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Was she a liberal?
yeah i was thinking that too
>lefty goes to africa, thinks niggers are her friends
>complains on the flight about "white male patriarchy" and how horrible america and her conservative, freedom loving parents are
>finds out first hand that niggers are rotten, authoritarian, totalitarian animals who hate her.
even still tho, fucking niggers.
srsly i wonder how many "anti-free speech rally's" this woman has attended. the irony would be pretty thick
Black land, black rule
It is only fair I suppose
Posted a Micheal Obama piss bag level meme... get arrested for subversion, roastie btfo!!!
I never thought I'd say this but good job Zimbabwe
What is the point of going to Zimbabwe? What a fucking idiot.
Sex tourism is a thing for women too
>holier than thou trust fund baby is gonna prove to dumb racist blacks are all intelligent and peaceful
> deserve what she gets
Let me guess, liberal media silence?
>go to shithole country and start insulting the people who rule it
>surprised when their is consequences.
In Zimbabwe? Why not go literally anywhere else on the planet?
Because she wanted good Instagram posts
>head to corrupt shithole
>join a media outlet that focuses on "satirical comedy sensations" in a corrupt shithole
>describe yourself as a "media activist" in a corrupt shithole
>shitpost on social media about the corrupt president through lazy memes in a corrupt shithole
>surprised when he jails you for dissent in said corrupt shithole of a country
I have less sympathy for her than that vegetable that we imported back from Best Korea a couple months back
toll paid
>spoiled white American woman about to learn exactly how privileged her life was
Fuck that bitch.
>leftist wants to go live amongst niggers
>think she can live her life as usual
>is held and raped over and over
>wew that was surprising
Fuckin liberls
>white woman in africa
there is 0 reason a white woman would be in niggertopia
She's probably safer in there
Women are so fucking pampered in the west they travel alone to the most dangerous places on the earth thinking they will just float by on their looks like they do here. They have no fucking clue what goes on because theyre brainwashed and think all people are equal.
Bitch fucking deserves it for going there alone and her dad deserves a hanging for letting her go.
>going to fucking Zimbabwe
They all look the same to me so I always recognize him because he still hasn't wiped that shit off his lip.
>go to shit country for some reason
>get shit treatment
I never get tired of this
Gas Mugabe. Make Rhodesia great again.
It's kinda like eating chocolate. You feel guilty but it tastes (and feels) so nice right?
t. female pollack from canada; regularly fucks black bulls every weekend but advocates for white supremacy.
Yeah, sorry but my advice to any white woman headed to Zimbabwe would be "Don't go". Surely she received that advice dozens of times before going there, thinking "wow, those people are so ignorant".
I had a buddy go to Tanzania for some bullshit thing in college. Two days after leaving, I get an email asking me to wire him money. He took a bunch, but the very first thing they did was shake him down. He got off the plane, got 'busted' by the police for 'buying marijuana'. A dude just walked up to him and shook a bag in his face, then the police arrested them both, claiming they saw him trying to buy it. They told him he could face 5-10 years in Tanzanian jail if he was convicted. They were willing to let it slide for $1,000.
Of course, the whole thing was a setup. They worked with the 'dealer' to create these circumstances. He later found that out as a couple other dudes from his group got busted and extorted in the same way.
Africans are fucking animals. They see you and they just think 'rich white person', and all they care about is how to get something from you. And if you're a woman, they're probably thinking about how to get laid like they see in the pornos. You'd have to be fucking retarded to go their in anything but an official capacity, with either a bunch of dudes with guns, or a diplomatic role that can get you out of trouble. Even then, I've seen videos of white chicks just getting executed like dogs just for being in the wrong place.
My gf's female friend went to columbia alone and had someone point a gun at her in a taxi and drive her to an ATM and demand she take out all of her cash, and my retard gf still wants to travel there "to see the world"
Kill yourself
underrated post honestly
she shouldn't have gone to Africa in the first place, stupid coal burning whore
>goes to Zimbabwe
>literally 'we wuz kangs' the country
>niggers eating each other on the streets
>a zombie apocalypse city that used to be first world under white rule not that long ago
>somehow thinks this is a good idea
>gets sent to ''jail'' (it's basically torture)
>literally gets raped to death
The toll paid here is immense. It's glorious anons. Hopefully they fuck her open eye ball sockets like they did to the farmers.
>burn coal
>destroy civilization
fucking white women
well what did you expect? my family had the right idea to fuck off out of there by the mid 70's. niggers will always be niggers. doesn't matter if you put them in a suit or a golden crown. they are not people.
lol no it's nothing like that you nerdy tugboat
i have zero sympathy for retards who go to these shitty places
I too ride the wild stallion as a femanon
feels so GOOD aunt diane!
Mugabe is like the most niggerish of niggerdom.
Also what a silly hoe, insulting her dictator like that. Oh, and the whole "living in fucking Zimbabwe" thing too.
Africa for Africans
I'm glad you're safe, user
What, you didn't know? Zimbabwe is the prototype of a perfect African society where evil white bigotry is a thing of the past. If it wasn't for whites being inherent racists we would all taste the peace and prosperity of the Zimbubwan nation. They are the legitimate heirs of ancient Egypt, just wait until their reveal the space program they are working on. They're making flying pyramid technology now that whitey isn't there to keep them down.
Anyway she's white so she's guilty, Don't listen to her oppressive whitesplaining.
We NEED to convince more liberals to go to Zimbabwe.
It'd be ironic considering they're advocating for the rest of the world to look like this. Let's also start sending them to ''the wonderful rainbow nation' of South Africa. Nothing makes me happier than white liberals going there and getting absolutely destroyed. It's an amazing justice considering their ideology made that hellhole
Dumb women think they can change the world and shit.
>and my retard gf still wants to travel there "to see the world"what is it with white women and "traveling"? Bitches go alone to all sorts of places including total shitholes as if that had some sort of meaning in itself. Is this why our ancestors kept women at home? Because they knew that left to their own devices they would start wandering the planet like stray cats with down syndrome?
>hitler stashe
what did he mean by this
no one should feel guilty for eating real chocolate in moderation, it's good and healthy for you. You, however, should an hero.
>Be white SJW
>Go to Africa for "Social Justice"
>Call a ruthless nigger dictator who has urged lynching of white farmers a "sick man"
>Get thrown in jail by that "Sick man" to live with niggers for the next 20 years.
I dont even feel bad for her.
The only correct reason to ever visit that shithole is if you were planning on killing Mugabe and restoring the nation of Rhodesia.
Why does he/do they hate whites so much?
None of this "because niggers" bullshit. There has to be some kind of internal logic, no matter how stupid.
I'm on Mugabe's side. Would you want to take that kind of shit from a heinous whale like that? Imagine you had your own country and some fuckface American fat cunt comes and spoils the quiet and insults you.
It's not her fault.
She probably has been told by everyone she knows how horrible the Trump/Pence regime is.
So cannot possibly be worse in Zimbabwe - at least they're gollywogs and they have no 2nd amendment...
Nice b8 leaf, but we all know liberal whoa men don't browse Sup Forums.
Whats funny is that Mugabe is the leftists definition of "Racist" He is prejudiced against whites and is in a place of power. Yet you rarely ever hear them talk about him
While I believe you get fucked by blacks on the regular, We both know you are no gril.
But they can! Look at these absolute hellholes white women have created (like Zimbabwe) because they thought it was a good idea to have mud babies
Women have all the power, all they have to do if they get mad is spawn a bunch of niggers to destroy everything. Also Mexicans, your women keep doing this too, is it weird that I consider them coalburners even though you guys are brown too?
I've never seen a toll paid quite like this. Existential ruin through imprisonment in an African country with no human rights.
She'll probably get quite a bit of preferential treatment, because it's a corrupt shit hole. Raped or fucked daily, no doubt. If she can avoid getting any life-threatening infections or relaxing around blacks, she'll write a book about it all later, get paid a shit ton of money for an interview. Probably part of her plan.
>is it weird that I consider them coalburners even though you guys are brown too
I do this too. Never understood why either.
Because all women are for WHITE DICK ONLY.
Hey wyte boi! You wanna see a real man, come over Michelle Obama's apartment tonight, I'll show you how it feels to be with a reseal man!
t. Michelle "Clubber Lang" obama
actually, that could be Sup Forumss next 'its ok to be white' ... just make flyers that are commercials to make holyday in the gread zimbabwean nation!
THAT would be hilarious man!
> 20 years in prison
> Zimbabwe doesnt even have food for it's own population, somehow they will find enough to feed a foreigner prisoner
What are the chances she is gonna be whored and gangraped by local nogs for the next 2 decades?
Probably has something to do with them actually being able to maintain a civilization.
No. I want Mexican women fucking Mexican men and not niggers. Why? Because if not then we all have to babysit more negros.
>2 decades
there is a 90% chance she is already dead
>No. I want Mexican women fucking Mexican men
You're right. Lets all turn into Zimbabwe.
>letting other races fall for the bbc meme is a good thing
It absolutely is not
We're more headed for a Brazil 2.0, endless favela type of situation. A population with an average IQ well into the double digits, normalized antisocial disorder, no social trust, etc. Just a place without a future.
Where we are demographically, at least whites, Brazil was about there in the 60's back when they were still "the country of the future". Maybe Brazil just is the country of the future, but "the country of the future" title just has a shitty fucking horrible connotation, and not an idealistic one with flying cars and nice things.
this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you bait idiots into replying
>note the flag
>note the claiming to be a woman
>note the lack of corroborating evidence
>note the claims towards interracial sex
>note the claims to frequent sex
Shut the fuck up ling long before I suck another black ding dong in your honor
>note the flag has changed but the posting remains the same
Note this BBC in my mouth SON
>t somalian
They were praising him weeks ago because Mugabe shit talked Trump for random trash I forgot
>Mugabe calling Trump! He is awesome
>You know Drumpf is over when the "lion of Africa" starts shitting on you
Some dumb as fuck shit like that
Mugabe is the epitome of a worthless subhuman.
Have a bump.
Just a few
After she's raped to death and eaten by savages in prison I hope Trump cuts off all aid to that nigger infested shithole.
This is where you belong.
Toll paid
welcome to nigger country little lady
did you get your cultural enrichment today at the african prison?
No lie, Mugabe looks pretty good for a 93 year old man. I would have guessed from OP's pic he was in his 50s or 60s. What's his secret?
you mean to tell me there are women out there who actually want to get AIDS?
Hello fellow Leaf, you must be fishing for (You)s too. Very nice bait. I must save this for later use.
>its a lead pretends his women are not BBC lovers episode
When is trump going to tweet about this and threaten Mugabe with a Moab?
>Twitter virtue signaller tries talking shit outside of a western country
>Gets shut the fuck down
Black dont crack?
>>Get thrown in jail by that "Sick man" to live with niggers for the next 20 years.
She won't last 20 days. They're going to rape her for a week straight, beat her to death, and then eat her.
Fuck it, let's use this as a reason to bomb the Fuck out of Zimby and cleanse the land of niggers.
After the US takes them all out, Rhodesians/South Africans/Any white can go re establish Rhodesia and the US can use it as a puppet state
I know it will never happen, but I'm just dreaming
Well if she's American and she needs help abroad we have an obligation to protect and serve her. Even if she was a liberal and I didn't agree with her views, she has rights as a US citizen and I'm not about to let an African dictator violate that. (Plus it's a good excuse to fuck them up.)
top kek
Maybe in the cities n shit. But they are all Sodoms and Gomorrahs anyways.
I saw this today and literally LoL’d.
Stupid Fucking NYU SJW.
Let her join Otto Warmbier in the ground.
>I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective, justice for his own people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people, and their right to their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for."
Is Mugabe ourguy?
I am sure she intended to stay celibate all those years she would spend in Africa
oh wait