Why are Australians so degenerate
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It's about as 'HUGE' as the white population in Germany
Reminder than meme flags are always, ALWAYS shills
>tfw Australians
reusing your liquids in the desert is redpilled as fuck
My goats like to do this.
HUGE if true
post yfw
Because it's a shithole that sided with the Soviets
VICE journos right at home in Oz
this is what happens when your entire state is addicted to meth.
Is this a GWAR show?
lol look at this faggot, he doesnt even drink hiw own pee
You cunts never piss in your mouth?
the 80s ford panel van is the red flag.
They are blood descendants from the penal colonization. All fucking criminal lowlifes
Such a beginning leads to a CULTURE to become customary, this being the constant trying to one-up each other and prove your better/stronger, hence all the arrogance they have (which has lead to the awful >bantz culture which is so predominant)
I also believe that there climate and country are to blame too.
When everything is out to kill you and wildfires are a annual danger that can destroy livelihoods, this leads to a despair of sorts where you can't fully enjoy life.
When your feeling down, what better way to make yourself fell better than to put down others.
Such a sqewed way of life leads to abnormal people and degenerates.
When New Zealand annex's Australia it won't be as evil occupiers but as saviors.
>tfw abo
Least we're not getting raped by mozzies, cunt.
>hate australians
>have one of these for the first time
all is forgiven
vegemite still sucks tho
melbourne and sydney are.
Fuck off sheep shagging maori nigger
Both lefty shit holes that would be better off nuked
Vice is degenerate, more like
Nightmare fuel.
Without religion, working class whites become savages. And the culture encourages immorality and hedonism, which just adds fuel to the fire.
that bayonet screams cuck
It's tactical. Shorter bayonet means faster draw.
I thought everybody already knew this.
>tfw I drive an XC Falcon panelvan
Yeah nah
urine helps you fight off cancer
australians are just expending their life expectancy
for your health
australians use such shitty rifles.
by order of the rabbi patrol
I think shoeys are bigger
I agree, and I live there.
Couldn't they have tried not making that thing terrifying as fuck? Sweet Jesus...
just trying to be sporting mate, you know, give you cunts a chance. Besides, we don't have mossad supplying us the latest and greatest.
the culture (and people) are lower class in origin, it was always going to be degenerate
Since the country was settled we have been a pack of god awful drunks doing stupid shit, it has only accelerated since then.
>also that getttt
>yes goyim, just flush all that precious water down the drain so we can charge you for water, sewage, and more water when you get thirsty again
how do you people keep falling for (((their))) tricks?
I mean it's pretty easy to do while you're upside down, so why not?
Tim Tams are ok, Iced VoVos are the real shit
Fixed bayonet, not even in a trench.
You thirsty over there? Do you need help?
Is debating pedophilia on Dan's Schneider's wall won't say its wrong
Probably the healthiest thing they could do.
What did he mean by this?
you have something you wanna tell us, m8?
Get fucked OP. This was just something we did for a while. We're done with it now.
Strayans are literally un-ironicaly the best people Ive met irl.
We made life so good that we made ourselves experience pain for fun in our spare time just to remind us what it was. Hence drinking until we spew, fighting etc.