Anyone else looking forward to the coming Hispanic majority? What will the policy of Aztlan be towards niggers?
Anyone else looking forward to the coming Hispanic majority? What will the policy of Aztlan be towards niggers?
>What will the policy of Aztlan be towards niggers?
Replacing niggers with nigger-equivalents
See Brazil
Fuck spics
brazil didnt inherit the same institutions as the US did
Fuck you!
You want to rape our hot women!
I refer you to the glorious history of MX military ventures
Day of the rope is coming for the niggers if spicks get into control.
Your 350lb Latina whores? What is wrong with you people?
No, different situation. All hispanic groups in the US hate niggers. Cubans hate niggers. Puerto Ricans hate niggers. Mexicans especially hate niggers. One thing that American hispanics do have going for them is a virulent hatred of black men. A lot also hate jews.
No, fuck Aztlaniggers
You amerimutts need to genocide them before it’s too late. DON’T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU
(((Milo))) said it best, Latinos have no regret for slavery, they are going to be brutal to niggers.
why are we importing racist bastards then? fuck the spics we should ban all latin american immigration
If Whites just coalesce back into a voting block you lose permanently. And guess what it's already happening, enjoy your diarrhea life beaners.
oh look it's the white unicorn of hispanics, most males and females look like this
callate pinche puto
es en nuestro beneficio
esteableceran un califato continental una vez sean mayoria
Whites are less cucked than I thought.
>What will the policy of Aztlan be towards niggers?
They'll cuck just like everyone else.
what else did milo said about us?
I'm a chicano I just wish everyone could get along.
>es en nuestro beneficio
Es en SU beneficio, pocho de mierda. Los sudacas no tenemos nada que ver con sus maricadas con los gringos: solo queremos nuestros etnoestados blancos y que no nos joda nadie.
>nuestros etnoestados blancos
>maricadas de los gringos
>brasil es la capital trap del mundo
chale pura mierda estar entre los gringos y ustedes, nadie nos quiere :'(
>(((Milo))) said it best, Latinos have no regret for slavery, they are going to be brutal to niggers.
Milo is dumb. By the same logic Italians, Irish, Chinese, Jews, Slavs should have no regrets either and yet here we are.
I’m a construction foreman in Dallas and I’m white. My crew is all Hispanic with a few other white guys. The Hispanic guys absolutely refuse to work with niggers and put their tools in their trucks if one is hired on.
I actually respect these guys. They work hard and they are reliable. Also everyone helps the other out during hard times regardless of how long they’ve known each other. Depending on if they respect your work ethic or not.
ITT spics talk about how latinos are really not that bad and how it's great that White people that built this country will be a minority.
>brasil es la capital trap del mundo
No thailand is not only are trans prostitutes much more common there than brazil but it's where all the cool trannies go to get their vaginas brazil is known for how many they kill.
You have it wrong, US born latinos are nigger tier if not worse, everyone from latinamerica knows it. They lack the hard-working attitude of their parents and tend to imitate nigger culture because that's what they think a minority should act as instead of acting more like white people or like their own parents.
Back to Mexico spic.
por mucho que este de acuerdo contigo
no es buena idea darle alas a estos putos
Beaners are probably even more racist than whites. My parents always told me not to trust los pinches negros.
Oh yes, the world famous latinamerican hard-working attitude that everyone talks about. That's why these countries are so prosperous.
>Anyone else looking forward to the coming Hispanic majority?
>be me
>grow up in southern Colorado and New Mexico
>outnumbered by hispanics
>great food
>sexy girls
>hard workers
Other than the local governments being a bit lazy and 3rd-world, it was pretty decent actually.
That's how the rest of us know you guys are just butt-hurt racists - latinos are fine.
No es que no los querramos, a mi me caen muy bien los mexicanos nacionalistas. Si me emputan los vendepatrias, los que van a chuparle la verga al tío Sam y después se tiran el pais huesped.
Y pues lo de los etnoestados, obviamente no somos blancos (por algo nos llaman Congolombia), pero ese es el plan: germánicos/nórdicos colombianizados
If they all looked equivalent to OP's pic, I don't think anyone would have a problem with hispanic future
>germánicos/nórdicos colombianizados
si algo es factible es intentar germanizar a los colombianos
y no soy patriota, tampoco vendepatrias (tambien me dan asco), solo soy un sujeto normal, probablemente se me describiria como liberal pero que alfinal del dia solo quiere que lo dejen en paz
There won't be an Aztlan, that's a racist cuck's fetish
Im not looking forward to it but I live in Florida so its pretty much already my reality.
Whatever man, learn to speak some basic spanish and enjoy the fact that fucking spics like nascar and beer, and hate niggers. They aint as bad here as other places I reckon.