirit bomb energies to the heroes of all time making the moves we all wish we could

Ja, ta tak i en fjertberger og kom tilbake. Vi har mye tid til vi finner ut.

Can we confirm this? He posted source, but if that site is legit then we need to include that in the OP. Confirmed TP arrest.

Pls respond

if you love Peterson, you'd love this novel mentioned above, it also relates to whats happening tonight

More importantly, I think, is this question:
What I believe that you're getting at is that reality is actually defined and manipulated by collective will of those that experience it.
To go further: this physical reality isn't where we are made but where we end up and that we are made in in a sort of spiritual realm.
Is that why Meme Magic is important? The Will of Kek? The massive psyop/propoganda campaign by the MSM and the Satanists/Moloch worshipers?
Whichever thoughts are most collective is the one that ends up defining reality. That's why we're needed. To focus and think and imagine and create at the same time like a sort of simultaneous, constant prayer.
"If that bastard wins, we'll all hang from nooses." - HRC

Is it possible she said that not because she thinks that Trump himself is powerful, but that she knew that if Trump one, the collective thoughts of the American people would be shifting and they'd lose the power to define reality for us?
But, I'm a negroe. So, what do I know?

Could Huma be the A&W reference? Could they be hiding Huma because she flipped on hillary? She would know SA and the MB. She knows the DNC. Could this be?

wait are we thinking John Titor is a real guy?

found this on Alice: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Alice_Communications_System

"The system connected remote Air Force sites in Alaska, such as Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W), Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line) and Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS), to command and control facilities and in some cases it was used for civilian phone calls. The system was advanced for its time, but became obsolete within 20 years following the advent of satellite communications"

Are we still doing this??

What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan? Kingdom and Pakistan maintain close and robust political, military, economic, security and cultural relations, rarely found in the history of global camaraderie.
Why is this relevant? Able to launder money to us and from us
Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials? To influence
What does SA obtain in exchange for payment? Officials to lobby on behalf of SA
Why is access important?
What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016?
How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16?
HRC lost.
Loss of access/power/control.
Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how?
Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran? 1.3 (that we know of)
During the 19 days following the first shipment, the U.S. sent two more planeloads of cash, totaling $1.3 billion, to Tehran. The two planeloads, which passed through Europe on Jan. 22 and Feb. 5, followed the same route as the earlier payment, a congressional aide who was briefed told the Journal. In the first payment, an Iranian cargo plane picked up the money in Geneva.

The money was procured from central banks in Switzerland and the Netherlands, official said, and an unmarked cargo plane loaded with Swiss francs, euros and other currencies were flown to Iran.

Why wasn't Congress notified? Sanctions not legal
Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'? They can't be called for hearings
Who has access to 'State Secrets'? Potus
Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? Geneva to Tehran
Did the planes all land in the same location? Yes
How many planes carried the cash? 4


So, do we feel we were tasked with FINDING Podesta? If so, isn't it safe to assume that HE is Alice? Then the question becomes what/where is Wonderland. One must assume there is a hint in the literary reference itself.

Who the Fuck is Alice?

Unless he's already there. jetphotos.com/registration/HZ-MS4B
"Airline: Saudi Arabia - Aeromedical Evacuation"


FWIW Jimmy Fallons mom died today reason for no show yesterday.

guys what is this

We need graphics. I can confirm the graphic attached is accurate and need today's crumbs added.
Thank you Patriots.

A.W. - Alice Wonderland - Anthony Weiner


det er nok fra ditt navnhomo. gå tilbake til T_D fjertmunn

Disclosure? Like the kind that would even blow Sup Forums's mind?

You mentioned yourself be with us all night. Is it necessary for us to stay awake? That's kind of happenings in the very near future?

Unlikely. A search for "arrest records JOHN DOE"
would probably provide proof that john doe had been arrested.

Just algorithms stuffing names into holes.

Yes. Lots of people do and the leash is tight, brah. ;o)

do ur own homework u fake gay faggot

Nigger status confirmed.

welcome to the party

What about John “POW” M?

Adrenochrome is the distilled product of a sexually abused tortured & recently sacrificed child's pineal gland, said to contain the purest adrenaline & dopamine compounds

are you paying attention right now? Its VERY important you remember what i'm about to say:

>"If you think you're meditating, you're not meditating."

Ya'll need to stay the course.
