Ok so long story short, HuffPost and other Hillary dick suckers are now all getting buttblasted because this woman called Donna Brazile (In the photo, who I never heard of before) dared to come out with the truth in a book about how Hillary rigged the party to ensure her nomination
Donna Brazile Sells Out, A Sad Way To End A Career
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't gonna save your fucked up reputation you dumb nigger.
She got punished while Wolf Blitzer did not for the same thing.
It's very telling that the left values messaging over truth. It's the basis of their discourse. "It doesn't matter how many genders are real, people's feelings will be hurt if you talk like that!" Now it doesn't matter if Hillary was terrible or not, think of the optics if you criticise her! The so called intellectual left is ultimately a party of intellectual poverty.
>Peter Rosenstein
Lol irony of this is Hillary/Bush/Obama sell out the nation but Huffpo dont care
As much as I want to, I don't believe this bitch. She just wants to sell a few million books for the money.
Donna Brazile is a known liar and a cheat besides being an obvious nigger.
She was kicked off the Dukakis presidential campaign in 1988 for being a liar. She was so offensive that Dukakis himself had to apologize for her comments.
During the 2016 presidential debates, nigger Brazile was caught telling the Hillary campaign what some of the debate questions were.
Nigs will always nig
She's on Trumps payroll
A nigs gotta nig
Rosenstein getting BTFO in the comments
Could this author be more Jewish?
He literally says the word shekels in this article.
I smell an opportunity to accuse the Liberal establishment of singling out Brazile because she is a woman of color.
>(In the photo, who I never heard of before)
You should have. She's been around longer than you have, and she's smart, not only for a nigger but for anyone in politics. She may be the most worthy adversary on the left that the right has had in many years. She's worth listening to, because she knows what's really up, and she's decent and honest enough to pursue the truth even when it contravenes her immediate interests. If she ran for office, I'd vote for her.
>Sold out by the very people you pander to
What a beautiful thing to watch
>rig elections in your favor
>expect no blowbacks
I'm a democratic bernie supporter and I'm glad to see the DNC absolutely shit their pants over this. Just like the GOP got a make over with Trump, the Democratic party needs a make over with someone new leading the way. I like Bernie but I feel like Tulsi Gabbard would be the right woman to represent the Democratic party today.
>inb4 shill.
Fuck you niggers I can have an opinion too.
Stating facts isn't a sad way to end a career.
In fact she's propping up Bernie cause he's the future of the democrat party, a smart move.
‘Why is the media protecting a white woman like Hillary but attacking a true black woman leader like Donna?’ #ImWithDonna
I don't see Bernie as the future of the Democrats, more like an evolutionary dead end than anything.
i thought this was a republican thing
at least Powell went quietly
Brazile had to be an uppity nigger instead of knowing her place
now we look bad
Why would she lie about something that she knows is going to alienate her whole tribe though? I don't believe that she didn't know or wasn't in on it, but I believe the rest.
Huffpost is racist.
Opportunity to cause infighting within democrat circle. They are attacking a women of color simply for standing up against a white person in power.
bernie is almost dead
the party needs a new younger version, not sure they have one (thankfully)
But it's okay cause Donna Brazile is sexist for outing Hil.
Can i sue her Sup Forums?
Can we convince people that they hate Donna due to white supremacy?
The point is to make them rate who comes first in the opression olympics. Black women or rich white women. If they pick hillary Identity politics might further fracture the party.
Brazil has no culture.
brazil thinks they are white
This is shit tier bait.
>decent and honest
Did you even try
Warren, obvious 2020 nominee. Screen shot my post, come back to it in 3 years. Will bet both my fucking testicles its Warren.
Whats the huffingtonpost huffing and puffing about now?
I honestly wonder why Jews don't understand why people hate them. Like, at a certain point you would be like, "Oh, maybe it's cuz I am part of a cancerous growth on the face of every nation I inhabit? Nahh... must be every other culture. They just don't get it."
She's not selling out.
She's rewriting history in her favor. :/
I don't get it Sup Forums
are we on this lady's side or not
Checked. If Donna Brazil's wasn't black she would be taken seriously. Just look at how Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard have been treated in comparison.
Donna B. is betting on Democrats becoming party of Crazy Bernie and Pocahontas, but Crooked Clintons are still not giving up. I'm not sure which side to pick.
They don't understand because they are a race of narcissists.
An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships
A lack of psychological awareness (see insight in psychology and psychiatry, egosyntonic)
Difficulty with empathy
Problems distinguishing the self from others (see personal boundaries)
Hypersensitivity to any insults or imagined insults (see criticism and narcissists, narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury)
Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt
Haughty body language
Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them (narcissistic supply)
Detesting those who do not admire them
(narcissistic abuse)
Using other people without considering the cost of doing so
Pretending to be more important than they actually are
Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements
Claiming to be an "expert" at many things
Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
Denial of remorse and gratitude
>t. niggernigger kikenigger
We are on her side in the respect that she's torpedoing the democrats, but we are also mindful that:
>Donna Brazile fed hildawg debate questions in advance during her debates against bernie
>"lol hey guys guess what it was rigged and like I totally wasn't down with that"
She just a nigger trying to make a buck and save some face even though she was a huge part of the rigging in the first place
BTW checked friendo
How about you form your own opinions instead of relying on a flimsy gestalt from a forum full of idiots my dude?
Next move is obvious - start a push on twitter accusing Dems of being racist for not supporting DB. Drive a wedge between party DNC loyalists and minority voters
thx for the quick rundown, pal
for the record I think anyone willing to say "yeah, nah, hillary rigged it" from this point should be treated the way NASA treats nazi scientists
I mean, even if this donna lady is obviously a shit bag, she's a shit bag that might just put us on the moon
hey, my dude
just wanted to let you know that you have my permission to fuck yourself anytime you like
that's ok, I won't watch
your opinion is wrong nigger faggot.
she is a liar, but it's true that the primary was nigged. this is brazike's minor payback for ehen hillary threw a tantrum and called her a brain-dead water buffalo ladt year.
SJW rule number 1:
If you tell a Strong Black Woman she is wrong, you're a fucking racist Nazi and should KYS
Like Dalrymple said, to be untruthful is a core pillar of communist propaganda. The point is to tell such blatant lies while said lies are reinforced that you become forced to stay silent against them and thus become easier to control.
>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
hahahaha how do you like getting BTFO fagget
I love Tulsi, but you know she would never make it through a Dim primary, she needs a 3rd party.
Imagine being this creative
Huffy, huffy!
trusting a cunt to be a "leader".
why are there so many low-T reddit nu-males on Sup Forums these days.
Brazile is singing like the canary in the coal mine. Goebbels selling out Hitler. She has access to information that people are going down and she's trying to save her own ass. This literally validates everything we've been hoping for.
no blacks allowed in the hillary's racist DNC
Nah, she might have a chance getting into the Bernie crowd with this redemption arc. Might even pop up on Carlson.
I just got here and I can't believe none of you fucking faggots posted the archive link instead. STOP GIVING AIDS HUFFINGTON POST CLICKS
based norbot used to do it for us :^(
why not both
I think shes coming clean to try and save her own hide, and sell books too.
I expect we will see more rats jump ship soon
>What she has done as we move toward the 2018 elections for Congress, governors and state legislatures is try to reignite the fire between the Clinton and Sanders wings of the Democrat Party and re-litigate the 2016 election hurting the Democratic Party which is just beginning to recover. I see that as a career-ending move, even if she makes a few shekels from her book.
>makes a few shekels from her book
HuffPo will never turn on Clinton
>Tulsi Gabbard
>electing Condoleeza Rice 2.0 to represent the Democrats
Go for it bro.
HuffPo, attacking a WOC is racist
Shame on you, huffpo
oh but it is fun watching her try. she knows hilldawgs day is monday. new sealed indictments are up
>A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
worth quoting i think
unsurprising that they wanted to be part of what they thought was going to be the in crowd.
That Dalrymple is a smart guy.
I was only following orders eh...
People are dead and countless problems have been caused all because this lady thought covering her own ass was more important than her country and its people. She knew things and she needs to be brought to justice for them. She let it happen.
>I've never heard of Donna Brazile
How young and new are you
I'm trying to read this shitty article and god damn is it poorly written. There are grammar mistakes all over the fucking place.
>“He was deemed “extremely disgraceful” by Donna Brazile, vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, when he said “In terms of media coverage, you had to run within the Democratic Party,” he observed, adding that he couldn’t raise money outside the major two-party process.
That lone quotation mark at the beginning is in the actual article. Seriously, how fucking drunk was this dude when he wrote this shit post?