Holy shit I cannot stand you. Fuck off, you don't "own" the "its okay to be white" slogan. Sup Forumsacks came up with it, not your pathetic "alt-right," and most of Sup Forums hates attention whoring e-celebs such as yourself. No one gives if Milo uses the slogan, the point is to get the message out
Press P to punch Dickie Spencer
Them bitching about it does just that. As long as we win, who gives a shit who gets credit.
I just cannot stand Richard Spencer. He unironically thinks he is millennial Hitler.
milo and thernovich are giant faggots, who cares
Good this solidifies our hate for agent Spencer
Richard Spencer is a faggot.
>earlier Spencer gets ripped on for co-opting the meme Sup Forums created using his shitty website
>suddenly Milo co-opts the meme, Spencer rips on Milo, and everyone forgets it was Spencer who stole a Sup Forums meme
tell me again how the altright and altlite arent collaborating and are controlled opposition because jews play both sides
You see the reason the alt-right died in the first place is because of richard spencer. As soon as you put a face onto a movement, it fucking dies
At this point, everyone has a moral obligation to punch Richard Spencer.
the problem with our system is it is open to faggots taking credit for the things we do.
The only way Dickie Spence could help a movement is to be flushed down the shitter like the turd he is.
More and more it seems like Spencer really is a false flag. I can't believe I used to call people stupid for even suggesting it. But look how quickly he tries to claim our innocuous little campaign as his own and "the alt-right". If he even truly understood what it was about and what it was trying to achieve, he'd realize that his claiming of it will just give the media more leverage to dismiss it out of hand as "alt-right propaganda". Fuck Richard Spencer. It's time for someone to deal with him permanently.
TRS and their related figures have a habit of claiming ownership over Sup Forums's success. It's not like they don't do their own stuff that works either. They just feel the need to claim everything.
Reminds me of nordic we wuz kangz posting.
god i fucking hate these e-celebs. spencer and milo are both filthy kikes trying to make a buck off of a grassroots movement. they will both hang on the day of the rope for their blatant exploitation.
>It's time for someone to deal with him permanently.
He's a Deep State actor. If we expose him to the point he becomes ineffective and dangerous to (((their))) plan.. he knows too much and they will deal with him permanently.
this, the guy is poison. anything he touches dies
Can he just disappear? We can do soo much better. He is obviously controlled op.
Go to your mother's purse. Find all the dollars. Insert slogan. Watch the magic
That's not a problem because it's Milo, Spencer and Cernovich who are the targets of the CIA ops and tumblr reprisals.
If most normies only understand the shit that falls out of the mouths of pundits then maybe it's about time Sup Forums picked one to rally behind and represent us. It would have to be someone who is well-spoken, a genius, and physically fit/attractive.
Sup Forums is not the “alt right” and Sup Forums does NOT SUPPORT a literal homosexual like Richard Spencer. The man is shit in every possible way, he’s a fucking retard. He didn’t come up with shit, neither did his as buddy Mike Enoch.
Mike, Richard, Milo, we all know you’re reading this. You guys didn’t do SHIT. You three have never done anything noteworthy, any time any of you clowns are mentioned by the media it’s you looking like shit, and you try and tie your gay fucking movements to this board. Just FUCK OFF already, none of you have ever come up with anything original, none of you have ever done anything that moves things in the right direction. Fuck off already you stupid e celeb faggots.
>most of Sup Forums hates attention whoring e-celebs such as yourself.
If that were true they would have their own containment board. Truth is e-celebs keep this place relevant.
Good fuck milo and the alt-right
Guess which way I'm punching left and only left
Here come the e-celeb defender faggots.
Why do you bother? I'm sure your the kind of idiot who thinks Laura Loomer is actually useful to anyone.
Mike and Richard make some splashes in the ocean and think they caused the tidal wave. They are nothing without us.
Fuck off chink. I don't usually agree with Spencer, but I do agree with him bashing that faggot for trying to make money off of this.
Spencer is controlled opposition.
I think it's kind of retarded Milo is trying to make money off this shit.
Remember when hot topic was selling those rage comic shirts? Yeah it's like that.
I say we punch them both
lmfao @ "merchant right"
srsly though Milo is a fucking god. and even though i don't really have things against spencer, i would back milo in that fight all day long. fuck everyone on Sup Forums who wants to shit on me for that, and i am racist too and i know that milo isn't.
No one here cares about relevancy. Fuck, no one on Sup Forums gives a shit about relevancy, all that means is more fucking normies ruining the place with their unfunny faggot shitposting
kill yourself.
Why do AmeriMutts suck e-celeb cock? You are pathetic. Spencer is no different from those shills trying to post Nazi imagery on the IOTBW posters. He poisons them and tries to claim the entire thing as his own because he is a shrivelled narcissist.
Milo and Spencer are both IRL namefagging. They have no place here. Fuck off with this shit.
Whether you like her or not, she has been a first red pill for thousands of people. She has been vital to our movement.
No they really don't. Sup Forums has done stuff before and after without e-celebs. Even HWNDU was done with little e-celeb influence other than arguably Sam Hyde, but he isn't one to attract the masses.
right after I fuck your whore mother, faggot
>If he even truly understood what it was about and what it was trying to achieve, he'd realize that his claiming of it will just give the media more leverage to dismiss it out of hand as "alt-right propaganda".
what if I told you he does understand what it is about and this is his intended result.
Milo is a opportunist kike that saw which way the winds were blowing. 70 years ago he was Soros selling his kin for a ticket to America. He's a gutless parasite like the rest of his kind.
Yeah, the first redpill for the men she raped, and maybe the tires she scratched. Loomer is a Jewish whore and has done nothing but discredit nationalism through her braindead tweets, and abhorrent appearance. No one agrees with you, fuck off.
This, can't stand the effeminate faggot. I probably agree with 80-90% of what he says and I still want to punch him.
Yeah, I like Sam. He doesn't turn everything he touches into some mega autist reddit shitshow.
Spence and Milo are both frauds. We honestly need a better person to be the face of white resistance in the mainstream.
That has literally nothing to do with what I said retard. I was saying that Dick pounding Milo on making money off it is a good thing. I don't like either but Milo is way worse.
>Nobody on Sup Forums likes e-celebs that's why Sup Forums gossips about them 24/7.
I'm starting to think you're trolling for (you)s because nobody can be this stupid.
absolutely this. We need a final solution for the Spencer Question.
>srsly though Milo is a fucking god.
Fuck off, Milo. Spencer has his problems but you're also shit.
These two dick suckers are like an annoying tripfag at this point. Best to filter them and their shills out.
Russian troll farms came up with Its Okay To Be White, you're just the useful idiots that helped distribute it.
Jesus fucking Christ can this cancerous faggot fuck off.
nope. you're both wrong. milo is the greatest human being that planet earth has ever produced
Denounce CIA plant Richard Spencer, renowned literal who and pop up poser for the news
No, faggot, Sup Forums is not one person, most people don't give a fuck about them but reluctantly accept their existence because like it or not, they are the face of many of the political opinions prevalent on the board. There is not much choice but to talk about them.
Hey remember when Sup Forums wasn't for attention whores and browsers actively looked to blame Sup Forums activity on other websites rather than cockgobble every little thing and draw attention to themselves? Because I do.
The solution is to prop somebody else up then tear down spencer. Unless /ourguy/ is the new face of the "alt-right", another deepstate jew puppet is going to take his place.
Hate Spencer, but Milo is worse.
>No one gives if Milo uses the slogan
yeah we do
milo is being a filthy kike
Gook Moot needs to make an E-Celeb board to keep faggots that shill these retards away from this board.
I don't give a shit and neither should anyone else. Its our baby, like many things and someone is profiting off of it.
We are the hand and we control the feeding. Don't forget who is in charge here. They're just children acting like children. We have other shit to worry about
I member
Sup Forums got the idea from someone whom I can't remember at the moment. To claim it was entirely Sup Forums in your post is the definition of irony
"e-celebs", huh? k goyim. i think we all know what this game as about at this point. picture related
cat's out of the bag, retard
can't really be a sekrit klub when everyone and their mother know Sup Forums now
shit we even have boomers here now
>He doesn't turn everything he touches into some mega autist reddit shitshow.
I think its because he turns it into a genuinely extremely edgy shitfest that it pushes the masses away.
Leaders are cancer, it is best for Sup Forums's atmosphere to remain antagonistic towards everybody unless it is someone like Pewdiepie who we know won't fully turn to our side but can influence millions.
you guys need to stop calling yourselves the alt right if you hate him so much, its his brand
yeah hes really becoming something else
i was never one of part of the "hes a shill" crowd but he may aswell be at this point
hes seemingly going out of his way to be down syndromatic
I should make these shirts and sell them, too.
die in a fire
>Leaders are cancer
Enough said name fags fuck everything.
Spencer is an effeminate faggot and Enoch is a beady-eyed untermensch who traffics in stolen memes. The media loves them both because they prance around for the cameras repelling normies and making the right look worthy of ridicule. They both deserve gas.
Jesusfuckingchrist can you cancerous cocksuckers taken your jewish leaders and CIA plants and fuck off. I swear to God the Alt Right is just a psyop to implode every single nationalist movement in existence.
>m-muh white race
>marries a Russian mudshark
Anybody wanna bet that when the government puts a stop to it, Spencer will reemerge ten years later sucking some NGO far left group?
Daily reminder that the level of shilling against Spencer just show that ((them)) want to put him down.
Correct. We need to actively disassociate from whores like Spencer and Enoch as we have from Cernovich and Loomer.
Get a room with him and sort it out then
A pox on both their houses.
OP is 100% on target.
For us sure, but you're gonna have to accept that most normies are too fucking dumb to get the concept of anonymous and will fall for the leader meme every goddamn time. Better /ourguy/ than a jew plant raking in shekels from well-meaning idiots.
>ideological hub
>ideological hub
What would you describe as their ideology?
Richard is a literal retard who has the worst optics I've ever seen. Milo isn't as bad, but is mostly good for shock value.
Jared Taylor, Molymeme, Peterson are among the few who actually seem to have some decent ideology, but they aren't necessary. I support them, but a movement isn't top down it's bottom up.
I have never seen him doing something either self-defeating or something that puts on the most cringy, bad optics.
Nope. The original thread was by a Canadian who had a different font and black background with white text. Then we started editing it and arguing over the exact contents.
Hey don’t give those with downs that bad of a rap, the ones I knew were actually pretty cool.
> Spencer retard
> Milo not bad
> Shapiro is ourjew
Yeeeaaaahhhh righhhhttt
Not suspicious at all that you attack the ethnostate guy, suck the dick of the "i don't care about race" faggot and give your ass to the "Muuhhh israel" Jew.
You should go back to The Donald.
>when you roman salute because you have no fucking clue what optics are and how to present your argument
The Pavlovian response is so fierce that anyone with half a brain knows what not to do in an immigration debate, Spencer might as well be controlled opposition.
mike enoch is even worse than richard
hes a bumbling nerd. he gets on stage and tried to give off this aggressive vibe but you can literally hear the insecurity in his vocal pitch
they are fucking retarded
I love Mike but he should probably stay away from public events.
It was funny when that roastie said "I'm talking to Richard not you" and he walked off the stage with his tail between his legs.
Hate to see infighting like this. Milo was huge for our side during the 2016 campaign. Will never forget what he did for us, and for the President. Milo really pulled his weight during the election. Spencer might be more Sup Forums-aligned but Milo did more for the right wing resurgence and I will roll with that Jew faggot because at the end of the day I’m a Trumpist
He's cointelpro.
Enoch and TRS gave the boot to Mysterium Fasces because Anglin cried after they blew their gay optics and lack of ideology the fuck out.
>optics cucks
(((media))) will shit on them no matter what they do, might as well push the envelope as much as possible
The thing is, no one is going to stumble across Richard Spencer to be redpilled. Every normie who has heard of Dickie thinks he is an extremist & will actively avoid him. But they might stumble across Pewdiepie, for example, and indulge in very subtle redpills involving sexism etc. The train, really, starts from there. Once they get to the point willing to engage with Spencer's rhetoric, they are already redpilled. He can take them no where further, he is useless.
This. We just do guerilla warfare like we always do. Anonymity is our strenght.
Tikifaggots aren't cringy?