Why is nobody talking about taking away women's voting rights?
Why is nobody talking about taking away women's voting rights?
I do. All the time.
The JEWS used women's suffrage to destroy the West and turn it into a socialist, non-White hellhole.
they will lose their voting rights by men taking them away or the government collapsing after all their retarded ideas and affirmative action
Because we're not even close to being right wing enough as a civilization to consider that. Right now we're at like 2000s level right wing with Trump. We need to have a string of like 5 right wing presidents before we can start questioning female suffarage.
Because women suffrage isn't the problem, it's a symptom of the problem and abolishing it wouldn't suddenly fix anything. Every nu-male and betafag is a biological male.
The root cause is the weakening of family bonds, and female suffrage was just a logical extension of this.
How do you get an entire group of people to freely vote for someone who would take away their ability to do that in the future?
Because how do we actually achieve that? It'll take an actual collapse of government and violent take over.
Both robowaifus & the eventual Realisation of what muslims & niggers TRULY are that they're currently experiencing Comes to a Head Will FORCE them to become Conservative again.
They'll Voluntarily Walk Back into the Kitchen.
It will happen when Sharia comes to the US.
They bring their own doom upon themselves.
Because woman is a greatest ally of any politician, always voting for a bigger state that fucks everyone in the ass deeper.
>right wing
Nope, this wont help. Hitler had a feminist state, fuck, he basically invented modern feminist state when woman marries government apparatus.
The woman question is self-correcting. The problem is, "do we let the problem fix itself, or do we preventing it from getting so bad that the problem never arises?"
>Wifebots may be the answer.
And get them off the internet!
Help them understand its unnecesarry.
Their husband will always vote for who ever has the families best interest in mind.
2 votes per house hold just means politicians use identity politicts to devide households and win votes
>women are the Jews now.
There's a disturbing lack of rational arguments in this thread. How are we going to redpill people without good arguments?
>>Study: the more women there are in a certain college discipline, the more politically correct it becomes.
A study found that the most politically correct college disciplines are Psychology, Sociology and English.
The least politically correct college disciplines are Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Finance. Thus, the more women there are in a certain area, the more politically correct and liberal it becomes.
Psychology is 75 percent female, while Engineering is 75 percent male.
Another study found that women are more politically correct than men.
In other words, there is correlation between the level of female influence in society and the liberalisation of that society. Some people are wondering why are we so different today than the society in the 50s. Or why is western society more culturally different than some non-western societies?
The answer is: women. As female influence exploded in the 70s and women entered the labour force and politics en masse, they caused society to become more liberal and more politically correct.
Women change culture and the more you increase the influence of women, the more you change the culture of that society in a certain direction. Or vice versa. Men also change culture. The more male influence you have, the more a culture will move to the right. Men cause more conservative and more right wing societies - such as muslim societies or the US from the 50s. The Jews didnt have to do much, they just had to liberate women and society would naturally follow the path of destructive political correctness and cultural Marxism.
That's a good point. If you can get all western women to prioritize being mothers and having a husband again this argument would definitely work.
The more women there are in an area, or the more female influence you have, the more liberalism and PC you get.
Sweden: Highest level of feminisation = highest level of liberalism and PC.
USA, 2017: High level of female influence = high level of liberalism and PC.
East Asia (Japan, S. Korea, China), Eastern Europe: Medium level of female influence = medium level of liberalism and PC.
USA 1950: Low level of female influence = low level of liberalism and PC.
Muslim socieites: Lowest level of female influence = lowest level of liberalism and PC.
The correlation is too hard to ignore.
Yeah let's just jump back 100 years politically. If you don't want women to vote then start a movement. Women already have one, so at least they did more than you ever will.
Women pay the least taxes but get the most benefits. They're a net loss to the tax system.
also known as a parasite
Damn you guys must do great with the ladies
This needs to be discussed much more than it currently is, I agree.
What a shame, psychology really interests me.
Rly makes u think
a "lady" is the waste product you get after im done with a teenage girl
i think one wrote a song about me once
Treat em mean, keep em keen
It's why Women keep voting for leftist candidates, further expanding the welfare state until it's unsustainable. Then you get an explosion of ultra parasites like single mothers, who benefit from welfare programs, which breeds more single mothers and eventually it becomes a vicious cycle of welfare dependency until the parasite kills the host. Leftists don't want to decrease the rate of single motherhood, and discourage degenerate behaviour amongst women since they know that their way of getting socialism.
Damn dude if you're really that desperate for some action buy a hooker.
Not even an argument. Roasties everyone.
what i would pay to put my big brown cock in that tight pink pussy
Vote for Sarah! 2024
What this user says. To fix the problem we have to take away the right to vote for dumb asses.
Reading all that, women sound a lot like jews.
Kek. I wonder, why is it's always a jewess who write these anti white articles, never a Jewish male? Are kike women just even more jewy than their male counterpart?
women and minorities*
There, fixed it for you
Women are natural socialists
It's in their nature to redistribute your wealth to them