I'm a gay conservative. In publc im a "non-degenerate". I shake peoples hands, dress nicely in a suit, talk respectably, don't drink, don't do drugs, and am overall a typical 1950s American gentlemen. In private I drool as my boyfriend takes massive poops in my mouth after I finger his buthole. Sometimes he poops and i hold it in with my hands and let it all out on my face at once as I open my mouth
Point being you can't judge people for ""degeneracy"" in the privacy of their own home. If we acted degenerate in public that would make sense. However most gays are very civil in public so I think a true conservative should respect homosexual rights.
Sup Forums isn't one person, Milo's contributions and value to /ourcauses/ is recognized and appreciated by many on Sup Forums.
Hating Milo = Hating winning,, he has done a lot more for the right and for white people than glow in the dark CIA niggers like Spencer.
Jose Price
Gay conservative here. You're not the only one. Although it seems like it most the time. Sup Forums is forever entranced and alive with love for gays. Trannies can go.
Thomas Long
I couldn't care less what you do in private. Just stop supporting destructive ideologies. Gay men can be based.
Sebastian Long
My problem is with gay culture. I couldn't care less as to what you do in the privacy of your own home- as consenting adults.
Jacob Cook
idolizing the mentally ill is a certain route to disappointment