The guy talking in this part of the clip indicates that the Uranium from the Uranium one deal was sent into Canada and then "disappeared".
Then Judge Jeanine says >Do we know once that stuff was exported, do we know where it went from Canada?
Congressmen whatever says >We know it went to Europe, We know it went to Asia. We're trying to figure out if it also wen't to a rogue regime like Iran.
Could this be the relevance to JFK?!?!? After all, Israel killed JFK for trying to inspect Dimona. Could Israel have used Uranium One to acquire more nuclear material in order to further develop its ILLEGAL nuclear arms? I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad was tasked with hijacking the shipments and stealing that shit.
Judge Jeanine talks about the fact the Iran nuke deal is actually for MEDICINAL USES OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL.
Could Obama have made the Iran deal specifically for non weaponized purposes of nuclear material WHILE AT THE SAME TIME making that shit classified. THIS COULD BE THE ENTIRE REASON FOR THE DEAL. The fact that Israel and the ZOG puppets use this nuclear deal to call Iran the enemy. THE EXCUSE TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAN, A GIANT LIE. The truth could be that Israel stole the uranium from uranium one as well and everything to do with Russia is complete bullshit.
What do you think of my austism filled theory?
Carter Sanchez
Mark 5. Bump 3. Fire!
Levi Watson
>tfw when you think this is bullshit >then you realise the trips >you begin your conspiracy theory board and meme magic grants you the foresight to see it happen before your eyes.
1995: Trump Sold The Plaza Hotel To Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal And Singapore Company CDL Hotels
January 1995: Trump Began Talking With Singapore-Based CDL Hotels About Purchasing Ownership Stake In Plaza Hotel
Trump Entered Into Talks With Singapore Based Real Estate Company To Recapitalize Plaza Hotel. According to The Wall Street Journal Europe, “Property developer Donald Trump said he is in talks with a Singapore-based real-estate company and Citicorp about recapitalizing New York’s Plaza Hotel. CDL Hotels, a property company controlled by the Kwek family, is negotiating with Mr. Trump and his lenders about paying down a portion of Mr. Trump’s $300 million mortgage on the landmark New York hotel in exchange for an ownership stake, according to a person familiar with the discussions.” [Wall Street Journal Europe, 1/11/95]
Singaporean Billionaire Kwek Leng Beng And Saudi Prince Walid bin Talal Purchased Controlling Stake In Plaza Hotel
1995: Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Singapore’s CDL Hotels Bought Controlling Stake In Trump’s Plaza Hotel. According to Daily News, “A Saudi prince and Singapore’s CDL Hotels have bought a controlling stake in Donald Trump’s Plaza hotel. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, 37, nephew of Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd, and CDL Hotels International Limited joined in a strategic partnership ‘to make the hotel the finest in the world,’ according to a statement released by Trump. The deal, announced Monday in Singapore, capped months of speculation about the fate of The Plaza, one of the city’s most prestigious addresses.” [Daily News, 4/12/95]
Hunter Parker
iran are bad guys, genius. and they are most assuredly going nuclear, same as n korea. wake up.
Elijah Richardson
>Israel is being dealt with quietly That's also very much a "the check is in the mail" response. It might be completely true, or it might be entirely false.
That having been said, any attack on Clinton+DeepState and its global partners is a move against human trafficking.
Angel Stewart
Trump Lost Majority Stake And Control Of The Plaza In Exchange For Debt Forgiveness From Prince Walid bin Talal And CDL 1995: Trump Lost His 51 Percent Control Of Plaza While Bank Creditors Forgave $125 Million Of His Debt. According to The New York Times, “Under the agreement announced yesterday, Mr. Trump will lose his 51 percent control of the Plaza hotel, but the Prince and CDL will pay part, or all, of Mr. Trump’s $300 million mortgage on the hotel, guarantee interest payments on Mr. Trump’s Plaza debt and spend $28 million to renovate part of the hotel, turning some top floors into expensive condominiums. Bank creditors, meanwhile, will forgive $125 million of Mr. Trump’s debt.” [New York Times, 4/12/95]
No Money Went From Deal To Trump. According to The New York Times, “None of the money from the deal will go to Mr. Trump, who acquired the hotel for about $400 million in 1988. Rather, it will go to banks in the United States that had lent money to Mr. Trump and to banks in Japan that hold a mortgage on the hotel property.” [New York Times, 4/12/95]
wow- so trump took out a loan and then paid it back? in 1995? call the police it's mueller time! #1995
Xavier Ramirez
those trips 7s , omg someone post that 7 is the sacred number info
Camden Kelly
Ryder Davis
woah! so you're telling us trump went in as business parners on a hotel? whaaaaatttttt?! drumph!!!!! how is he not in prison for this capitalism?! coooommmmrraadddeees!!!!!! reeeeeeee!!
Camden Phillips
>the Uranium from the Uranium one deal was sent into Canada and then "disappeared" Which means it could then be used to create nukes and dirty bombs to be used in false flags to be blamed on the Rothschild-enemy-du-jour.
For example, this would have been a convenient source of uranium for the Israel+Saudi+DeepState Las Vegas plot (mini-nuke/dirty bomb LV, blame it on Iran+NK, trigger US into world war to destroy both).
Juan Morris
Iran is an ally.
Lucas Adams
I dunno who is larping and who isn't but Sup Forums has been on the scent since day one and I'm proud of you all. This stuff goesnt gain traction without citizens like you who care
Thomas Davis
>Dem Trips >Dat Play Of The Game Winning Autism God Himself is Guiding Us.. Trump is like a Human Michael...
Daniel King
no. and neither is north korea.
Carter Jones
Jason Stewart
Ryder Hernandez
Ugh. Your Jewry has grown tiresome kike.
Jordan Perez
kike, there is no greater kikery than marxism and mohammedism.
Leo Diaz
Actually you're a Jew and I can't wait to see all you people cry antisemitism on deaf ears when everyone wakes up to your bullshit.
Liam Harris
>Trump Lost Majority Stake And Control Of The Plaza In Exchange For Debt Forgiveness From Prince Walid bin Talal
Who's Dopey again?
thanks for playing
Ayden Ortiz
we have already established your profligate kikery, kike. your neurotic projection only cements the case. tick-tock, marxist.
Confirmed Sup Forums enthusiast, timestamp and everything
David Parker
fuck off kike
Sebastian Robinson
who are you? whats ur credibility? why are you bumping ur own thread, a sign of weakness no?
Gavin Turner
so what are the other parts aside from c trafficking?
Joseph Ross
Paper Money is handled by
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) is a government agency within the United States Department of the Treasury that designs and produces a variety of security products for the United States government, most notable of which is Federal Reserve Notes (paper money) for the Federal Reserve, the nation's central bank. In addition to paper currency, the BEP produces Treasury securities; military commissions and award certificates; invitations and admission cards; and many different types of identification cards, forms, and other special security documents for a variety of government agencies. The BEP does not produce coins; all coinage is produced by the United States Mint. With production facilities in Washington, DC, and Fort Worth, Texas, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the largest producer of government security documents in the United States.
Security badges ?
Chase Kelly
The raven will starve Pic related
Luke Sanchez
Podesta and Huma in custody ?
Did Podesta/CF sell children to Saudis?
Nathaniel Thomas
I knew there was a reason I loved WKUK.
Dylan Mitchell
aka no more dead Palestinians for the Ravens to eat.
In Riyadh President Trump told Prince Mohammed that the United States was done crippling its fossil fuel industries, Americans were done subsidizing jihad, and that if Mohammed had the sense God gave a sandnigger he would purge the people who have been bankrolling Islamic terror worldwide, because otherwise Trump would cheerfully have the armed forces of the United States replace the House of Saud with someone who would, or allow Moscow or Tehran to do it for him.
Prince Mohammed is now scrambling to save his stinking sandnigger ass. And who can blame him?
Cameron Hill
Of course he fucking did! And not just him. Clinton and both Bushes routinely sold white children to the Saudis to rape and murder and dump in the desert.
Leo Roberts
Landon Foster
Wiki has all the Banking emails/info that maybe one way they tie in
Liam Sullivan
Ian Adams
Holy cow that video...
Asher Roberts
Jose Smith
Joshua Thomas
Victory of the Light put out a Tweet earlier that JK was working AGAINST POTUS. Does anyone know if this is true? Why would he? It’s his own father-in-Law. WTF???
Dominic Peterson
Thanks for reminding us how a legit of a businessman Trump is Desu.
Adam Gonzalez
toppest goy
Gavin Barnes
This whole story seems to mirror snow white. Queen = Hillary Snow White - Trump Dwarves - people like Q
Follow the story - Queen hates snow white out of jealousy even though she birthed her. In this case "pied piper" strategy helped trump. Did the Queen try to take out trump like the queen did with the huntsman? Did she try again with a poison apple - fake dossier.
Gavin Campbell
Why has no one gone public with Israel obtaining WMD?
Jackson Roberts
Benjamin Campbell
Because of this new thing called no proof
Connor Hall
Evan Turner
Media blackout: they control it and people are scared of the consequences. Accidental suicide is a thing.
Alexander Rodriguez
happening? child trafficking. ELECTION FRAUD.. URANIUM fbi cia litterally completely rogue as well.. ENTIRE GOVT. PAID FOR BY LOBBYISTS
children being stolen.. omg.. horrble. have you faggots heard of a 3rd world country..
this.. this.. is what your worried about. you don't thing THIS isn't a problem because of THIS..
jesus fucking christ. this board is just cia niggers..
when jfk threads began to be OMG MLK.. it was a fact. that CIA NIGGERS ARE RUNNING THIS ENTIRE SITE.
Carson Anderson
Kill your self for following votl
Brody Martin
This started either before Trump announced his run for President, or soon thereafter. Someone who knew what happened told him. SOMEONE in the Intelligence community, likely Military Intel, sat Trump down and laid out the entire Uranium One bribery scheme.
How all across the breadth of the Obama Administration people in high offices took massive bribes to facilitate sell of uranium to Russia. It involved so many people, it compromised so many agencies, the people who did it counted on it never being exposed or prosecuted. The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they'd walk. People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government.
So patriots in our gov't had their hands tied. There was nothing they could do to stop the sale. People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government. Even after SOME of the dirty facts behind Uranium One became known in 2015, it was easily buried, ignored, passed by.
Somebody took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened. Ponder the impossible task being revealed:
Even if he WINS the election, he'd be taking over a gov't that had been corrupted & compromised by the previous administration to a degree that was almost unfathomable.
HOW do you go about restoring the US gov't to what it should be, instead of what it's become? 1/5
Lincoln Sanchez
Trump and his advisors came up with a plan.
A brilliant plan. An intelligence operation based on DECEPTION.
It started during the primaries when Trump began taking every opportunity he could to brag about what GOOD FRIENDS he'd be with Putin. Trump literally could not seem to SHUT UP about how awesomely AWESOME his relationship with Putin was gonna be. It became a running joke, a campaign feature, engendering much hand wringing & concern among Never Trumpers. WHY does Trump keep going out of his way to incessantly BRAG about the sweet, sweet deals he & Putin are gonna do together?
But go back and look. During the primaries, during the general election campaign, what happened EVERY TIME Trump did this Putin act?
He *literally* trolled all the people who took dirty Russian $ to compromise our nat'l security into ATTACKING HIM FOR IT, and all HE was doing was TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING HE HADN'T DONE YET and would NEVER really do. Literally every single time Trump talked about his good friend Vladimir, Hillary 'reminded' him Putin is...NOT our ally! Obama condescendingly chided Trump for his friendly talk about Putin. Holder was aghast, Lynch was stunned! etc.
They fell right into his trap. He TALKED about doing deals with a guy ALL THESE TRAITORS TOOK BRIBES FROM TO SELL URANIUM TO. He's talking about hypothetical deals with Russia & people who took massive Russian bribes on the U1 deal rushed to ATTACK HIM for it. What possible EXCUSE are they going to have when the truth comes out? 2/5
Isaac Ortiz
They're not going to have one. He made SURE of that. Everything Trump does is calculated for effect.
So now you know why he showed all that 'Putin-Love' during the campaign. The traitors had no idea what he was really doing & rushed to attack him for merely TALKING about doing deals with Russia. Then Trump won the election. He and Sessions went to work.
Now here's something people overlook or don't understand.
Pay attention:
All this stuff about Uranium One we're now just finding out? Trump & Sessions knew about ALL OF THIS before they were sworn in. Part of the intelligence operation Trump & Co. are running is you never show what you know, you keep your enemy in the dark. Trump & Sessions knew about ALL the details of Uranium One BEFORE the election.
Who got how much, from who, all of it. How much uranium was being shipped to Moscow, who facilitated that shipping, they already KNOW all of this. They just haven't TALKED about until now. They PRETEND they are just now becoming aware of some of this stuff. There was NO WAY they were going to come into office in January & tip all these people off "Yeah hey we're going after Uranium One!"
Trump & Sessions know what happened with Uranium One. All the dark, dirty details. START with that premise, replay the last 9 months:
You need to start an investigation where somebody deep dives into Uranium One BUT you can't let anybody outside KNOW that. So here's where the second part of the intelligence operation begins.
You convince people it's TRUMP & HIS TEAM being investigated. All the traitors who facilitated the Uranium One deal were on high alert after the transfer of power. Will they be sniffed out? Well not to worry. Almost IMMEDIATELY the new President & his team end up being embroiled in a very public scandal. 3/5
Liam Morris
Trump asks Comey to back off of Flynn, then fires Comey, who leaks memos to the NYT's & DEMANDS appointment of a Special Counsel. With a President who bragged about doing deals with Russia, an advisor caught on the phone with the Russian ambassador... everybody AGREES: yeah, great idea! Let's appoint a special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in our election! So be it.
Jeff Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. [But remember: HE ALREADY KNOWS EVERYTHING ANYWAY] Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein then appoints Bob Mueller & tasks him with investigation Russian interference in the 2016 election. MUELLER AND ROSENSTEIN *both* already know that Trump & Sessions BOTH know all the details of #UraniumOne. Everybody involved in this ALREADY KNOWS. Everybody was in on this from the start. Trump, Sessions, Mueller & Rosenstein.
A lot of scenarios go wrong because they start by assuming Trump was clueless, didn't know any of this, Sessions didn't either or was part of the #UraniumOne coverup. Same with Mueller & Rosenstein, whom many assume to be dirty, trying to HIDE the evidence. An intelligence operation based on deception calls for putting the enemy at EASE because they don't understand what you're REALLY doing.
So: what do the Uranium One traitors & DNC Media & Democrats THINK has been going on for the last 8 moths? Trump has been STAGGERING on the ropes in desperate trouble trying to avoid a KNOCKOUT BLOW as Mueller relentlessly stalks him! 4/5
Ian Powell
The reality? Mueller has been digging even deeper into Uranium One & into Fusion GPS & the Trump dossier. He *has* found Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Do you know what it was?
Shall I tell you?
He found a MASSIVE Russian bribery scheme involving 1 of the Presidential candidates in which she compromised US national security. He *also* found this selfsame candidate illegally funding solicitation of info from Russian government sources to smear the OTHER candidate. And to compound THAT offense, this candidate also tried to HIDE her funding of this dossier by using a law firm, which is illegal.
The investigation is mostly over. Most of the indictments from the grand jury/juries have been made, sealed. You're all about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility. A previous administration that was so corrupt across so many agencies with so many people involved, it made it invincible is about to be rolled up.
Dozens of people are going to prison. And you know most of the names.
Not until the hammer actually falls & all the indictments are unsealed will most people figure out what Trump & his team did. DNC Media never had a chance to compromise/thwart the investigation of Uranium One & Fusion GPS because they fell for the COVER STORY. It's literally too late at this point to stop what's coming. That window closed weeks ago.
Examples will be made out of these people. When Trump & Sessions are done, NO ONE will ever try this kind of treason again. -Fin-
"Any hard evidence Hillary sold weapons and favors from the State Department for cash to our enemies?" "Weapons, favors, intelligence, and people."
He mentioned that they are working on "option b" - basically slow walking the fix to this gigantic house of horrors so everything won't go to hell in a handcart
He also mentioned that author Jerome Corsi is "closest to the truth". I haven't read a book or seen a video re: Corsi to provide details - has anyone here?
Daniel Miller
10/10 for effort. If true, credit to you and your sources.
Lincoln Murphy
Holy shit! WEW!
Angel Cooper
Regardless. You still didn’t answer my question I posed about Jared & the POTUS
Jacob Evans
What’s wrong with following VOTL?
Cameron Clark
it's actually sad that in today's world you have to wait for something bad happening to children before someone moves a finger...
Josiah Powell
i doubt mueller would ever be a good guy. He literally lied to congress about warrant-less searches when he was FBI director
Mason Price
God damn, even if this is a god tier larp, you gave me some extreme hope for the future. Thank you, user. Also, what kind of "the US government" are we talking about restoring here? The white nationalist one that our forefathers built?
Brody Bailey
hopefully not a larp but it was a comfy read.
Lucas Walker
All roads lead...
Ryan Hill
Man I've been here too long
let me tell you, it's a larp
Some of it might come true, larps tend to have bits where they guess correctly, but the vast majority of the time these larps go nowhere
the best way to go is just waiting for the happening to happen, Sup Forums was better when we were bored to treats waiting for the happening and asking if the happening happened yet, rather than trying to make up our own happenings
Jayden Morgan
aquarium, pls go
Logan Robinson
>IE nothing is happening
fail thread
Lincoln King
That string of 5 posts was ripped straight off Twitter...
Anthony Green
Let's see how many dwarves I recognize. Sleepy. Dopey. Grumpy. Grabby. Happy. Doc.
Lucas Jenkins
No it was posted here first, you need to lurk moar
posted here, ripped from here to twitter, and now being reposted here again
huge incestuous circle jerk of larpers larping larps
Noah Green
Christopher Carter
I am sure that one of the owners of one of the hotels in the Mandalay Bay in Vegas getting arrested is just a coinidence.
Brayden Long
they are going nuclear for quite some time now, you hooknoses should come up with a new song