>this is considered a 10/10 female body in the united state of amerilard
This is considered a 10/10 female body in the united state of amerilard
Other urls found in this thread:
>you like krabby patties, don't you squidward?
4/10 even
It's considered 10/10 by niggers.
No it's not, only celebitards and their lemmings. No straight man idealizes this.
Literally nobody. Their base is old women in their 40s-50s
this is pretty much the reason why she get's so much attention. She's even has ass implants to make herself more attractive to the nigger
>fat injections
I don't know why, but I go after girls that look akin to Laci. Of course they have to be conservative and shaved tho
Laci Green
>I only date niggers cuz it's soooo trendy
>My dads a tranny he's sooooo trendy
>Super fat ass is sooooo rendy
>My littler sister got plastic surgery to look like me cuz I'm trending soooo hard.
>Yeezy considers this a 10/10 female body
She a 9/11
The jews are pushing this body image because they know tiny white dicks can never pleasure a woman like that. Only BBC is big enough to hit that from behind.
This. Only niggers give a single flying fuck about the Cardassians
If you're a nigger.
jesus christ, fuck off with that pichu shit, pichu is a very mentally ill diaper wearing sissy faggot who uses the site as a blog, also, ytmnd is dead, so fuck off.
yeah if you're a nigger
>Nigger with white envy detected
>there are people who think that her ass was ever legitimate
STICC masterrace
Only niggers and morons think that
So yea, most of the US
Fuck no, only niggers think that.
that's about an 8. THIS is a 10
She is so fucking fake and nasty
At least she’s not white
well at least the teeth are white. don't forget those white plastic teeth
artificial society to the max
that's disgusting
gross, bodies like that are literally just skeletons with skin
fuck yes
Looks like a loaded diaper.
Nigger here, that bitch is gross as fuck.
Fucking lol
your mutt genes are showing.
>The only thing worse than Alt Right e-celeb threads is actual celebrity threads
Snippity snapper
Lemme sniff that brapper
Lela Star fell so far.
She used to be so hot. Why the fuck did she ruin her self.
She doesn't even look like a good shoop.
>tfw it will not be utilised to make a dozen white babies
Name an Australian woman. Protip: there are none.
>>this is considered a 10/10 female body in the united state of amerilard
maybe by niggers.
Her younger sisters have pretty good bodies, but that one has already had so much plastic surgery that she looks like just another old Hollywood mom in the face.
>Nigger here
Get out
that sandnigger looks like an oompa loompa.
dayum, dis be sum bootay like momma used to make em
looks like jeb bushs goblin wife
that bitch looks like she weights under 100 pounds, how can you be attracted to that?
this woman is unfit to give birth and would probably die from it
Because she was perfect the way that God made her, but the kikes in the porn industry wouldn't hire her unless she defiled herself.
>how dare they be attracted to what im not attracted to
It's painfully obvious that Straya has lost it's shitposting abilities.
This desu
>too skinnyyyy
>jews are okay