Half of them are saying that there were actually no protests today and it was all fake, the rest are saying that Sup Forums faked the ad in the papaer to embarrass them and that anyone out marching was "not their guys"
Leftypol is going into meltdown
8ch DOT net /leftypol/res/2220869.html#2220869
>> Sup Forums faked the ad in the papaer to embarrass them
how the fuck would anyone from Sup Forums be willing to blow enough cash to buy a full page ad in the NYT
just more russian funded fake news obviously.
They are straight faced completely convinced about that, in fact the think that there was never an ad in the paper, the pictures were photoshopped and us laughing at their pathetic display today was us "getting confused and falling for our own meme"
They're disorganized idiots, fuck em.
They'll never drop the intersectional identity shit and they'll never form an effective populist movement.
If perception management professionals didn't shill constantly to agitate counter-protests you'd never even pay attention to the stupid assed black block race riot shit.
leftypol is weird
Most of the threads have 0 replies. It's kind of sad.
Where do the Antifa hang out on the internet?
ANTIFA and ALTRIGHT collaborated and marketed the Day of Rage for a month. No one showed up because anons have finally realized the Alt-Right and ANTIFA are both two sides of the same Semitic shekel designed to cause (((chaos))) in society. And now that both groups lack public support you're going to see them go down, first ANTIFA, of course.
a couple dozen different subreddits and twitter
people go to leftypol if they've got those ebin h0t br0cialist takes that'd get them banned for freeze peach elsewhere
They live here... and they're here now and they are buttfrustrated to death and rethinking their life choices.nobody held their hand into revolution and everyone expected everyone else to grow balls first and now theres nothing left to look forward to except Christmas and the arrest of Hilary and friends. Its all ogre
The masses of Antifa are just foot soldiers. The puppet masters are the ones to worry about. Like the IWW, and the National Lawyers Guild. These are the key players that people like Yvette Falarca their marching orders.
Ever notice how they always use the same chants, tactics, etc? It's because they have effective leadership. The very fact that they shout from the rooftops how they are a grass roots effort made up of common citizens is proof enough that they are lead by sponsors in the background.
Antifa must be run by Sup Forums then, because they were intensely promoting it the last few weeks.
in fairness, this is the same board that kamikazed a drone into Shia's flag for a meme
Sure, but the jewyork times won't be getting any user shekels..
No, shills were.
MFW we win regardless of what the Left does.
What paper are you talking about?
They hate internationalists.
What ad?
Its the power of being lawful evil. We don't have to lie to win
Today really was revealing just how fucked the left is. They have no leaders, no organization and they're living in complete delusion now.
They are so beyond fucked now, this is the best time of my life watching these corrupt parasites die off and turn on each other.
Not twelve months ago, Hilllary seemed unbeatable and we were set to be choked out in a socialist hellhole.
I recall last Nov they said the exact same delusional sheet about Trump winning
It's just them shilling because they're embarrassed. Having no one show up to their protests is the worst optics they can have - since their whole nonsense is that they're a fake grass roots uprising. This hardcore shilling is a desperate attempt at them bucketing the water out of Antifas sinking ship. We beat Antifa boys - one contender down. Let's see who rises to take their place.
I always took those lefties for completely unathletic, but the mental gymnastics are quite impressive
Look out Mustang, there's a new crowdkiller in town
>This Machine Kills Fascists
t. Fascist that machine created
Kek. I wonder what the Jews will come up with next to try and subvert us?
Jason Unruhe is based though.
This better be bait.
>They'll never drop the intersectional identity shit
This is exactly why they're doomed to fail. It inevitably turns them on each other, in a form of class warfare to determine who is the most "oppressed."
It's like a power struggle, only instead of the most fit or cunning being on top, the one with the most oppression points gets artificially put there
>you don't understand hegel
>no you don't understand hegel
>no arguments, only name calling
I probably would If I thought it would work.
However, I did not.
They saw that the only people that turned out for their event were old white grannys
>The leaders of the United Red Army encouraged their fighters to examine their weaknesses in criticism and self-criticism, and these sessions turned into lynchings. The group purged itself one by one of members deemed not sufficiently revolutionary. Many of the twelve victims died tied to posts in the open, exposed to the elements, but others were beaten to death or slaughtered with knives. The first died on 31 December and the last on 12 February. The United Red Army leaders later did not admit that they had killed, but called it death by defeatism (敗北死 Haiboku shi).
why are they not banning people, they always ban everyone that disagrees with them. Mods prolly sleeping
Be careful with images there btw, they are not washed like here. Don't think they got any skilled people though, they suck at everything
Pol is more chaotic good
This is what Roo is responding to:
>Let's pretend we're infiltrating Sup Forums to mimick them, so they can't recognize us. That way they'll think any Sup Forumsyp can be a leftypol and they'll start fighting eachother
implying Sup Forums won't just call you a shill or a cuck instead of having a discussion
fucking blue pilled trannies and their echo chamber, fucking trannypol they are so pathetic
Never underestimate how unintelligent commies are.
I have never believed the LGBT/feminist/SJW movement was ever real. Most of the noise makers are paid actors for the [VERY EFFECTIVE] purpose of divide and conquor, everyone else is just duped.
wasnt that ad in wapo?
they shoud know who paid for it, just saying
>During her time in college, Nagata became involved full-time in left-wing politics, eventually becoming vice-chairman of the United Red Army. Nagata would work herself into what was described as an "hysterical rage" when excited, usually over political issues. She was described as physically unattractive and was (by the standard of medicine of that time) infertile from Basedow syndrome. She was particularly harsh with other female members of her group.
>In the second week of February 1972 at the compound, URA's chairman Tsuneo Mori and Nagata initiated a violent purge of the group's members. In the purge, Nagata and Mori directed the beating deaths of eight members and one non-member who happened to be present. Six other members were tied to trees outside, subsequently freezing to death in the extremely cold weather. Nagata especially targeted group members who, in her opinion, "took too much interest in relations with women and did not devote enough ardour to the revolution." A few were killed for "attempting to escape"; one member was killed for asking for some tissue paper while inside his sleeping bag, an act that Nagata apparently construed as having a sexual significance.
thats more postmodern thunk than anything
Is it because
>They have blown their brains on pot & acid?
>They are mulattos and 3rd worlders with too low iqs?
>They are Asians who can not comprehend the law of the excluded middle, and instead substitute logic for empty oriental mysticism?
I was going to post that but then i realized we play fair ...most of the time. Atleast until someone crosses the line and then we lose our shit. We bait them into crossing it and raise hell. But we like the chaos of causing it and we justify our actions on morality and what might be best for everyone.
They both kind of fit so maybe some of us are chaotic good and some of of us are lawful evil and Sup Forums is actually the fabled true neutral as a whole.
>They fell for a conspiracy theory that was made to bait them and they think they won because they got baited
that's for trannypol for you allrite
tbf a guy was willing to drop 4k on a sky writer to write its ok to be white. Seems like a full page ad in jew york times would be about the same, maybe less.