Black people never invented anythi-
Butter on a Stick
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So that's an american's lipgloss?
I laughed, but no, these bright young women are actually Canadian
That's actually pretty smart.
Niggers are master inventors.
>prototype is butter in a deodorant stick
butter in glue stick is old news. They didnt invent shit
and they say germans have no humour
If you like crumbs, residue, and rotting pieces of others foods on your butter.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. City people all voted for Hilary.
We germans would call it "zweckentfremdung"
(to rob something of its purpose) to apply something for something it wasn't even designed for. (i.e. opening beerbottles with a hammer's rear)
You're welcome toothpastes.
>They didnt invent shit
Well, feast your eyes on this fine bit of Afroengineering. The suspension itself is a marvel.
Pretty much this.
No bad Kamal
that's a pretty gud idea desu
Did you skip grammar lessons?
Lazy, retarded or just 100% american beef?
You can buy a bike for $100.
>city people
>not retarded
cooking with butter
fuck its like they want cancer
Reeee more uneccessary plastic shit to throw away, stop fucking doing this it's not needed
ok stop now
Leave your butter out of the fridge niggers.
>having microwave ovens above head-height
I've never undestood this fad in America, how many mongs end up spilling soup at 1029830198 degrees over their own faces?
Make me, Beefeater
Does the spring actually do anything or does he just slap it on there because he saw suspension one a vehicle once?
actual German detected. audibly kek'd.
Syrians have a great sense of humor, what are you taking about?
Lazy and beef
>you get "salted" butter
>you store it in a opaque, ceramic butter dish at room temperature
>you have spreadable, soft butter you can use all of the time
White people figured this out forever ago because dairy products is our thing, bruh
They do it on purpose so they can sue the manufacturer.
>or does he just slap it on there because he saw suspension one a vehicle once?
Pretty much this.
Niggers also invented a tank.
ey fuck you you wagecuckboi, from L.A.....born and raised abd voted Trump cuz im not a faggot tard of commie subversion. Don't speak on what you don't know.
>Costs $100
>Takes a team 3 days to build using just a machete
Why not invest in actual tools?
Niggas are inven...
wtf I love germany now
>$100 for a wooden scooter
I'm pretty sure you can hire a truck to carry 1000 times more than the glorious chukudu for the same price. But no, they buy a fucking wood scooter and work 1000 times harder for no reason.
It just works better since the butter in the stick already got room temperature compared to the frozen one.
include me in the screenshot! Hello mum!
bahahahaha damn you mother fucker
You make me laugh Ahmad
Look at the white woman face
she's so proud
fucking women
Has no one ever seen those butter containers for corn on the cob?
So that's an american's lipgloss?
Kek well done leaf
they have been around for years
"theft as a fine art" - prominent african trait
>young black entrepreneurs come up with an idea
>pol is upset
The Japs made jokes about it 20 years ago
I guess it's a start
State Fairs in the Midwest have been doing deep-fried butter on a stick for 20 years
it's because it's literal butter on a stick
the niggers stole the retarded brilliant idea
>come up with
>implying they came up with it even as a joke
lipgloss comes on a stick?
The damn white man built a time machine, went to the future, and stole the idea.
I'm more put off that it's another case of white people going wOw jAmAl cOoL iNvEnTiOn and fawning like retards than a couple of basketballs trying to make something for school.
I think so, looks like it's supposed to be where the front shock absorbers are on a motorcycle
don't tell them that, they might actually get somewhere in a thousand year
Excellent work mein fuhrer