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Jesus christ

the state of this race



its not fuckin fair


>"and incorporating personal creativity."

I'm on my phone can someone make a gif pls

you just gotta hold on it to open in a new tab

Looks just as cringy as a spencer rally.

guaranteed all voted for hillary

White people were a mistake

Thriller. MJ.


You mock, but try getting blacks to dance in sync like this.

Leaf. Canada.

Women are the most agreeable and malleable without guidance.
Without a strong figure to lookup to, adolescent girls will look the pop culture and their peers for structure within their lives

I used to live by a park in Seattle, and this 'flash mob' group would go practice their dance routines at night there. Then they'd pick some place to go do a 'flash mob' and do a dance routine to music. It was fucking gay, and yes white people are at fault for this whole phenomenon. I'd take cringe inducing flash mobs over gangs of niggers flash robbing a local 7-11 though. Or them running through the mall in hordes taking whatever they want.

Flash mobs are all leftists anyway. You wouldn't find many right wingers wasting their time on 'quirky' bullshit like that.

WOW, don't you have a rape to run from or something?

Buy an android you apple shitter

people are still dabbing? did the video cut out before they planked on a beyblade?

wypipo aint got no rythm


Dig this.....they prepare for it. I know I know, nigs preparing? The tennis courts I use happen to be in niggerville and I see 2-3 groups every week, just random nigs, and they create and practice a routine (all to one song) for hours. they are so interesting. I wish they all lived in one state and we could tune in and watch them operate. 200lbs children. Simple jacks all day.

Maybe another Hitler is what we need?


are they oldfags?