Lesbian parents, ama


are u a cuck?


Are you bullied in school user?

Who is the man in the house?

Are you a faggot?


Bagina? Id badida!? :DDDD

luckily not these kinds of lesbians, but rather the masculine kind

how do you determine who's the man?

how much did they hit you?

nah not really
that'd be me atm. but when i lived with my parent's i'd say one of my mothers took that role
nope i'm straight
one of them is more dominant.
only once or twice

Doesn't that lead to them ramming transsexualism down their children's throats?

not really one of them dislikes transexuals and is pro-life

Tell us your fantasies, user


Without a man around, who or what do the women blame all their problems on?

actually pretty grossed out by lesbian porn. guess it's because it reminds me of my parents

sometimes me, and alot of the time eachother. they had plenty of heated arguements.

Fuck them both to asert dominance.



It is your duty to asert dominance over the household, or are you a faggot?

How often does the manlier one beat the other?

You cant dominate women?
Make them.know thrir pkace beneath mankind.

only lived with them when i was relatively young, then moved in with my father. so wasn't really able too and i'm currently living alone

Are you adopted or a surrogate?

Wtf does this mean?

not sure but i'm betting it had too have happened, never in front of me though

Wait, wut? So, your mum left your dad for another woman?

How does it feel?
There is a "masculine" figure and a femenine figure in your house?

That's just unfortunate, I feel sorry for you user.

surrrogate, but i know my father well, and he's pretty redpilled actually.

Where is your dad?

are your moms hot

Is one a biological parent or are you an adopted somalinigger

yes that is correct one of them is bisexual

yea man i can't watch hetero porn because my straight parents had sex a few times ewww

His dad should go there with son and sin takes the woman lover and dad takes mom.

yeah pretty much one of them behaves a lot more like a man than a woman and is the one who takes care of the bills and so on
lives in the same city as me, i meet hiom every weekend
one of them is my biological parent

So, she was with your dad when she was pregnant with you? Or was it all done later?


>pic related

Are there things in life you feel like you've missed out on?

Don't ever talk to me again.

Does one of them have short hair? Is it a butch and lipstick couple or double butch?

they were dating when she got pregnant, broke up, my dad wanted too have me, was raised by him and lesbian parents at the same time pretty much.

are they at least hot? like can you masturbate to them or are they both fat slob and obviously lesbian cuz no man would touch that?

yeaah i've kind of felt like i've missed out on the normal father son bond as i only saw him every other weekend when i was young.

Ah cool. How old are you?
Also, what Redpills did your dad drop?


both butch but one has long hair
they aren't really obv lesbians but nah i wouldn't say they are hot but still they're about 50
19 , my dad dislikes immigrants and is a pretty big nationalist, he's also from bongland


Do you feel cucked that your blood us cucked by a woman?

hmm i'd say a bit, but never really thought about it that way i'd guess

Ben, is that you?

your father got cucked by a women, do you actually respect him?

do tiff and bree beat the shit out of each other?

How often do they fight and punch each other?

Do you hate your lesbian parents?
Do you have preferred to be born in a normal family?
How good as parents your lesbian parents are?
What kind of education and wisdom they gave you?

Would you rather have a tranny dad/mother?