How do we restore Europe's rightful rulers?

And restore each country to it's former glory?
thread theme

>there will never be a Stuart restoration
why even live

With a bullet

Bullets work best for sending communists to hell

The tsar didn't think so. Nor did his children and wife

Samurai swords work too.

Privatize everything and give all former government property to the current heirs of the royal bloodlines.

Funny you say that, the Communist party is actually one of Japans biggest parties. Also Samurai swords work great against Chinese nationalists too.

Nat china got cucked so hard they live on a shitty island and mass produce electronic parts for their resewn masters. Anyway I prefer gulags,rope and guillotines for political enemies like the Nazi's, the French aristocrats and soon all Capitalists.

Pic related Mussolini

>the Communist party is actually one of Japans biggest parties
It's got a membership of 300,000 in a nation of 127 million people.

Pray that the Lord God blesses our people and drives out the people who do not belong.

Mad get some bullets ready.

Good idea!

And 7.9% of all Japanese votes to the house of representatives was for the Communist party and they play a key part of the opposition party.

Yup. Can't even get 8% of the working class. Not exactly revolution material.

Did I say or imply that?
Anyway I'm done talking with anacho capiltist retards. Muh free marker!!!

I'll talk to someone else who wants a discussion. FILTERED

>The tsar didn't think so. Nor did his children and wife

And that's why no one likes communists. Yet they are still confused on the murdering children thing.

t. Killed communists and has yet to kill a person.

Gtfo you filthy kike all capitalists my ass you’re just a fucking nigger with too small a brain to succeed in anything besides being mediocre and theft

>I'll talk to someone else who wants a discussion

Shut up and take your bullet cure. It may be faster for you if you stay still but more fun for me if you run.

Brazil fag shut up

> Whispered to the conservatives. — What was not known formerly, what is known, or might be known, today: a reversion, a return in any sense or degree is simply not possible. We physiologists know that. Yet all priests and moralists have believed the opposite — they wanted to take mankind back, to screw it back, to a former measure of virtue. Morality was always a bed of Procrustes. Even the politicians have aped the preachers of virtue at this point: today too there are still parties whose dream it is that all things might walk backwards like crabs. But no one is free to be a crab. Nothing avails: one must go forward — step by step further into decadence (that is my definition of modern “progress”). One can check this development and thus dam up degeneration, gather it and make it more vehement and sudden: one can do no more.


Discussion about what you stupid faggot, Gtfo don’t you have a bull to prepare for your wife Sholomo?

try again sweetie

lol dumb commie

Absolutely not. Fuck them and their claims for the throne inheritance. I'm. It even a commie

>Yet they are still confused on the murdering children thing
Woops there goes fascism,American imperialism,capitalism exploiting the third and second world religious wars and a million other right wing things.

t.ruled by Obama for 8 years 25% black 25% Hispanic and 50% jew """""white American."""""

Do you think Putin is anti-soviet and more sympathetic to a pre-revolution Russian Empire?

eastern orthodox is pretty tight

Putin is pro-Putin and that's about it.

you don't think he has a vision, in your experience?

>comparable to regular old Bolsheviks or, God forbid, Western communists
Do you know nothing about him? Ceausescu was based.

The British monarchy are related to Muhammad, so they have legitimate claim to sultanhood in the Islamic UK when it happens. That's their end game.

No he is not, because he covered up the legacy of this man, who is possibly the greatest warrior saint to ever live.