>have a game with brand and a strong cult like audience
>spend millions on game development and port it to every platform and is objectively better than your last game by far
>marketing team then makes tweets punching a Nazi trying to inject it politics to it and retweets left wing news sources calling them heroes
>not realizing that you pissed off your cult like audience
>game sales much worse despite higher critic score and user score sucks
>YFW some twenty some year old marketing employees cost you millions of dollars and ended a good profitable series
Have a game with brand and a strong cult like audience
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm trying my damn hardest to get through this game but that nigger jigaboo character is pissing me off. Is there a mod to remove all the coons from my nazi submarine?
aaaaaand was a fucking flop, no wonder on Sup Forums was filled with their marketing spam every 5 fucking minutes and the retarded mods letting the threads getting to bump limit with 500 replies in less of 15 minutes modas were from neofag anyway
174,000*60=10m shekels
Not bad.
>Genre: Nudity
Lol. They fucked themselves. Shouldn't have tried to make it political. Ruins games, everytime
Businesses pandering to groups of people who don't use their products
fucking baffling
But how much did they spend on the game and advertising?
Video games are for losers anyways.
I hope the industry tanks so young americans find an actually productive hobby.
I just want to preface this post by making it perfectly clear that I detest nazism to its core
but anyway, the whole appeal of Wolfenstein was that it was this pulp fiction/exploitation tier videogame that really started with wolfenstein 3d, which was controversial in its day for excessive violence and the inclusion of swastikas and even having horst wessel lied as its opening music. Then the reboot of the franchise from a few years ago came out and did a really good job of capturing that part. Just batshit crazy american badass killing hordes of nazis and their weirdo nazi super science robots.
But now the new one was way too political. the injection of modern day ID politics, and the fact that it is basically BJ teaming up with fucking BLM and Antifa is ridiculous. Theres even a part where BJ remembers how racist and sexist his dad was and checks his privilege. It just reeks of Swedish bullshit even though they early on advertised the game as being really "americana" since it would take place there, but its not even american at all, its shitty modern day europoor socialism injected into that setting, and they focus way too much on the retarded story. They should have taken a hit from another great reboot, Doom, that starts with doomguy literally shoving the bullshit new story out of the way. Im not exaggerating, one of the good guys is a literal self professed communist.
In a conference room, at a random (((AAA))) producer.....
>hey guyz let's make a game for sjws theyll advertise it for us by spreading it on social media
>B-but sir our audience is not sj-
and it's happened over, and over, and over.
These kinds of games cost $15m-30m to make.
New Order was fun and silly. New Colossus tried to be the same except seriously pander to feminists and SJWs.
New Order was a good game with very few bugs. New Colossus could barely run without breaking.
New Order is such a superior game it's not even funny.
strong cult like audience since fucking when? The last decent game from that IP was RTCW over a decade ago
but muh nazi america narrative
New Colossus was like an exploitation film made by people who never saw one.
It was shit. So many fucked up characters added, like the commie and loudmouth nigress.
It wasnt a junior marketing guy, it was Bethesda head Pete Hines himself who ordered this campaign because he and Robert Altman hate Drumpf.
Don't for one second think that Zenimax employees thought this was a smart idea.
It was good for one thing at least.
Thank you, Sweden.
>started with wolfenstein 3d
Off by a couple of decades.
>objectively better than your last game
That is definitely not true, politics aside the gameplay is a downgrade from New Order
Murdoch Murdoch was right.
Side story, though. I was playing that episode outloud on my phone on a bus ride out of Manhattan back to Jersey. My friend was sitting next to me, and when Mario says "Ima hava big gay wedding" my sides went into orbit, I couldn't breathe. I'm sure everyone heard it cuz I had my phone on blast.
that mocap looks bad
All I needed to see was the obese white woman fucking some random black guy to put me off the game. They purposely injected that to spite the white people. And the "Jews have ancient magic and are innocent superheros being slaughtered by the big bad white male German" grated me too much.
I meant the popularity and fanbase. Wolfenstein 3D was way more popular than the original Castle Wolfestein, and its also the one that set up the crazy exploitation atmosphere it has had since then
>A hyper-masculine aryan ubermensch is fighitng nazis
Am I the only one who appreciate the irony?
but all those women they submitted too are totally gonna sleep with them now right?
I was too focused on the sudden change in lighting and props popping into existence.
How the fuck does that make it past Q&A?
I mean at the end of the day the MC is the player, and thus the MC must be "cool" so the player can feel himself "cool". You wouldn't play a game where you're jew and you're gassed in auschwitz now would you?
I was getting tired of thinly veiled political posturing from giant bomb but hearing them fawn over this was just too much
>You wouldn't play a game where you're jew and you're gassed in auschwitz now would you?
fucking kek, good point
well in the game whenever bj goes undercover, the nazis always mention what a perfect aryan he is
a bleak escape from auschwitz game would actually be pretty neat. get weaker and less physically capable every day unless you lie, cheat or steal food. ingratiate yourself to the guards or to your fellow prisoners in order to either survive until you're liberated or somehow acquire the materials/contacts to sneak out, the materials/physical ability to break out, maybe even lead a prisoner rebellion and take over the camp
Yeah, it's a propaganda attempt to make sure aryans don't fight for themselves, ever again. Everyone knows the "cool" ones like BJ are good goys.
>his mother was a jew
>I just want to preface this post by making it perfectly clear that I detest nazism to its core
You probably have no idea what the hell you are even detesting, and reading the rest of your post would be a massive waste of time.
The only option they will take now is to double down
Name one country better off from a Nazi regime.
Pretty sure that fact was just tacked on, in this very pozzed sequel, as a very weak attempt to make him less of an ubermensch
Video games are a sockpuppet for DARPA social programming now. The studios get their shekels from the government, not the consumer.
>SJW propaganda
>movie or game
>metascore/rottentomato fuckhigh
>user rating low
This is like a plague. How the fuck can this be so widespread? Say the right things, virtue signal hard and you'll get solid reviews all around.
But it doesn't end up working, does it? Can't they see that?
When did one of these pandering shitfests satisfy both critics and consumers? All we've heard about is repeated failures.
Okay Sup Forums I love a good circlejerk as much as anyone, but did it actually flopped?
All I saw was online steam stats, but WII strikes me as single player game, and that OP pic doesn't mean shit if millenial faggots as usual rushed to buy the second it was out.
Someone mentioned on Twitter that it already made back what it cost and double of what previous games sold.
thanks mr adolf
>implying WW2 wasn't a war of unnecessary aggression against Germany
Good one, goy
>Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit. -- Churchill
Still, his father turned her in for it. And she's dead for it.
Dolan is a dead meme whoever is posting this shit is a fucking newfag, you newfags are over 5 years late.
The lying Juden-Press, user. This has already been revealed by our predecessors.
How do you go from a fun stupid game about shooting zombie nazi supersoldiers and cyborg gundam Hitler to "fuck y pepo, das rite"?
>Okay Sup Forums I love a good circlejerk as much as anyone, but did it actually flopped?
>No recoil
Jesus fucking Christ.
>not playing exclusively games that let you be a little girl
Kek. Of course they would make the white aryan patriarch a giant unrelatable asshole. Their facade is tissue thin.
It sounds like his father was the better man youtube.com
maybe the fascism. or the genocide. no one likes bossy, rights stifling, totalitarian and genocidal assholes. whether they they be nazis (kill all teh jews!) or marxists (kill all teh white pipl!)
I pirated it to try it out, and just couldn't continue through the game with that nigress. It's just a decent shooter, and the gameplay isn't good enough to put up with the leftist bullshit being constantly thrown in your face.
Metascore for TNC is somehow still above 80%
The math, it doesnt add up
>Goes from page 1 to 7 even though it's been bumped
Really activates the almonds. The Mods better not be fucking with us
Western games are dead. The current generation developing games are all braindead millennials and the next generation will be 20 percent white. You like playing games developed by Chinks, Pajeets, and Mexicans? Well you'll get that if you buy any game produced in the US and Canada. Europe will probably cease all game development when shariah law finally kicks in.
Japanese gaming is the only path in the future.
The US has just as many Aryans as Germany did.
Too controversial even for pol
>You probably have no idea what the hell you are even detesting,
completely and utterly wrong. Im an avid historian and have been autistically obsessed with ww2 ever since I was 11 years old and my dad took me to see Saving Private Ryan. Not only have I read actual history on it, but I have read through every single one of your neo-nazi revisionist history as well. If you are thinking "well he hasnt seen this amazing infograph!" you are wrong. Youre very obviously some newfag from Sup Forums who is desperately trying to fit in by virtue signaling right now.
It'll pick up in time for Christmas.
It's called saging. Yeah it's sad Wolfenstein had to fall under the PC bullshit but let the free market do its job and things will be alright. Don't buy it, and eventually they'll figure it out.
Bullshit. Any honest historian who has taken a serious look at the writings of the time will see that the modern population is being brainwashed to hate something they do not fully understand, if not completely lied to.
Fuck off, newfag.
>JFK documents that were released under Trump reveal that the CIA has been actively altering source materials since its inception
>Guys, people would never lie to us about history, that's obviously a fake quote. My Jewish professor told me so.
he seems too verbose anyways, probably a kike shill
>Any honest historian
says the person who has already posted a fake quote from winston churchill and who probably thinks Churchill is the person who declared war on Germany. You have no room to call anyone else out when you dont even have a highschool level understanding of WW2 and are simply a Sup Forumstard who gets his """info""" from daily stormer memes. There is a reason NO/NONE/ZERO historians agree with anything neo-nazis assert as some "hidden facts" about history
>How the fuck can this be so widespread?
You weren't around in 2014, where you?
Nu-Wolf was never good.
>>Guys, nazis would never lie to us about history, that's obviously a fake quote. My neo-nazi meme told me so.
that is a fake quote user. You are a dullard
The average playtime is 10 minutes lol.
sorry for using too many words and causing your brain to short circuit. I know you lot arnt too keen on logic or reason
How about you prove that you don't have an IQ below 110 and read Moreover, here's a *real* quote for you.
>history is only a fable, which people consider as true.
Nazi Germany attacked Poland? Like, this isn't a hard concept. They flew in the face of every treaty and agreement made and attacked a sovereign country then instigated the systematic plundering and execution of million of its citizens.
I see you are unable to come to terms with the fact that the powers that be would ever lie to the commoners. A true "historian" with great insight, it seems.
>telling to read the very post I just responded to
youre not doing a great job of disproving what vitriolic imbeciles stormfags are user. How convenient that everything that proves your revisionist memes wrong is part of some elaborate lie, but every baseless internet rumor is the word of god.
>I see you are unable to come to terms with the fact that the powers that be would ever lie to the commoners.
Im not user, that you. I never claimed the US government never lies, Im saying you lied when you posted a fake quote. The only hypocrite here is you. You say this shit while believing in everything a totalitarian regimes from 80 years ago and other assorted imbeciles claim. You are getting mad at me, and by extension, history, for disproving your silly little conspiracy theories.
This is how.
Why he kicked the Nazi instead of firing the machine which he is shooting at sky?
>inb4 trigger discipline
Everything about that description of her acolades is why women shouldn't go to college.
That was a typo, I linked the wrong post.
>your silly little conspiracy theories
I'm sure the Jew-controlled USSR would never lie to us about Germany's camps...
Why is it a *crime* question the Holocaust again?
>Bonnie Ruberg
like pottery
What's it like in game though. The new order was my favourite shooter in years.
Vr Auschwitz would be pretty good.
>I'm sure the Jew-controlled USSR would never lie to us about Germany's camps...
The first initial reports of the camps came from the polish underground, who were fighting against the USSR. See what I mean about you knowing nothing about history and getting mad at me for educating you? The main problem with you types is that you operate from purely emotion, which is why you are being incoherent and jumping from point to point as I call it out. You arent even addressing the fact that you posted a fake churchill quote
I never said they didn't exterminate any Jews, but 3,000 is a far-cry from 6-gorillion.
Moreover, you never made any attempt to respond to what I said about known alteration of source materials for political reasons. This has likely been occurring for millennia, so you cannot act as though all of these documents are the word of God, as you say. With this in mind, it is very difficult to prove it is "fake," whether it is or not.
>Pole enjoying destruction of Poland
Must by some Silesia fag
I swear, we should make big compilations of whenever a Jew does something malicious. The ones about MSM staff and Jews pretending to be White are just not enough. They do so much more stupid bullshit.
It must all be documented, from their asinine comments to their big, retarded "art" projects.
>create anti-nazi game
>create actual irl nazi's by doing so
I love the left lately, really putting in the work. Good job team.
Welp, this seems like as good a time as any to uninstall. I want my 40GB of bandwidth back please.
I need a name.