They planned a revolution for months

>They planned a revolution for months.
>They were going to march for days until Trump and Pence were impeached and jailed.
>They would overthrow the government and install a communist government.
What actually. happened?
>Nobody showed up.
>They're pretending like that was never there plan.
>They're calling it a conspiracy theory.
Let's take a moment to laugh at Antifa.

Other urls found in this thread:


Went to Philly today. Saw both Nazis and antifa. Antifa laughed, called me a cuck, and told me my flag was made by slaves. Antifa is a bunch of retarded faggots. Tbh I was trying to have an intelligent conversation with them and either they couldn't or weren't willing to

Its even more funny that the leddit post I saw that at was posted 8 hours ago so around 4pm EST right about the time most people realize the protest was a fucking flop

>I fell for dumb conspiracies on the internet
>my ego can't handle admitting I'm a dumb retard so I make it up that it wasn't a conspiracy, I wasn't wrong, it was the leftists who didn't show up to their own event. Yeah! That's it! Couldn't possibly be im a dumb retard who falls for the dumbest shit imaginable on a website where you're supposed to know everything is bait and false

it's honestly so sad

>They planned a revolution for months.

No they didn't. The Revolutionary Communist Party planned a PROTEST (not a revolution), and everyone on the left absolutely despises the Revolutionary Communist Party since they're basically a cult.

>They were going to march for days until Trump and Pence were impeached and jailed.

No they weren't.

>They would overthrow the government and install a communist government.
No they weren't.

>Nobody showed up.
Nobody on the left showed up because no one wants to be involved with the RCP's hijinks...

>They're pretending like that was never there plan.
That's right. Because it wasn't. Also, you keep saying they're as if Antifa is one big unified force with central planning or some shit. It's not like Antifa is a movement rather than an organization or anything.

>They're calling it a conspiracy theory.
None of us are calling it a conspiracy theory, actually- we're saying how you right-wing fuckheads think there's a conspiracy theory.

Seriously, OP, do you have any *actual* sources to back these claims up? Because to sane people, Refuse Fascism was a quick trick by the Revolutionary Communist Party to gain new members and it failed horribly because everyone fucking hates the RCP.

Full page ad in NYT = conspiracy?

>When your pathetic movement gets absolutely BTFO so you pretend like it was never going to happen to save yourself the embarrassment of being an absolute loser.

ALTRIGHT and ANTIFA collaborated to promote the Day of Rage for over a month. But anons realized they're both two sides of the same shekel and didn't show up. Both sides are losing support and numbers. Both sides will get BTFO very soon.

literally anyone can buy one of those you dumb fuck, it's like 300$. holy shit

The funny thing is i'm extremely right wing, I'm actually embarrassed by you dumb shits.

Missing a few zeroes there, leafy.

>I'm extremely right wing

We won.

How many businesses do you run?


Lol actually I sell medical equipment to hospitals and sell guns I build in Backpage, so two

I may have been off by a magnitude or two

It's still nothing compared to the advertising their business gets and thus the revenue they'll draw in. His point that "there was a newspaper ad, this is serious!" is insane.

Antifa is done, all the useful idiots they used to have to pad their numbers have finally become numb to Trump, they'll say their daily devotional "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE." on facebook but any activism is dead, they've settled in for 4-8 years of Trump.

>it's nothing, anyone could buy that

> When nobody on the left gave a shit about the protests planned by an almost literal cult that you overhyped for weeks so you claim victory when nobody shows up instead of admitting that you're a dumbfuck for believing that there was going to be a revolution to dispose of Trump or anything

> Hahaha, leftists BTFO right? Antifa cucks always lose!

How do you earn back $150k off an event that half the world is laughing at and the other hald are pretending never happened?

I would say we should try to team up now that they have all but surrendered but do we want people who choke constantly? Can they even be fixed?

holy shit you're dumb

>he thinks 150k is a lot
>he thinks 150k is a lot to a business

Im in antifa. Lets talk buddy.

throw the live feed, faggot. Otherwise larping

remember remember the fail of november

Democrats and leftists were too busy with their civil war to #Resist.


Damage control

>$150k is a lot to a business

Since when was antifa a business?

>submitted 8 hours ago
>4:30 PM eastern, 2 hours before sunset

So it took half a day of no one showing up before they came up with their "JUST TROLLING LOL!" defense?

t. soyim

How does it feel that there is no universe where you or your opinion will ever matter leaf. You guys are like beetles crashing into windows until they die from it.

>try to team up

It was posted by Refuse Fascism, though, which is like the commercial wing of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which is like a weird shitty fake-Leftist cult. I think they just banked on Antifa showing up, and I'm pretty sure most people planned on staying home because fuck RCP and fuck RF, lol.

everyone larps over chia tea Starbucks... god all I think is their mother took them to red lobster. THANKS ANTIFA FOR NOTHING

Yeah, this shit is fucking offensive. What really fucks my goat about this whole thing is that for what ever reason this is not considered racist. But if the shoe was on the other foot and this was calling out black people for everything then it would be.

>Judean People's Front? Fuck off, we're the People's Front of Judea!

>What actually. happened?

they didn't get paid. There was no money to bus them. no money to bus them in, no antifa

why didn't they get paid? you know why because the reason was on the news, you just didn't connect the dots

It's amazing that Sup Forums believes antifa has any power whatsoever. They're a loosely networked, poorly organized bunch of hipster morons.

That picture is proof of what?

The RCP expected a lot more people because Bob Avakian (RCP cultleader) expected all of the left AND anti-Trump liberals to suck his tiny Maoist cock...

None of them did.

Pretending there was never going to be a revolution is damage control for whom, exactly? Remember, Antifa isn't an organization.

>We're not Nazis, we're IDENTITARIANS

Are you saying that antifa was funded by those Saudi billionaires that got imprisoned?

You’re so fucking butthurt, you could die from it if you’re not careful!

>damage control for whom, exactly?
George Soros, duh

pride begets fall
there's work to be done

That's even more pathetic lmao probably George soros money anyway

Its not over

"White people suck lol"

It continues tomorrow

That's exactly what Im saying

follow the money, the saudi involvements with DNC, with Obama, follow the MONEY. no money, no buses, no antifa.

It was cancelled due to low attendance.


Oh shit man they were on here last night already doing damage control. It was all

>tomorrow is the end of your tyranny and the end of trump and fascist nazis who we will murder in their homes, but look at this huffington post article saying its not violent, Sup Forums btfo

Meanwhile we posted comfy and popcorn memes

Proof that you faggots can't do shit even when you have money being funneled to you. Antifa was hyping it up as much as they could until they realized nobody gave a shit about their march.

This 100%.

The Revolutionary Communist Party claims to be a Maoist party, but they recently abandoned Maoism for... Er, I'm not entirely sure, but it's some weird ideological standpoint that they made up to seem special. They have a massive cult of personality around their leader, Bob Avakian, which makes them super cult-like.

Everyone on the far left hates them. Everyone, including other Maoists. They tried to bank on people who usually do Antifa shit to show up but because no one wants to be involved in the RCP's hijinks, no one did.

I was paid 50 Sorosbucks to pretend this wasn't damage control, but don't tell my local Antifa militia leader, or I might get fired!

this is some 1984 shit.

yeah idk

I'm a leftcom but

people like Bob Avakian make me hella nervous

look the dude up, he cray af

68% - their moms wouldn't let them go

21% - wussed out

10% - didn't actually have an airsoft rifle, showed up with dildo

1% - chain fell off his bike
and not a single milker

I think paying for busses in this case would be sedition
Violent overthrow of duly elected government etc.

Timeline of the Nov. 4 antifa LARP

>spam shitty threads here for months
>Sup Forums: *YAWN*
>spam shitty "memes" (only in the loosest sense) for months
>Sup Forums: just stop this is embarrassing
>take out full page ads in print news papers
>Sup Forums: seriously tho..
>leftypol raids us talking about "CAN'T WAIT TO BASH SOME FASH" "MAKE NAZIS SCARED AGAIN"
>Sup Forums: Stop LARPing you faggots aren't going to do shit
>Nov. 4 rolls around
>we were only pretending to be retarded.jpg
>HAHAHAHAHAHA WE GOT YOU (even though you didn't invest anything into this and laughed at us every time we posted about it)

Yeah, you sure got us lmfao. Back2


Anyone else seeing an optical illusion in this pic?

le big zionist army (diapers not included)

Didn't even have to check your flag to know you were a leaf.

Boston sntifa attendance
Anthony "the fag" burnham showed up in black block

so nothing happened?

I actually feel sorry for them at this point.

Clanton's going to be the prison cum bucket until taking cock is as normal to him as spouting libtard crap.

And all for nothing, just a joke outfit of degenerates and cry babies.

And I'm embarrassed for them after all the hype they were building up for what turned out to be a nothing burger.

Pathetic is the only word for Antifuh.

something else worth noting is that this was "announced" as a profest but infowars and kinda turned the dialogue up to 11 and started talking about antifa shipping in billions in weapons or whatever. leftist twitter trolls ran w/ it, but out of context it's apparently hard to understand how a dude named after the villain of the ninja turtles series is joking by talking about "antifa supersoldiers" lol

>Proof that you faggots can't do shit even when you have money being funneled to you. Antifa was hyping it up as much as they could until they realized nobody gave a shit about their march.

you got proof for any of these claims, pal?

how does one "fund antifa" when it isn't an organization. that's like saying, "fund the states' rights movement"

>I'm a leftcom but
Come on, you shoulda been there, I heard Eternal Leader Bob Avakian was giving out free mobile armchairs to protest on! Perfect for all leftcoms!

Nothing was ever going to happen. Sup Forums just refuses to admit that they were wrong about the whole thing and that they overhyped it to the extreme.


BTW, one of the Saudi princes who was arrested today owns more of twitter than Jack Dorsey does.


Huma, Obama, DNC donations. Flooding europe with refugees. Buying refugees inflatable boats and lifejackets and buying them cell phones and putting the addresses of where to go into their cell phones...just check out western Saudi Arabia on google earth, see what they've built there. There are so many dots, and they all point to SAE.

the sheer brilliance of today....

>Go to Seattle City hall
>Demand that they (the City of Seattle) impeach Trump

We can see your ID.

>Intelligent conversation
You would have been better off going to a dog pound for intelligent conversation. At least some of the dogs would look you in the eyes and follow you around to let you know they understand you're speaking to them.

18 billions wasted on heroine junkies kek


Is there a bigger joke in America than Antifa?
No, no there is not.


>Clanton's going to be the prison cum bucket until taking cock is as normal to him as spouting libtard crap.
Antifa has already turned on Clanton for snitching and getting Felarca and a few other BAMN pedos arrested

CIA nigger

man I missed out on free mobile armchairs?

fuck, all I did was deliver pizza


Boston common
Anthony "aids filled anus" burnham was there


they are not american citizens, so they can't be treasonous to the US. They've been arrested by their own government.

Remember this?

it's time to target these faggets intstead


those media kikes are the cancer that fuels the fire

>street theater
the unicorn showed up but the other characters were prepping their bulls


>something else worth noting is that this was "announced" as a profest but infowars and kinda turned the dialogue up to 11 and started talking about antifa shipping in billions in weapons or whatever.
Post link.

yeah they were also going to resurrect bordiga to personally kill trump but that was canceled because they didn't give his ghost enough sorosbucks to do shit

i'm sorry i can't stop making leftcom jokes lmao


the vermin of society eating each other


Is this a guided narrative, or is this simply pure, raw, leftist incompetence? I am honestly starting to become confused

Stop it you're embarrsing yourself more than usual. Hahah deerp

How butthurt are you right now? I know they told you to play dumb and act like it was never going to happen but how does it feel knowing that your organization is a failing piece of trash?

How pissed do you think Soros is right now? All that money spent on his LE REVOLUCION! and he got a couple tiny protests which no one paid attention to but a bunch of far right trolls lmfao


Why is everyone saying we were chimping out over this? Every thread I saw was at least 80% "wow it's nothing"

