'Sup Forums where is huma?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not on my face, unfortunately.
Shot herself twice in the back of the head and then buried herself in the garden... obvious suicide.
humi reminds me of my ex gf
humi looks like just a little bit older version of her
I'd share it but I don't like sharing my girls because I am a man of class.
Just trust me they look a lot alike and I didnt appreciate how lucky i was to have a humi
like weiner
just saw her recently at some event with princess clinton. she's still around and kicking. that clinton umbrella is very powerful.
Anthony Weiner cheated on this, he really is a fucking dumbass.
That's not Huma, but would pay for sex with.
She probably wouldn't put out for his tiny jew cock
>that clinton umbrella is very powerful
Not for long.
hopefully in hell
she's too old for his tastes
He was decently endowed for a Jew
Im sure his nose out measures it.
that pic, KEK
She in my bed. She might leave after we go again
Am i seeing that wrong or is the middle pic of anthony with a hard cock lying next to a kid? or is that huma?
Soles that could launch a thousand ships
Quality shitpost leaf, I don't think anyone really gives a fuck what your ex looked like
quality raised beds. Onions are doing great... but the cabbage is lanky and they've just now started the lettuce and squash. Sad!
is he robbing the cradle or are they robbing the grave?
She's probably having some 'za and bondage down at Comet Pizza, it is Saturday night after all
It's funny how much lefty faggots talk shit about trumps appearance but look at Hillary, fucking vile
"Hey honey, watch me shitpost some dank memes with my Anonymous Pals!"
Please, Kek, protect this literal foot goddess in the name of Chaos, digits be praised
her feet are so gross
Write me some green, and do it in second person
"Really Anthony, again? Didn't we talk about this shit a month ago? Your going to get your ass thrown in jail if you don't stop. I'm staying at H=> tonight."
Huma is well aware if the effects her beautiful feet have on men and women alike. So often they are dumbfounded by how how lovely they are. She must have used open toed shoes as part of her ascendance to power
What do footfags look for in a good foot? What makes a 10/10 foot?
She deserves so much better
Your digits are weak. You've failed her. She's doomed.
Thats not even Huma
The weiners of the world always get the sexy ones for some reason.
Changing Hillary's diapers. Never get that stink off. Shame she was cute in a weird way.
Probably in a Saudi jail (along with dozens of others attached to Alaweed), awaiting extradition to the U.S. Her indictment is already filed under seal and waiting for her.
in my experience, really it varies from footfag to footfag, but Huma definitely passes for me, for a point of reference
>I don't like sharing my girls because I am a man of class
t. faggot
>where is huma?
certainly not in your pic
nope he literally took a bunch of pics of his boner with his infant son next to him
he could have at least framed the kid out of the pics, but he's a deviant
not wrinkly or veiny, smooth and soft like you just want to put them in your mouth, but you can't because shes your mother
He's a pedo. Get this on your thick skull.
They are not like you, they don't think like you. They don't see children like you.
You cannot truly understand by now.
Probably sobbing like a woman.
>black women
worst feet
>white women
best feet
For me I like nice red/pink soles and undertoes, for others they like flat ugly feet like Humas
But really it as long as they aren't fat/too skinny and veiny then their good feet
Personally I love Ivanka's
I sure don't, what a bitch
that isn't huma.
Seems to be Yolanda Pecoraro.
please dont breed
Yep she was at HRC's birthday party last weekend.
lol, seriously
none of my exes look like anybody i can think of. most of them i can't even really remember what they looked like. she had red hair i'm sure of that.
Do you guys remember all the Huma threads from a few months back? I do. I unironically think she's hot. Were all of those threads really just a bunch of us who think she's hot? Or was there some other reason behind them? Asking for a friend.
Probably was in Saudi Arabia and is on a plane home with Jared as we speak. That Yemeni missile was probably intended to take the plane out.
shes in custody, loosely.
arrested by tomorrow
remember, remember.
the fifth of november
uranium, treason, and plot.
i can think of no reason
why uranium treason
should ever be forgot.
>sideways wall socket
there's just... no fucking end to this rabbit hole.
I mean I knew things were bad but how open these fucks are about it is just... fuck
Hitler himself was here earlier...
Slurpin' me cock
Should be cock not face, but still fpbp
The virgin monogamy vs the chad take a cock pic next to your sleeping infant's face.
Like most of these kinds of threads its leftypol trying to "troll" and Sup Forums just doesn't care because they're baitin
A woman can always be thrown off a cliff but only a fool doesn't recognize her beauty first.
>'Sup Forums where is huma?
Huma is in hiding, because she quite literally knows where the bodies are buried.
Why do you think all the kleptocrats are turning on each other? (They have to get their side of the story out so that a death would be suspicious)
Democrat = heaps of dicks inside her
Married to a pedophile = heaps of dicks inside her
Made her way to the top of Hillary's aides = heaps of dicks inside her
Muslim = heaps of dicks inside her
Are you sure you want her cum stained butt and pussy on your face?
This movie is amazing
His death was certainly a beneficial coincidence for her. He would have won her Senate seat and been the Dem frontrunner in her presidential window. The accident is suspicious.
It's a psychological tactic. Her femail brain associates the cock and kid and her baby making hormones kick in and she seeks out that same cock her body knows can fertilize her. Video explains it
nice user
>where is huma?
She's under my desk sucking my weener.
She is with Weinsteins wife. What a coincidence.
Is there a pepe-wojak version of this?
Who cares, all mudslimes must be purged.
"watch this Huma, this is the scene right here"
"see how Vin Diesel blows The Rock off like that, after beating him in the race? Badass"
i wonder who took this picture
I think it was from some documentary, can't think of the name.
This is good shit though.
More importantly, where are her nudes?
Checked... Enormous if verifiable
Really makes me think
...I'm afraid to hope.
Maybe I really am a pessimist, but I'm afraid to hope.