Anyone else having issues with the quality of women they meet? Seems like when I connect with one I always end up absolutely disappointed.
For example, the last 3:
>Bombshell from uni, turned out to be a roastie
>Military qt, Catholic, virgin. Turned out she was 1/4 jew and also wants to live the DINK life with just pets. We stayed friends and she has a boyfriend now though, despite all her flaws she's a good gal, just not wife material.
>Bombshell with common friends, turned out she was pregnant from her ex and had an abortion recently
It gets tiring after a while.
I blame modern society and contraception.
Anyone else having issues with the quality of women they meet...
Also how do I scape this crashing plane? Should I go to Poland/Eastern Europe?
Also forgot to mention the last one had me hyped up because she's a postgrad and seemed to be intellectually on my level. Now I feel a mixture of pity and disgust for her.
no, because i only use women as objects now.
i gave up on relationships and you should also if you know what's good for you.
>college town
>not a promiscuous and lefty stronghold
Well user, I think I found your problem.
FYI, I met my current girlfriend at a
Gun Show in Scottsdale Arizona, two years ago, while I was visiting family.
I recommend going to shows, events, concerts, etc (big place venues) to meet chicks with the same interests.
how did you form a relationship with her?
i mean did you just walk up and start talking to some random female at a gun show?
Well, I'm not in 'murica and these aren't unis with campuses, it's a public uni in the capital city of my third world country. Rural girls are roasties too here. It's one of the least religious countries in the world.
>i gave up on relationships and you should also if you know what's good for you.
It is my full intention to live and die by the 14/88, that means big family. I need to find a proper wife. I don't discount going to Poland or some former Soviet country though.
go to church then and meet a woman there.
volunteer at soup kitchens or other charity events, usually you can find someone wholesome there
She and her father were sellers. Her father and my father started talking and synched well (both vets). I have no problem talking nonchalant with girls. We got invited to church. We did church outdoor activities. I started going to visit her by myself. 3 months in, we became a couple.
Our first kiss was initiated by me making fun of her (we were hiking), that she had a booger (she didn't). I then did a serious and as passionate as I can stare at her. She began to be reciprocal too. I leaned in 5" from her mouth and let her kiss me. That's how it grew out of the platonic stage. I've only had two girlfriends in my 22 years of life. Both were not lefty, nor from big cities.
>volunteer at soup kitchens or other charity events, usually you can find someone wholesome there
Even that is fucked up here. Seems like the only reliable source for good women is Opus Dei nowadays, the rest is all mystery meat. You know, the typical incognito sluts. Then there's certain protestant denominations and mormons, but I'd rather avoid that kind of stuff.+
I think I should take the spergpill and do like Varg.
>Anyone else having issues with the quality of women they meet?
Women are roasties and men are sluts too. Once you accept that fact you will be alright. You know why you want a woman who has fucked around in her 20s? She is gonna know how to work the cock. You think virgins know how to fuck? I swear you guys are so caught up on how shit was for our grandfathers you cannot see how some things are better for us. Don't get me wrong, fuck niggers and when the ring goes on the whoring stops, but jesus have a little fun in your life and you might be happy with the result.
Hope it works out well for you, procreate and stuff if it does.
user, sex forms deep bonds and the more partners the more ruined the bond-forming ability is. Stats back that up, look up divorce rates. Besides, if they didn't use a rubber there's a copy of his DNA in her brains, not even memeing. And then there's STDs.
Just because most men and women are promiscuous degenerates I won't take that path. I admit there might be a "holier than thou" component to this, but I don't see non-virgin women as my equals and I have a hard time accepting them.
Part of your problem is your talking to hot girls. Girls who are unusually attractive are going to be ruined by male attention before they even turn 18. You want to get a girl who's young and just plain enough to fly under the radar and is still a virgin for whatever reason. Now I'm not saying scrape the bottom of the barrel uggos, but definitely avoid the really 8/10s and above.
meme flags should get no response
>the more partners the more ruined the bond-forming ability is
nigger, Im married with 4 kids. I dont know what you think you are going to teach me about sex but you are clearly delusional. Stop jacking off and stop thinking you are worth more than you are. I say this because I care about the generation that comes after me:
Get the fuck over yourself.
There's some truth to that but there's solid qts who won't give the pussy. I know because one of my brother's buddy broke with his gf because she wasn't into premarital sex. She was mad as hell and called him a scumbag.
>nigger, Im married with 4 kids. I dont know what you think you are going to teach me about sex but you are clearly delusional
I'm glad it worked out for you, but statistics show the divorce rates go up with the number of premarital sexual partners. It's marriage poison. Those deep neurological and chemical bonds are a limited resource. Evolution made us that way, Specially in the upper races characterized by a higher prevalence of K-selection.
Okay sure they exist, but they're so fucking rare they might as well not. If you get lucky and find one, great. But otherwise you're better off with a plain girl. And if you do get one, live as far away from the center of urban life as possible and as far away from liberals as possible. That shits corrupting and all women are weak-minded to one degree or other.
Look man, I want to help you out here. I don't care about you as an individual but I care about the white race continuing on. It won't continue on when you and people like you set impossible standards for yourselves. You want to marry a virgin? Convert to Islam or Mormanism, because outside of hardcore religious communities good luck finding one. You need to adapt to the times, instead of living in a past you were not even alive for in the first place. Go find a woman you can tolerate, accept her mistakes as you ask her to accept yours, and make white babies. How the fuck is this difficult? How are you fucking this up? Why did your father not teach you any of this? Jesus fucking christ if my daughters end up marrying niggers because all the whites were too retarded I will personally kill you for that.
>And if you do get one, live as far away from the center of urban life as possible and as far away from liberals as possible. That shits corrupting and all women are weak-minded to one degree or other.
Agreed. Will be hard though as I'm majoring in STEM
I bet half the cunts in this thread who rave on about virgins have never even had sex let alone taken a virginity, shit is fucking horrible compared to a girl who knows what shes doing
thank you bruce, a voice of fucking reason from the other side of the globe.
Roasties can get the degenerate chads.
I won't lower my damn standards, I might lower the physical ones a bit but I won't date no slag. Of course if the woman proves herself worthy I might even admit some non-virgin, but she'd had to be truly exceptional in everything else.
About "good and bad sex", you only know the difference if you sleep around.
Your going to die alone, and its going to be your own fault. I'm done with you.
You do you. Trying to change another person is a fool's errand.
>shit is fucking horrible compared to a girl who knows what shes doing
Most women are shit at fucking anyway. I don't care how many dudes she banged. It would be hotter to get a virgin and just teach her how to please you.
Sex is overrated. I'm looking for a partner in making extraordinary things, I don't really care much for physical pleasures, much like Aristotle said the pursuit of those is fit for animals and slaves. And we'll figure it out anyways. Also I'd rather marry a woman who hasn't been on the fucking pill and ends up with fertility issues, uterine fibroid that requires a hysterectomy or polycystic ovary syndrome. I want a healthy woman. If that means I have to date a woman 8 years my junior so be it. It's even better because she has a longer usable fertile age range.
>Most women are shit at fucking anyway
I feel like you might not be the type of dude to tell women what you are about when you are fucking. That's cool, I used to be that way when I was younger but if it's worth anything once a woman knows how to do what you like they tend to do it that way. I used to think every woman I ever got a blowjob from just sucked at giving head. Once I learned to communicate what I did and did not like things were all uphill from there.
I've gotten to the point I'm just no longer interested in dating.
See? It's communication that matters. A virgin can get good. And there's no baggage. It's the ideal situation, I don't compare her to others and she doesn't compare me. We are the only ones we know in bed.
Don't give up my dude. You're probably not as selective as I am, not everything is lost. We'll find a suitable woman at some point. But yes, it gets tiring.
>A virgin can get good
through experience and communication. I could tell a woman to massage my prostate until I am blue in the face but its not gonna get me that prostate orgasm unless she has had her finger up a mans ass and found it herself. I would much rather some other poor bastard had to deal with the discomfort of that for example.
>massage my prostate
Sounds like you're a closet fag user
What country R U frå user!!!???
What's in the box?!!!!!!???!!!??
Anyways... How about folk/ancient town festivals were traditional wardrobes are worn? Volunteer as stage help at female choirs/live play?
More like I like to keep things interesting. If you do not know your own body, how are you going to enjoy somebody elses?
Well yes typically I am fairly disappointed. However, I did find a qt3.14 who is essentially the only legitimate non stupid liberal I've met. This being that she isn't the kind of moron that listens to the left's constant stupid character arguments. She's a logical, smart, kind person who saved me from suicidal depression 8 months ago, the cutest person in existence. She makes up for any and all Dissapointment I've had
Still has a valid point though
Revolt against the modern world. Don't give up on all women, but give up actively searching for a good one. Our generation of white men is doomed by a breed of hyper cunt females.
I gave out too much info to show my flag, but now that you mention that, I could maybe try my luck with certain communities. I'll just say I'm in the Americas.
>keep things interesting
next thing you'll be doing is getting rammed with a strap-on in the ass at this rate user
>a fucking leaf
I'm glad to hear that user
You're not alone cobba
Just keep trying user eventually you might hit the jackpot :)
>Don't give up on all women, but give up actively searching for a good one.
Are you telling me to be a "hero" like Varg says so that I attract them with my noble character? Basically hunting with bait instead of stalking?
>denying the hard evidence behind pair bonding mechanisms related to sexual intercourse
Come on, user...
Where can I find wholesome virgin women?
Trapped in the hellhole Vegas
What states should I look to?
Well, if my friend could do it so can I. Words of wisdom leaf.
>not saving your money for a qt robot girl
Biothots are not worth the time and effort
Suit yourself, if you never experience cumming into a woman while she hits your prostate thats on you. But at this rate you wont ever be cumming into anything except a sock so I guess it does not really matter.
kek, I guess I'm fucked because I like fertile wombs and white offspring more than I desire sex
>all of life is about immediate pleasure
>sex is just about rubbing membranes
Jesus Christ, you're such a fucking degenerate.
You're not going to find any post 15 year old virgins
>I like fertile wombs and white offspring
apparently not, thats the entire point of this thread
>phone posting and same fagging
Caught redhanded, user.
>phone posting and same fagging
how did you spot his phoneposting?
Others have done it before me, I just need the will to persevere.
Kinda but even that sounds too active. Just do your own thing, ignore females, and if one who's quality shows interest in you be receptive but don't get excited.
stem cells?
you two sound perfect for each other. Maybe one of you is ready to take that leap.
Artificial womb experiment
C'Est la Vie
idk, seems a bit too passive
how about not devoting too much time to the pursuit of women but still trying to meet quality ones? I mean if I sit back it probably reduces my chances quite a bit.
wew lad, Matrix tier
swapping between phone data and wifi allows you to have 2 seperate identities in a thread. He posted then tried to agree with himself under another identity "(he) still has a point though."
It's possible I'm just over analyzing it.
>It's possible I'm just over analyzing it.
Hint: You are
>I connect with them
>I look for women with values and beliefs which match mine
>I'm trying to find wife material in a college
So many mistakes user. First you must realize the nature of women is that they don't hold their own beliefs/values, only reflect their authority. Which means all you must do is become any woman's authority and she'll reflect your views/values. Second, a college is geared around making someone a provider. A woman has no place pretending shes a man, find a woman outside college.
Third you'll always be miserable until you stop thinking men and women are the same. They're not, egalitarianism is the root of practically all our problems.
Prove it with a screen cap of your desktop right now.
Just saying you'll be able to have white babies with your robowife
It's a viable strategy. It doesn't mean being a eunic. It just means being your own man and building your self up. Guys who don't care about girls tend to be attractive to girls.
>this is the future
oh god please no
Porn does that to men.
Oh, I'm doing that. Took up sports, and I'm doing STEM in uni and trying to graduate soon.
Are you serious? I can't actually tell. You really care about this made up issue of yours that much? Looking at your previous posts and your actions now you seem to be an incredibly paranoid person. Maybe this is contributing to your lack of getting a woman? Just something to ponder.
Jesus christ. How retarded can you be ? The number of sexual partners you have pre marriage directly impacts marriage itself, girls who have had many pre marital sex partners are much more likely to cheat on you and divorce you.
Also who cares if she has "experience " and is good at sex. That just means she has been on the cock carousel long enough to pick up some tricks fucking other men. Its hedonistic and a cuck like mentality
>expecting something from women who are not saints.
It helps to be smart too my dude. Elevate your good qualities and you'll be able to draw people. fake confidence till you have it as well.
Recently had a cute innocent seeming girl, Christian, quiet and well mannered. After a bunch of weird bullshit and her being closed off, I get suspect and investigate. Turns out she's a lunatic going between 6 guys pretending she's loyal and just busy doing church work or school. Was hitting up Craigslist ads and banging guys in bathrooms, and whole mess of nasty shit. Now I have to go get checked for an std. Feel used dirty and ashamed I got played so hard. The signs were so obvious but I ignored them. Don't usually do this, but she was just so convincing. Near the end I pointed out she never cried. All of a sudden she starts crying over nothing or very small things. Disappeared for months at a time. Odd shit, her family's odd too, almost behavior like a cultist..
Oh, I faked confidence like a champ with that last chick. Then I learned about her past and it was a massive turnoff to the point I don't want anything to do with her. My issue is more one of finding proper women than courting them. I feel like walking on a minefield.
>girls who have had many pre marital sex partners are much more likely to cheat on you and divorce you
>if she never fucked anyone but me she cant know how bad I am! She has to stay with me!
wew lad
stealth roasties are the worst and the ones who cause the most pain
What was it about her past if you dont mind me asking my dude
>The goy knows!
see It's not about you "being bad", it's about neurological mechanisms.
Did you slip in a couple of fingers?
I suspected you were a jew but I was not sure until now.
you know what man? I wish you the best in finding whatever it is that you are looking for. Im going to go ahead and heed the wise advice of this user
He's trolling bro. I outed him, and he kept playing. Just ignore him.
She was pregnant from her last bf and had an abortion. I mean I wouldn't date her pregnant either but I wouldn't find her so despicable. And she seemed like such a good girl.
Reminded me of what happened with MEW the actress that used to have so many waifufags at Sup Forums and is now all but universally hated because of what she did to her husband.
mmm. yeah I feel you there. I dont think my qt would do that but her past and mine are both a little fucky and very similar. we both have fucked brains :)
My desire now is to get a qt in the spectrum, not even memeing
>late twenties to early thirties assumed
I suggest that you stop using tinder for anything but sex. I also suggest you stop using tinder for sex as it is (in my opinion) likely worse for you than porn, because now you can get the real thing instantly.
Instead, go to college, network, try and find where people your age actually socialize and get set up on blind dates by your friends. Hang out with your family, build up your own personal life. When the time is right and you're doing the right things for yourself you'll find the person you need.
Alternatively if you've given up on dating in your own hemisphere, yes go get an Eastern European woman and bring her back. If you're okay with miscegenation I suggest trying to grab a South Korean or (the holy grail of asians) Japanese. They are incredible in bed and loyal as fuck. I happened to make friends as a kid and found my wife when I was 14. Not everyone is that mature at that age, so don't be disappointed.
Also be reasonable with your expectations. Some women go through retarded experiences and come out less innocent but also more decent for it. Operative words some and reasonable; you're not marrying every roastie down the block and you're allowed to pick your wife, but you can't pick their past.
>I suggest that you stop using tinder for anything but sex. I also suggest you stop using tinder for sex as it is (in my opinion) likely worse for you than porn, because now you can get the real thing instantly.
joke's on you, I never got an account because of two main reasons:
>always seemed degenerate to me
>requires a facebook account, screw that bullshit
lmao. I dunno if Reese is in the spectrum but I am (mild Aspie) But she's a genius at psych and can understand me really well lmao
>If you're okay with miscegenation I suggest trying to grab a South Korean or (the holy grail of asians) Japanese. They are incredible in bed and loyal as fuck.
I'm not, given no other chance I'd rather impregnate a white roastie than an asian god tier waifu lel. Or maybe marry the asian and adopt.
Also be reasonable with your expectations. Some women go through retarded experiences and come out less innocent but also more decent for it. Operative words some and reasonable; you're not marrying every roastie down the block and you're allowed to pick your wife, but you can't pick their past.
Of course, but you have to look at their past too. It reveals things about their character and what they're willing to do in limit situations.
Well I'm off to sleep lads, 4:55 am here and I have to get up before noon. I leave as a less despaired dude, thanks guys.
> one day
> cyber lebensborn
> mfw
I'm afraid of the bugs tho
now I'm off for good
Oh and also the second chick was "just" 1/8 jew, but it still drove me nuts so I did a 360 and walked away. Plus DINK is absolutely incompatible with what I want.
> I did a 360 and walked away
are you retarded?
No he did a spin and then he walked away, he's a snazzy man.
Yeah it sucks but I'm finally getting closure, had to do it through extreme measures but i basically made a fake profile of her on a dating site I met her on (lesson learned, no more online dating) and found a few of the guys she was leading on just like me. We teamed up and got to the bottom of it, sharing our timelines with her and pointing out inconsistencies in her stories. She was a different person for all of us. It's insane and i feel like making a blog about it or something to warn other guys about her. It goes even crazier, this is just scratching the surface. She targets white blonde haired blue eyed gemini men mostly, with right wing views, tech inclined and intelligent. We all have a lot in common but certainly interesting differences. It's just a trip. Never experienced this before. Glad some of us got closure, though a few are so far gone from her they wouldn't work with us. Rumor is one guy killed himself via drug overdose. Sad. No way to prove she influenced it. She is very careful about not having anything online, even went as far as removing herself from all people search sites like whitepages. It's something that is truly insane. And this is just the least crazy stuff we uncovered. Thecult vibe with her is strong... anything I post gets instantly attacked by members of her churches "parish" like they use Google alerts to monitor her online. It's so bizarre. At the end the investigation was about genuine interest and concern rather than just getting over it, but without breaking the law there isn't much more we can find out.