Barron Trump has an easy life. 1. Good looking 2. Tall 3. Good Education 4.Loving Family 5. Shitton of Money 6. Will have 10/10 model GF who loves him not for his money
Barron Trump has an easy life
Too bad he’s autistic
This, just look at those shoes
Until his family is executed for treason lol
Won't be able to go out in his early 20's because women/Muslims will line up to throw drinks/acid in his face
did you not get the memo, being autistic makes your life better.
that's what kids wear.
He is 11 and already smarter than all of this board combined.
7. Great parents
8. Genius level IQ
9. Extensive knowledge of memes
His only weakness is autism. Little do they know it's also his greatest strength.
New Balance is the redpilled shoe company for proud white men. They're the last bastion of inherent white footwear
Barron's gonna be a fuckin cool guy when he grows up.
I bet he's president someday.
luck bastard
Unless he cultivates and maintains that twinkish aesthetic his jawline is going to make him look like a creep.
Start lifting and chewing gum, Baron.
Barron = Batman
Being autistic is the key to not becoming a normie.
I bet his desktop specs are crazy.
he'll waste his life shitposting on /r9k, screencap this.
That just means he'll be a genius leader who'll overcome Donald Jr in the succession struggle
I unironically agree with you.
>high durability
>dad style,
I doubt this. For one, he is very sheltered. He doesn't seem to have any idea of the outside world. Two, he seems kinda "choked" on what he does by his parents. He's always forced to go with his parents on whatever trips they have leaving out any social interaction with peers his age. Looking at him, it seems he doesn't have any friends his age. Heck, I doubt he has any friends at all because the Trump family always watch little Barron's back. Despite all the material wealth he has, he seems to live a sad life. That's going to screw up with his upbringing
he is tall as fuck for 11 holy shit
It's a trade off, why do you think rich people are not with the rest? Yeah I wonder, because they are cultivated smart people.
Good for him. I hope he appreciates it.
>7 more years of the Don
>amendment is passed to allow third term
>12 years of Ivanka
>next year Barron is old enough for the office of the Presidency, uses weaponized autism to take humanity to the stars
Give them your energy people.
One of my friend's brothers was 6'3' by age 12 and is currently 6'7' at 17. His older brother is 5'11'. Fucking mental.
this 11 year old could kick the shit out of half the people on here. sad!
>being an autistic sheltered person who doesn't have any clue will lead to a successful person
This is a fucking meme. BTW, most successful people in the developed world come from poor to middle class upbringings who hustled their way through either by connections or working hard. You can't have connections if you can't socialize for shit because you're autistic.
>Sup Forums in my Sup Forums
go back to your containment board
Barron's shoes are a bread crumb to us that he is /ourkid/ on the inside. Jesus Christ, are you this new?
You need to think the kid has a lot of pressure on him. I mean I'd swap places with him easily but being born into that kind of wealth and success will probably have some weird effects on a kid. Probably starts crying and killing cats to let off steam once or twice a month.
I for one welcome our new Aryan aristocracy. May they have a thousand year reign
It's a two way street. He's one of few people on the planet to experience being the US president's child. That is an experience he can claim that you can't. A unique one that he has. And it's most definitely more a curse than a blessing.
Barron would look great in a dress
> I saw he is with his parents on a picture so I know his life
damn dude, also
>Trump family
>No connection
Learn how to computer mate
>He's one of few people on the planet to experience being the US president's child.
So? Hillary Clinton's daugghter experienced this joy as well but that didn't make her successful. If all you can boast as an achievement in your resume is being "The President's son", then that's just fucking sad.
Except he alongbwith all trumps family gets spit riasted by fat jew nwo.
>"The President's son"
LOL, you have no clue what most ppl achieve I bet he will "lift his finger" and achieve more than 80% of the pouplation.
the problem is that he's hated by the retarded left because he's a trump. so depending on how trumps presidency goes his life might actually be pretty shitty.
>implying Barron isn't always on the Trump family's side
>implying he isn't always watched.
Seems you have no idea at all. Did you even watch the primaries and the US presidential elections? Barron is always there. ALWAYS. I remember the time when Trump was making a speech when he got nominated as the Republican nominee, little Barron was there in the wee hours of the morning accompanying mommy and daddy, all sleepy eyed. That tells you right there Barron is on a tight leash and has no personal freedom.
The secret service isnt part of the federal government, its owned by the Federal Reserve. The SS doesnt just protect the president and his family, they hold them hostage so the fed wont be audited.
Barron has a hard life
Damn dude, I thought a day is 24 hours and not 3, but might as well be 3 right also there is only 1 day a week, wait what???
also most people spend most of their early life especially as a child with their parents, he is 11 years old not even 14 to chill with friends.
you have no clue about his life.
Lmao, he will turn into the next Moot
He is a public figure (mommy and daddy made sure of it that way) always under a close watch by everyone, especially now that he is the President's son. I'm pretty sure we all have an idea what his personal life is. And let me tell you, it's not a pretty one despite the facade of wealth and riches around him.
"I'm pretty sure"
So you are not sure at all, next....
Barron Trump is the time traveling once and future king. Hail!
he looks like tay tay
>6. Will have 10/10 model GF who loves him not for his money
who is japanese. look at this kid, hes a literal loli boy from one of those nip gay fetishist cartoons. theres literally not a chance in hell a japanese seductress wont snatch him up, as the rest commit suicide from not obtaining their childhood boy crush
I cant stop laughing at this shit.
>dad style
New Balance is the redpill shoe
Unlikely he's the partynigger type that Obama's kid was. Not a topic of concern.
He's more likely to grow into a mastermind role. If he's anything like his father, he's going to be pretty straight laced anyways. Hopefully he hustles well.
Too bad New Balances are flash as fuck in Europe right now.
barron looking fa
he has the good kind of autism, the minor kind that just makes you smart and only a little awkward which most kids are anyway
Totally jealous of his cum sock. Crusted over with thick sticky loads from his spicy lil' Red Barron
Dream on, faggot.
Barron was right by his fathers side during his victory speech at 3 am, often yawning etc. Trump is notorious for maintaining his image and how he looks on camera, clearly this was done on purpose. signal to the ruling familes? if hes 11 now, he could technincally run for potus in 2040.
This is what peak performance looks like.