The Pacific Century

So, I just came to the realization that this century will be the Pacific Century. The Pacific Century is an epoch in which the major powers of the world border the Pacific Ocean. The major powers include:

>The United States**

The Pacific Century will see a dramatic shift away from the tradition Atlantic-Centric worldview, which represents the dominance of Western Europe. Western Europe is no longer a serious contender for world dominance/influence. They are mere pawns in the bigger scheme of things, and - given that they're suicidal and beyond saving - I am glad we have overcome the Atlantic-Centric epoch of history. The Atlantic Powers include:


The Atlantic Powers are through. Let us move beyond! Let us transcend past the history museum that is Western Europe. Let us no longer lament their death. Let us usher in, cheerfully and optimistically, the Pacific Century!

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You have to include the Silk Road when discussing such massive changes, OP.

>inb4 the hidden advanced society of the teleported pacific continent of Manus Ignis appears to dominate and purge the shitskin nations surrounding it, and proceeds to colonize the world with demigod whites and galaxy changing technology, far superior to their Atlantis and Doggerland coounterparts.

true dat

The Silk Road has been irrelevant since the Middle Ages.

Please educate yourself

more like the Renaissance, when sea fairing became the next big thing

Yes, I agree.


Wow, I can quote George Friedman and pass off his work too!

Thanks user, now I KNOW how to be a shithead.

I don't know who that is. This idea may not be original, but I hadn't read anything on it before forming the idea on my own.

Seeing all the threads on the American-Japanese alliance, and given that I have a growing hatred of Western Europe, I thought that power is shifting from the Atlantic to the Pacific - just as power shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.

NZ Pacific Empire 2.0

This is a damn fine thread.


>listing my country
>listing canada

The Eurasian century you mean.

one of the future events that we can forecast, its the upcomming indonesia civil war, which could inadvetely actually lead to a global action against islam

... lead by russia and china actions

we can also predict a power game in africa, but no african nation will be a man player, and none are in the pacific

good point india and china are gonna be power by 2020 if they dont go to war with each other


>upcomming indonesia civil war,
got any sources there bud

the radicalization of muslims in indonesia, with no foreign intervention, with no sectarian discrimination and its future intent of discriminating against no muslims probably will redpill the world on islam

read some news
>1 in 5 students in indonesia support a caliphate

>major power
Amerifat delusions never cease to amuse.

America is rapidly sliding into irrelevance in the pacific. Obama's """pivot""" existed only on paper and Drumpf hasn't replaced it with a more substantive shift. America's eyes are firmly on its problems at home, Europe, and the Middle East and they won't see China until it sticks a knife in their ribs.

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords and I only hope that I can personally participate in driving the yankee dog scum from their military bases in my country and into the sea.

in 5 students in indonesia support a caliphate
thats pretty low for islamic countries

read some more
its the old fags the ones that are "moderate"
the youth even in java is islamic
thats why i said "forecast"

15% of the population isnt muslim

so what if they get radical. the Malaysians also are radical yet still have a good economy

>Thinking American bases won't be replaced by Chinese bases

15% arent muslim
there had been already cases of them getting punished with sharia law
and they are territorialy divided
a good chance of them resisting

to be seen burger
i mean i despise you
but even if the chinese treat us as they treat themselves, it will be pretty bad

>a good chance of them resisting
the new guineans have been getting btfo out since indonesians independence. who cares

How is this Mexican user so smart?! You're supposed to be a dumb, lazy brown person.

You personally or your country? Your country certainly doesn't, as they prefer the U.S. to your country any day of the week. Sad.

>Thinking all Mexicans are brown

He's probably 100% Castilian

Go back to China xang


us as "any non chinese nation"

>major power

Oh fuck off you stupid international student. No one is falling for it.

Doesn't China fuck around a lot in Africa? Building textile facilities and funding mines in East Africa?

Also, I feel like any discussion of Chyyna's future should be prefaced with Styx's (old) video on it (from 2014).

well, i find it unlikely china will colapse this decade
its collapse has been pronosticated since 2005

but they have been lucky so far, they are getting thailand, myanmar outside your influence
indonesia is a skeptic ally
and vietnam is incresingly dependant on china
south korea are pussies
only japan is your ally, maybe india but they have enough to worry with pakinstan

and with obor, china so far has been growing stronger

i dont think they will achieve superopower status, but the doors keeps opening

99% of civilized human history has been in eurasia, that's hardly a new thing starting now.

A civil war in Indonesia? I've never heard of anything that could lead to a shooting war there.