Is MGTOW The Only Option?

I went on a date tonight. The girl with whom I went on a date was a bit obnoxious, she told me not to use the word "retarded," because it's offensive, she was cursing in the middle of a decent bar/restaurant loudly. She didn't like me much, and so she walked out. Perhaps because I told her I don't like when people control my language. Oh, did I mention she was 30?

I've dated a lot of girls. I'm not some fat nerd. I'm decently attractive, have a decent career, have my hair, I work out 3/4 times a week, and I'm fairly social. But women are fucking nuts, and I'm really quite sick of them to be honest.

So, I'm considering refraining from dealing with women.

The problem is loneliness. And jerking off all the time fucking sucks.

Socially, I'm tired of women having control over my language and my thoughts - "You say what I want or you don't get pussy." I'm tired of that shit. I'll ask again: Is MGTOW the only option? I legit never thought MGTOW was legit until recent. I never thought about remaining unmarried until recent. I never thought about going childless until recent.

Women are a disaster. I'm sick of them. When this girl was talking on this disastrous date I went on, I legit thought to myself, 'Maybe prostitutes are a better idea.'

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you sound like a sperglord and you are meeting low quality women. improve yourself and the people you surround yourself with.

Girl was legit attractive. Though 30, thin, decent chest, blonde hair, fair skin, well-dressed.

By the way, I live in the midst of a major east coast metropolitan area. I've dealt with and dated college girls, professional women, and working class girls. Perhaps it's the area, but the problems with the women in my metropolitan area transcend class.

In the end all women are prostitutes since if you don't pay up front, you will most certainly later.

Women seem to really hate "retard" for whatever reason...

Can't get them to give birth, but put a puppy or something that drools around them, and some bare bit of instinct shines on through.

I'm a fat nerd and women aren't that hard to deal with senpai. You sound unpleasant.

common problem now user, a generation or two of women who haven't been domesticated and are off the chain. Obnoxious at best and absolute crazy cancer at worst

>t. Low-T Trudeau voter

Beats me. Frankly, I'm just tired of being told what to say and what not to say - in public and in private, in my professional life and in my relationship life. I am very tired of people telling me what the fuck I can and cannot say.



>she was 30

I mean that should have been your first red flag. There's a reason she is 30 and single. Because no other man has been able to tolerate her. Younger women aren't much better. Most of them are headed for the same place. But at the very least stay away from 30 somethings. They are trash that have been thrown away, and you're more or less dumpster diving when you even acknowledge them.

Get right with Jesus! Study your Bible, learn, and trust God to do what is best in your life.

She was above average in attractiveness. The 30 is the wall theory is, in many cases, a falsehood.

You're absolutely right. Any girl who is 30 and on Tinder is a problem. Frankly, my only intention was to get drunk and have sex. But even that requires tons of care, tons of fucking kowtowing, tons of bowing down. Tired of it. And you're right. Who cares if she's 30. The younger ones act just like what I dealt with - a bunch of spoil little cunts.

Eh. I can't get close with God right now. I don't feel or reason anything. It's just not there.

I'll pray for you. Hope you the best with the crazy ho problem!

theres like 1 reasonable woman for every 10 crazys (for me at least).

i have an amazing girlfriend that I met after 23 years. (hates feminism, non whites, liberals, SJWs etc.) I had to go through enough crazys to find the right one.

honestly, theyre all nuts. you just have to find one that you can reason with and who can make you happy. in the same light, us as men have our own habits that most women won't put up with.

keep rolling the dice m8. I'm rootin for ya. we're all gonna make it

>being told what to say and what not to say
What the fuck is wrong with you? You annoy and offend people. In a way that doesn't inspire respect clearly. How do you think they'll react? Apparently being a potty mouth doesn't suit you.
I have the edgy 4chins nerd humor sometimes but people let me do it because I'm not too autistic about it and I'm actually nice. And yeah while you're at work you be careful and you behave yourself, just like everyone else.
But no one's ever correcting my language outside of work because I literally dindu nothing wrong and if you're offended you're either just messing with me or you're a moron so eat me. Geeze.
>wah wah wahhh people are correcting my language I want it to stop
wth man. Make them stop.

>The 30 is the wall theory is, in many cases, a falsehood.

Right. Persuing women over 25 is completely ridiculous. Women are best around 18.

Yea, but user! You're being MEAN! (and immature)

Women won't stand for that stuff. Dries their cooters right up.

tl;dr. I don't respond to Canadians. Always saying faggot shit.

I think I need to take a break from women for a while. Honestly, when I think back on my interactions with the girl, I was being very condescending - and that's likely because I just don't give a fuck. I don't feel like kowtowing anymore.


It's very often so informative to realize what MGTOWs are like as people.

>Implying I believe in MGTOW.

If you're reading comprehension wasn't so fucked up, you'd understand from what I wrote that I am **considered** MGTOW. Never before have I entertained the idea of separating myself from women. I've always pursued women. I've always been in relationships.

And now I'm tired.

What you should be looking at is this.

Don't go looking for women, simply let them come to you and if they open an opportunity to mingle, go ahead test drive but don't dive into anything and put them all to the test.

For example... if you are on a date... just randomly turn your windshield wipers on and let them go.

See how she reacts; what does she do? Will she say something? Will she turn them off for you? Will she start yelling and screaming and kicking and calling you a psycho?

This is how you have to test women, by seeing how they are a female will react in situations. If the female expects you to dive head over heals for her, shes no good for you, just a parasite. If the female looks to help you, be an aid to you, learn with you. Then she is someone who may have a mind for dedication and grow in a relationship, even if it is bumpy at times as everyone has stress and ignorance in their life, so it's natural.

However some people are predators, they are set in their ways, they lie about who they are and even in a relationship, they never expose who they really are.

A wife who does not respect and look to be a helper to her husband is a cancer in his bones.

Proverbs 21:19 Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.

Proverbs 12:4 A wife with strength of character is the crown of her husband, but the wife who disgraces him is like bone cancer.

Proverbs 5:3-4 For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword.

Romans 1:26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other.

Proverbs 30:20 This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, I’ve done nothing wrong.

>major east coast metropolitan area
city girls are shit. get a rusty pickup and move somewhere where there are more cows than people and get a country chick.

That doesn't matter, they are all exposed to the culture through media.

Rural areas just have different types of degenerate women. Instead of a white girl who lets to get gang banged by whites and nigs in the city, you have a rural girl who likes to get banged by bikers and rural thugs outside of the city.

The culture is just fucked... there is no going back, millennial women are awful.

The best thing to do is to work hard, save your money. Invest in stocks or real estate, make more money.

If you find a good wife, then you do... if you don't you don't.

However DO NOT look for a girlfriend or wife as a financial stabilizer... unless you are certain about her lifestyle and culture... just don't take the risk, they will see your bank account and things and expect you to dump all your money on them.

Remember, money over women... always. Because most women worship money.


The culture is absolutely fucked. Cities girls are dropping acid and getting fucked by niggers. Suburban girls go to the cities to drop acid and get fucked by niggers. Rural girls get fucked by everyone in the neighborhood - on meth.

I've never held the power of a vagina, but I have to imagine that not everyone who does expects you to debase yourself for it. I suppose in many ways shitty guys have ruined it for average ones. (regarding how they "trick" women into sleeping with them)

Years of "dumb white guys" on televison and film don't help, but now I sound like a nigger, so I'll leave it at that.

pump and dump faggot

Don't give them your real name and use a burner for your number

How many times have you been laid? I bet it's under 10. You're pathetic. No wonder a girl walked out on you. Sure, have opinions (even if they're shitty), but there's a thing called tact. You need to actually try with girls and maybe you'll find someone awesome and spend a lot of time with her. Have fun "giving up", but I doubt you had much success in the first place, judging from your original post.

Or just block every number afterwards.

I've fucked a lot of girls, Trudeau boy.

>Inb4 n-n-no you haven't!

You can't even read, so your judgments regarding my original post are way off. Good luck, faggot.

maybe you two queers should hook up.

For a girl to WALK OUT on a date, means there was something she sensed in you that was fucked.

Girls are usually tolerant. Even hot ones. Walking out on a date is an EXTREME loss of interest for a girl.

You probably acted like a DICK until her patience ran out and you came to Sup Forums to talk shit about women.

This is Sup Forums, not /r9k/.

>I've dated a lot of girls. I'm not some fat nerd. I'm decently attractive, have a decent career, have my hair, I work out 3/4 times a week, and I'm fairly social. But women are fucking nuts, and I'm really quite sick of them to be honest.

You don't sound very exciting to be honest. Perhaps add a little passion to your life.

>asking someone how many times they've gotten laid
>insulting someone
any reasonable person wouldn't know the answer to that question and therefore wouldn't ask that stupid question

We'll be the judge of that. Post pics + her Facebook, what do you care.

I won't deny myself and my authenticity for pussy. It's old.

Yeah. You're right about that. Without a doubt.

No. Absolutely fucking not. I can imagine the scenario in which she finds out that I posted all this shit on here and I get busted for being a Sup Forumstard. It's happened before.

I was aiming for a discussion regarding the merits of MGTOW frankly.

You might be right. I've been on a lot of dates, and a girl has never walked out on me. But I think you believe this is some sort of rarity. Girls do this all the time.

Think he'll give me his number?

As a guy to another guy, our 'authenticity' is 90% autism and stale memes and 10% actual creativity/intellect/whatever. Giving up some of that to improve your life situation is the smart choice. You'll realize this as you get older and see that it wasn't worth it staying alone and bitter. Loosen up, MGTOW is the reactive low IQ choice.

>she told me not to use the word
>Socially, I'm tired of women having control over my language and my thoughts
Stop letting them, you thirsty geek. Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal. They are not your equals, so stop fucking letting them be your superior.

>I won't deny myself and my authenticity for pussy.
This is a lie, because otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. Pussy. You are weak

I'm not sure what it is. Perhaps years of consuming the Red/Black Pill. I need a change of consciousness. I've been thinking that. I need to let loose a little. Plus, I've been working so hard for these past 7/8 years. I remain cynical and pessimistic about everything. I'm usually in good spirits, but things never feel too right.

>Fully aware of the fact that I didn't give into her demands
>Says I denied myself, because I gave into her demands

This one made me think.

>This one made me think.
You must think I'm too dumb to read between the lines. Pussy.

>Is MGTOW the only option?
It is, I was skeptical at first but then when I learned more about female nature I came to the conclusion that MGTOW is the only option. Women will never love you if you're not in the top 10% or so of men.

>he actually went on a date
>with 3dpd

>I am very tired of people telling me what the fuck I can and cannot say.

You should not have said this...

City girls are insane lol. Import from elsewhere or move

You don't blurt out everything that comes to mind all the time do you? That's what women do.
I don't sit there telling girls how Turks are cockroaches or people that goto music festivals are degenerates. You talk about normal human things then fuck them.
It's not that fucking hard desu.
You're the retard.

>is it the only option?
no, there are plenty of places to look for the ideal woman, depending on your ideals.
You sound like a decently tolerant person. I suggest going to fun meetups or something. I got married at 18 to my girlfriend (we had other partners before but we knew each other for 6 years and were both clean STD wise, agreed on most things politically and have the same life values and similar interests, and there's enough difference between us to keep things interesting). It was worth it for me, and I am happily married now. You should find a friend, a really good friend, and talk to them about a deeper relationship or something.
Alternatively yes, you can look forward to a future free of women, but you have to accept what that means about the stability of your romantic and therefore family life. You should find a wife at some point, but maybe now is not the best time, or where you are is not the right place. I had to do long distance for a long time because I moved away.
Good luck, I hope you find your happiness.

Cruelty turns women on. So does breaking social taboos without consequence. You're doing something wrong.

Name one thing that 3D girls can do that 2D girls aren't better at.

I'll wait

>tons of bowing down
no wonder you didn't get any. The ones you get with are below you in the looks department. You can say the wildest shit if she's really attracted to you. You gotta own it though, and really believe it yourself; women can see through your act instinctively.

"Women - you have to treat em like shit" - Donald Trump (sometime 1980-1990ies)

True words from the president to live by!
They are all big children that never grow up...

You have to develop some kind of inner nazi to be able to deal with them properly. You do enough hard manual labor, sports or suffering and thats guaranteed to happen.

You gotta be brutally honest what you say and dont care if you insult someone. That only works when you get totally sober on issues and stop being a clown.

Based bible.

I figured there are two kind of people, those that you have to take serious and than women, kids and fags.

The later one is just dumb as shit and you should not buy into what they say at all, ignore, circumvent or ridicule them and treat them as savagly as it gets if they chimp out. They lie and twist things around cause they are weak and they learned the only way to win is go full retard and throw all decency overboard. Women especially talk a lot but they never thought a lot of topics through in real depth as a guy will do at one point of his life. They hear a word, use it without understanding it and try to get their way. You will notice over the long run these kinds of people are dirt poor, leechers and never get success cause the system worke against them. They prey off each other or poor guys that fell for their jewish talk. Biggest indicator is that they dont stick to their word etc. in one word: The left.

Single 30 year olds are single for a reason. You need to lock one down below that age.

Snuggling, making you breakfast, picking you up from the airport, bearing your children.

Look, that loneliness is not there for no reason. You may be tired, annoyed, jaded, but you psychologically need a companion(and an offspring) or you will not be a complete human being. Keep that in mind if your responsibility towards race is not enough.
I'd say that the MGTOW mindset of not worshipping women and letting them mop the floor with you is great - but to decide that relationships are not right for you is something else. I'd say that the golden middle point is to not be obsessive nor dismissive of women, if you meet a bad one discard her, if you meet a good one give her a chance - which is what most people do anyway.

I hate it but I am starting to think the same way.

I have never met anything close to 'soulmate'. I know women are utilitarian but I still believe there can be such a 'soulmate' out there and most men should settle for the least annoying. Better to not marry than to settle for less.

Problem is worse since modern internet. Has 'empowered' women to think about nothing but themselves. Social media is truly destroying women, even non-Western women are going the same way.