Am I the only one that thinks this whole Nov 4 stuff is just antifas way of testing the waters for something bigger? You know, to gauge how much resistance they will have if they really did try something? If they were going to make a go at it they wouldn't have tipped their hand. I know antifa are a bunch of retarded faggots, but we all know their not the ones calling the shots.
Was today just a test for Antifa?
Other urls found in this thread:
nope you're just dumb
It's more likely that they just don't have the support and funding they did before.
nothing will ever happen with them. the most antifa will ever accomplish is an occasional protest here and there, popping up like a game of "whack-a-mole." eventually they'll realize they can't change anything, nobody cares about their message, and everybody knows they are full of shit.
it's only the first day.
give it some time.
eventually they'll be loud again.
It was literally fucking nothing you moron.
>T. Leaf
High-level antifa insider here. I can confirm OP is right, the real date is set for Dec. 25. I recommend fleeing your home on that date if you have posted hate online (antifa has plants at all major ISPs).
That could be true, since Washington is under the microscope right now they probably had to stop the flow of shekels.
First post on 4 chan. I'm amused at the fact that some random guy just called Donna Brazille a nigger but said he respected her and would vote for her if she ran for office.xo
If you watched them speak, they literally are the most ignorant people who just make all kinds of shit up, they are too stupid to accomplish anything.
They have taken ignorance to a whole new level.
nope you're just a clueless fucking idiot. jky faggot
They couldn't even steal my MAGA hat, and I've encountered them about 5 times.
it's just fashion politics for college kids and degenerates. makes them feel strong and moral to talk about and they can go out to the rally once every 6 months and get some good tumblr pictures
>irrational fearmongering
They really tried hard. Making these signs was probably the hardest a bunch of them had worked this year.
I was at the Portland event. It was an uncoordinated shit show with like 15 commies, 8 liberals, 6 MAGA , and 30 spectators / journalists. These people are not capable of anything greater. Can't wait for this thread to die.
No. They spent tons of money and nobody gaf. As long as the economy moves in this direction Trump can personally kick down the door of illegals and deport them himself and the left's reaction will be similar to today's "happening."
Young Stalin (circa 1917) gets teleported in the USA and becomes head of American antifa.
What happens?
He becomes fascist and leads the AFP.
My personal theory is that the ANtifa angle was a distraction. Other things were (and are) going on. But I feel like people here focused on antifa too much.
Nothing. America loved guns just as much (more?) back then - could buy a machine gun through the mail, no background check. Commies can only succeed when the sheep are disarmed.
Bingo. That was my point.
He takes over the government, kills millions via genocide and famine, and the country implodes and balkanizes. Oh wait.
did they actually do anything?
Kek, that's pathetic. They really did blow their load too early. You can't maintain the media's levels of hysteria if you aren't a Jew
It was an absolute failure.
And theres this....
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Antifa. Thier political views are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Marx and Engels most of the slogans will go over a typical person’s head. There’s also Antifa’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into thier personalties- thier personal philosophy draws heavily from Leninist literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these slogans, to realise that they’re not just slogans - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Antifa truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the dilectic in Antifa's existential catchphrase “Bash the Fash,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Trotsky’s political epic "The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects". I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Antifa's genius Revolution unfolds itself on their street corners. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Antifa tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for a transexual's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 privlige points of my own beforehand. Nothin personnel comrade.
the thread.
They can't even figure out their own gender...
True but you're assuming even Stalin himself wouldn't be disgusted with these people. Sorry, but anyone you teleport to current day from 100 years ago will probably think we live in a post tribulation biblical apocalypse universe. Mainly because 25% of the literal dicks on this earth are either going into buttholes or the trash can.
>here's your sign
Nice larp you got there
Antifa also isn't some solid organized group like soviets in 1920's Russia. it's a label people can identify with. It has probably thousands upon thousands of different groups world wide varying from state to state and city to city. It just so happened one of these groups thought a bit too high and powerful of itself.
The mere fact Sup Forums is parroting this as some epic antifa failure literally btfo to the moon proves volume of this boards intelligence.I bet 99% of you didn't even research the march you just browsed Sup Forums looked at the top few threads (Which just so happened to self censor itself since ones that didn't tell you to get guns and prepare for death squads didn't get posts) and got on the hype train.
t.member of true antifa squad not into identity politics like most of the left is now days
>What is the White Army
>What did Trotsky create
.... no at the point they enter the mile and a half it takes to get to my house, my neighbor would have their coordinates and we would start Arial strikes and artillery bombardments using cannons and howitzers, then by virtue of a paper clip, start automatic fire taking the next wave, by the third they would either be dead or dieing, then I can take out the paper clip and take out the survivors. after that I can bring out the flame thrower and touch any escaping. then I can claim all of their assets under the pretense of trespassing, premeditated murder, and disturbing the peace.
>buy lots of guns
>anti-fa attacks
High-level LARP here. I can conform OP is tight, I have a real date next thursday. I recommend peeling your chrome on that date if you unta unta unta unta babunga chunga (some people grow plants at all major league baseballs)
no one showed up to counter, so there is still no metric to gauge "IF".
regular citizens wouldn't even have to do anything. The police already have antifa yugely outgunned not to mention the National Guard if shit happens to get semi out of hand. The "revolution" would last about 5 hours tops
No resistance showed up.
We were all just periodically checking Drudge all day waiting for Antifa news and it never happened.
Lefty activists wasted a bunch of money and couldn’t get people to demonstrate.
I saw a couple "rallies" online in different cities of less than 30 people, most of which were bleeding heart liberals rather than radical communist terrorists.
I think mr soros is realizing he just pissed 18B into the wind.
So without the paid protesters, no one showed up
>why are you sitting around laughing at antifa instead of spending a bunch of effort researching them
Do you really have to ask, you pinko faggot?
welcome newfriend!
pay attention to pic related as I'm sure it's information that you'll need to survive
Just kill your faggot?
Not terrible advice. But which faggot? I have a plethora in my faggot harem
I can't tell who I'm more excited to gas when it hits the fan, leftfags or conspiratards.
Lol go back and read my post, thanks for proving me more correct that this board is just an amalgamation of right wing retards all hyping each other up for duh race war.
He poses for fashion magazines, gets tons of pussy and his rage against the system is diffused before it leads to revolution.
>some lefty tards try to hype up muh rebolushun
>no one shows up
>pol has a giggle
More like Sup Forums goes full retard
>"Quick buy ammo,gold and silver"
>"Guys I live in the area am I gonna be fine"
>"Giant revolution incoming guys George soros is literally going to throw us into the civil war"
Retard board
You just figured that out?
kek, lost
the amount of paranoia on this board is staggering
You actually believe this? And we're the retards?
I bet you think TANKS IN 30 and SKYKING posters are being serious too.
Nah you idiots had a million threads, giving advice to buy guns. I bet that American user felt like a idiot now after posting his newly brought gun (with his new computer fund)
Nah those are obvious larp threads, Sup Forums thought the entirety of antifa was going to turn up and riot so hard the public woke up and relaized duh left are the true fascists
lol you're just paranoid. Antifa jews got btfo to the point of hiding in their houses
It's worthless for testing the resistance because they can't gauge how quickly people will organize against them or how public opinion will sway. They've underestimated this repeatedly, and if they "go big" the response will be exponentially faster. The public would react very differently to the real thing so it's a bad experiment, their data is worthless and they learn nothing.
Worst case, it's a test of how quickly grassroots Communists will leak their plans and how many they can recruit. I think they just proved they are NOT a worthy investment, and following your logic you should expect money to be spent elsewhere going forward. I think the most likely scenario is that it was a bluff and they were just trying to intimidate the administration with the fallout from actual riots. There's no point in spending money if you aren't sure you'll succeed, but making lots of noise is practically free.
We thought you might tip over some garbage cans and act like hooligans again. We're mostly disappointed that we didn't get to watch the police beat the shit out of you guys again.
Oh well what a shame. You can post more about the great Jewish conspiracy and jerk off to some more hentai
They're all larp posts moron. Everyone knows the m.o. of antifags/blm/etc. is blocking traffic and causing an inconvenience before getting led by an undercover cop into a kettle and arrested like they always do, which is why there were hundreds of posts saying "just stay home" in every one of those threads.
Except this time they didn't even bother to show up, I guess Sup Forums is truly btfo now.
>everyone knows this is a LARP
>everyone still gets pissed and takes shots at one another
Gotta love it.
>t-they're a-all larp posts
>"Hey Sup Forums look here's my gun i broght with money I was going to use for a new computer in preperation for the 4th"
>"Hey Sup Forums lets all show up in Charlottetown with tiki torches"
Muh evil George soros is going to ethically cleanse America. Watch out for the UN blue helmets!!!
>those are obvious larp threads
they're all larp threads, every single one of them. don't tell me you take anything here seriously....
Now to be fair, Soros is a evil bastard.
Nah not all of them. Those muh white posters aren't all larpey and they've had some real world effect. I've been here long enough to tell what's genuine Sup Forums thoughts and "It's happening" posters.
Of course he's not a very great guy, dosn't mean he's some eternal proof of le evil Jews bringing down the white race. #killalljews
Ah fuck it all. I love a good LARP. Ppl are to high strung these days. Im about 4 beers in and enjoying the last day of my vacation with you fags. Cheers!
>I've been here long enough to tell what's genuine Sup Forums thoughts and "It's happening" posters.
Apparently not when a single poster trying to rationalize his purchase represents genuine "Sup Forums thoughts."
KEK. Gotta make sure their healthy enough to kill.
lol your backpeddling now. Anyway i got friends to visit. Enjoy your bullet.
wtf i love banana republics now. Capitalism so good
failure i dont know why i expected some thing different from commies nothing new here
How am I backpedaling? People make posts trying to rationalize their purchases on every fucking board. Do you really think they went out and bought a gun because of a thread, or that they wanted to buy a gun and then posted in the thread to try and reassure themselves that their purchase was a good one after the fact?
Communism always fails and Sup Forums is always right.
I hope they keep protesting, sometimes you just gotta let children cry it out. After not giving a fug about their furry fag communist messages, America can move on.
Im a red blooded American and I would love to stomp these fags into the ground, but your right, you just got to sit back, get comfy and let it play out. If you dont you will just end up prolonging it.
Yeah, and now they confirmed they're activists are worthless if shit gets real.
Fist post faggot leaf post.
There may be a bigger game being played if you look at the bigger picture, but antifa are definitely the pawns.
Exactly. Pawns to help the marxists infect college campuses and weak minded liberals.
That was the plan all along. They have poisoned our youth. I actually feel bad for them. Their lives are forfeit now.
>leaf posting
>resenting over sound investments
Commie idiocy at it's finest.
Antifa are their canon fodder and now they finally realized it's just a bunch of spineless faggots that are already bored to even come to a shitty protest against the TRUMP PENCE FASCIST REGIME.
>Am I the only one that thinks this whole Nov 4 stuff is just antifas way of testing the waters for something bigger? You know, to gauge how much resistance they will have if they really did try something? If they were going to make a go at it they wouldn't have tipped their hand. I know antifa are a bunch of retarded faggots, but we all know their not the ones calling the shots.
You are too low-IQ to seek and assimilate relevant information, if you think today's protests were an antifa thing. The retards that organized it have a name, and they aren't antifa. They even made a website and announced where they would "protest".
>Pawns to help the marxists infect college campuses
Marxists already infected higher education, that's where most antifa come from. You have cause and effect out of order. Antifa are not pozzing campuses any further than those campuses are already pozzed
Nah their shit just fizzled.
For some reason we all assumed Antifags where somewhat organized but its obvious now they lack the organization or manpower to remain a notable entity going into 2018.
Remember what happened when a group of leftist fags tried to make a convention for tumblr? Millennials lack the organizational skills to manage the money or logistics for things like this.
We where so caught up in our desire for happenings we forgot that our enemies are incompetent.
Yes it was a test to see if communist could do anything.
Like all other communist test.
It failed horribly, as nothing happened.
I agree. That Tumblr event ended up a scam as far as Im concerned. It was the very definition of BTFO
>20 january 2018
Yes, but no.
Everything else has been either one of two things
1. Busing people in; paid protestors.
2. Riots happening in hardcore liberal hive cities like Berkley, Portland, etc.
This was an attempt at a real grassroots, nationwide protest to see how much real support is actually out. I've seen better turnouts at Redit meetups.
Yes you are
Only a schizo can believe they have any actually power or standing
Top kek
Yes you're the only one, shill, though this is a novel variation of the 'we were only pretending to be retarded' alibi.
Was totally a test. When it really goes down were all fucked! The network is huge, antifa, russia, soros, the DNC, deep state, freemasons, and the illumanti are all in on it. They have been plotting this since 1776! Were fucked. Its game over man, game over!!!!!
I honestly think we will see shit happen tommorow as i'm sure theyd like to be muh "guy fawkes memes".
Like i was so confused why they were going for the 4th when theirs so much history movie shit etc about the 5th. KEK SHOW ME THE MONEYYY. Kek will show is this is true.
KEK Is a God of chaos he’s never let us down before!