Nazi Germany was not an ethnostate, there were black germans, Islamic germans, all sorts of flavors of Nazi

Nazi Germany was not an ethnostate, there were black germans, Islamic germans, all sorts of flavors of Nazi.

The Aryan Master Race was just that, the master race, the race to lead the rest. Everyone played a part, no one hated anyone accept the Jews.

But today, we are smarter than that, because not all Jews are globalist scumbags. Many want to see the globalists and commies burn, trust me, just fucking trust me.

We can implement a National Socialist america, we can untie with BLM, and it will be 100000x easier once we put down our petty differences.

African Americans are part of american DNA, they've been here for a loong time and they are part of our history and DNA. African africans are not.

We need to end immigration, and African Americans can help us.

>in communism, jews make niggers do all of the work at gunpoint

Wtf I love jews and communism now

You're going to need a very time consuming session of focus on what the hell the word "help" is supposed to mean.

Blacks could be given New York state. I despise that shithole.

if the nigger show their support for Trump's policies it will be a breeze to do Nationalist stuff, the Left is mega cucked and do whatever the niggers want, haven't you noticed?

Hell no, too many beautiful white girls here.

As a black guy, generally speaking, blacks are too stupid for that. But oNE or a few extremely redpilled black billionaires could be of great help.

Too bad Oprah is one of (((Them)))

Also it isn't a shithole, its the media capital of the world alongside California and also one of America.s international trade giants.

bullshit. leftists vilify any black getting off the plantation: coon, uncle Tom, house nigger, etc. If that doesn't work, and the person gains recognition, they get frozen niggers to assault and/or kill the rebel.

Nah we need BLM to support the National Socialist movement, full force. I think deep down most blacks want to team up with whitey after all these hundreds of years of hatred. I mean, Blacks haven't really been trying to even remotely make nice with whitey ever since MLK, kind of trying to rub in our faces every time they nail a chubby white girl, but you know, thats just petty shit, and what isn't petty is making the world america's bitch, and we can't do that with our doors open and without a common goal shared among all citizens.

That's why we need it to be fast and sudden, blacks will listen to something like BLM, if we can get BLM to work with us, we're in the clear.

every state has beautiful white girls. Go out more

Daily reminder that

1. Natsoc was a globalist attempt to fix the bugs in Soviet socialism that blew up in the globalists' faces.

2. Hitler's unpardonable sin was not murdering Jews or Slavs. It was double-crossing the bankers who thrust him into power in the first place.

still, we need NY and California because they are trade giants and media capitals.

>Nazi Germany was not an ethnostate, there were black germans, Islamic germans, all sorts of flavors of Nazi.

the absolute state of /leftypol/

Is what he said a lie?

there would be no media giants, if we're successful. wtf would we keep communist propaganda machine intact for?



>americans don't know what colonial troops and volunteers are
Pro tip: the only foreigners that were deployed on the European theater in any significant quantity were European volunteers


capitalism is pretty cool. the shovel man will get the money afterwards. feel of accomplishment AND monetary gain can only be guaranteed by capitalism.

There were many foreign legions and allies that were not white, but they were not part of Germany's populace. A friend of moarpheus', I assume?


>was not an ethnostate
>25 tenets literally say only Germanics can be citizens

Fuck off civic nationalist cuck faggot.

Socialism works if combined with Nationalism.

Accept the Jews? I refuse to accept the Jews.

your stubborn ignorant generalizations will be your downfall, no matter how many redpills you have consumed

Has it occurred to you that society, as mirrored in smaller groups always works better when faced with a single enemy/cause? Hitlers was successful because he could house blame on another race, a scapegoat. This United Germans and was what allowed them to work together towards a common purpose. In order for you to rally blacks or anyone else to your cause you will need an enemy that people already dislike to ostracize and then form a United cause towards eliminating. This is why the unending wars in 1984 worked so well to capture the minds of the in group. It was to place all blaim and horrible conditions upon an outside force.

This out-group hate is quite effective as you can see with the anti-white rhetoric people are so willing to get behind. Your largest problem would be to direct that hate towards someone we all hate .. the Jews.

That is not at all how natsoc works and you'll never spread your BS here.

Economically, natsoc was fascist (literally economically fascist - not what leftypol thinks fascism is).

Economic fascism = businesses are disallowed from practices which harm the worker. This includes exportation of jobs for goods to be sold in the nation.

It is for THIS reason that Soros chose "antifa" as the name. Economic fascism is just good sense. It ensures the worker does not give money to the rich of his own country while giving nothing to his fellow workers.

Imports are allowed, even encouraged. But they are taxed.

The nation or the worker must ALWAYS benefit from the sale of goods in the nation.

If you buy a Ford Fiesta - the $ goes to Mexican slaves and rich people. This is unacceptable.

If you buy a Honda, the $ goes to THE AMERICAN WORKERS WHO BUILT IT and rich Japanese. This is acceptable.

If you buy champagne, it is TAXED on entry and the nation gets $.

In economic fascism - EVERYONE ALWAYS WINS.

Foreign countries are sales markets and not slave markets. And mega corporations benefit from stability in those countries because stability = disposable income.

There is no downside.

But it certainly doesn't look like that picture, because that picture is missing the boss. And corporate ownership was never discouraged in natsoc, and it is never discouraged in economic fascism.

Tax incentives play a role as well. Corporations are easy to control. Either say no, or take the choice you want them to make and make it a little more profitable than the alternative.

Welcome to the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years, gentlemen.

Jews are people too