>be me >22 yr old Mexican American 1st gen Texan. Cue shit talk. >recently moved in with boyfriend >he's white, 8th gen texan, blonde, blue eyes, Irish and english browses pol, hates nigs (so he says) and shit skin mexicans. >originally told him "wtf I'm Mexican" but he says "its ok you're Pale". >I'm guilty of liking pale skin too so ok. > red pilled me >he leaves his iPad laying around often >let's me use it >I browse his pics and find weird compilation of nude black women saying they worship white dick, painted white cock slave, etc > I start crying telling him I don't know what sick wicked fantasies he has. >says it's to shit talk nigs that get on pol >part of me chooses to trust him because I think I love him. >some days my suspicions get the best of me >I feel doubtful, grab his iPad look through his email. >doesn't take long til I find an email thread with a BLACK woman (figure she's black from a hood rat name like shanequa) >hearts racing >I read through it entirely, he tells her where he works and asks for her pic >her 50IQ forwards him another email with a different man which contained a pic of her and showed that other email thread >cucked and still wanting to fuck he says "honey you sent that to someone else too I don't want to get played." >I show him the email, he says someone else got access to his email and sent all that pretending to be him. >conclusion: He has racist, heinous sexual fantasies.
What are your opinions on race mixing?
Isaiah Gonzalez
He's a faggot and so you are. And so I am
Sebastian Garcia
Your boyfriend is a cunt, and you should leave him. Although I still remain strongly against race mixing. He doesn't stand true to his principles, and nor to you.
Eli Gray
1. If she identified as Mexican and not white/Spanish, it wouldn't even happen. 2. I never so much as touched that girl, it just kills you people that I played you so well.
Ryan Roberts
>fake femanon writing far too detailed greentext
Females don't have the attention span or attention to detail to write greentexts like that. Fake and gay.
Blake Hall
Benjamin King
LOL ok I wish it was fake
Luke Gonzalez
You people are obsessed. And, also butthurt.
Blake Smith
Of course
Camden Lopez
that what you get for being a maliche .kys
Matthew Wright
Hard for me to stand completely against race mixing since it's what makes up latinos/hispanics(me) and also am attracted to white men. I'm new to these ideologies but agree race mixing and pushing it is bad, ex. Stranger things with the red head and nigglet.
Dominic Hall
the only reasonable solution is to fuck his jungle fever away.
Lincoln Carter
>Hey baby, how about some revenge sex?
Henry Jenkins
>start crying because your bf looks at porno
Dude me and my wife watch porno together, why are young people such cucks.
Asher Nelson
slap the shit outa that goof
Nicholas Scott
>Mexican >ever fooling a white American into thinking he/she is white
Elijah Jones
You sound like a fucking retard. Latinos are descended from europeans, they aren't a different race you retard. Race mixing doesn't fucking matter, just don't race mix with a nigger. Your kids will look white, and they will be 80% european. Stop being dumb.
Sup Forums is full of shitskins pretending to be white. My wife is half native and has blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm 100% european and I have black hair and black eyes. Stop being delusional.
Jaxson Walker
That's not mixed race you stupid larper, that's an albino. fy. sg
Dylan Reyes
Aren't you the cuck since your wife needs to view other men fucking to get off? The problem is pretending to be someone else; saying one thing acting another way.
Anthony Cruz
We don't watch porno and mastubate together. I send her porno just to fuck with her and she laughs, it's not a sexual thing.
Camden Adams
>The problem is pretending to be someone else; saying one thing acting another way. First people tell me I'm an idiot for revealing my power level. Then they double back and say I never should have hid my power level. I can't win. >Latinos are descended from europeans, they aren't a different race you retard. Race mixing doesn't fucking matter, just don't race mix with a nigger. Your kids will look white, and they will be 80% european. Stop being dumb. Actual Spanish in Mexico do not identify as the same race as mestizos, they are blonde haired and blue eyed a lot of the time (see Canelo for an example) because they have a lot of Irish and German blood.
Wyatt White
One of the weirdest larps I've read on pol
Jeremiah Smith
I'm scottish and I have black hair and black eyes, as long as your skin isn't brown as shit it doesn't matter. I don't care what mexicans think, they don't have a monopoly on halfbreeds. Canada is full of halfbreeds as well. My halfbreed wife looks whiter than I do, who the fuck cares. Don't take Sup Forums so seriously, half these people are mentally retarded and don't have jobs. Although I agree with pro-white sentiment, most whites are fucking garbage. Look around you man.
Jaxson Sullivan
Pale Hispanic girls are ok in my book. Your bf sounds like the typical mentally ill boy that posts here. You need to find a real man.
Joshua Ward
You two are horrible at this, the evil old bag is more fun to fight with
Charles Robinson
>no timestamp GTFO
Jack Brown
Leave him and cum to me girl I got that long dick
Aaron Anderson
You know what I'm doing tomorrow? I'm getting my car fixed, paying bills, and handing out resumes because I want a better JOB. I'm not sitting her larping about how best to win the genetic war when I'm surrounded on all sides by shitskins and cracksmokers, and fat lazy retarded whites.
Don't think you are any better than anybody else just because you discovered the truth about the world. So you are "redpilled"(total newfag term) now you know that being a degenerate, jobless, fat retard is bad, now do something about it.
Landon Smith
you have to go back squatemalean
Levi Peterson
Searched race mixing, found that picture funny. Literally lol realizing I picked an albino. Is this better for you?
Ian Perez
Tits or GTFO
Nolan Rivera
>I feel doubtful, grab his iPad look through his email.
No, it checks out
Oliver Garcia
I start a new job on monday and I'm doing an online cert to teach English as a second language.
Matthew Perez
Good, to be white is to always be creating something or learning. WORK will set you free, work, pay bills, have babies. Don't fall into this larping retardation meant for useless idiots. How many people on Sup Forums have jobs and families?
Don't listen to these fucking retards, it's super easy to be happy, don't do drugs, don't associate with retards, and work.
I'm the most racist piece of shit in my city, but when I go to work, I'm the most liberal fucking retard in the city, I smile and wave at brown people even though I want to machine gun them down in the streets.
Live your life, this isn't a counter culture, or a secret club. We work in the shadows. Family, tribe, race, country. Start with family.
Henry Ramirez
Bitch lasagna
Evan Cooper
I truly wish it was fake ): I'm on here being petty and shaming him where he browses on his free time everyday. Better than looking for some black dude to revenge fuck
Jacob Howard
I'd revenge fuck you but I'm white and not in texas
Christopher Cooper
Kevin Sullivan
you know it could be a guy
Tyler Myers
Levi Anderson
why havent you posted tits yet
Jordan Turner
It depends. Half-hispanic-asians are kinda gross, black asian is disgusting, half white and almost anything is usually okay, but miscegenation is pretty disgusting on the whole. That being said, I like white blonde women and married one. It's your fucking life, and your tastes that should matter to you. Your boyfriend is a cuck, tried to cuck you and now you know. You know what to do. Pic related
*****DISCLAIMER*****: I am not encouraging or inciting violence. Any attempt to portray my statement as otherwise is an incredibly douche thing to do.
Ian Allen
See Definitely a roastie
Jason Powell
Nigger women are disgusting.
Irish are not white so idk wtf you're talking about
Stay with him, leave him, I care not about the issues of shitskinned mongrels.
>pale skin mexicans pic related
Oliver Kelly
>My wife is half native and has blonde hair and blue eyes
Very unlikely she's anything more than a 1/4 native.
Adam Robinson
Your boyfriend is a loser. Find a real man.
Daniel Myers
Dylan Barnes
Fuck off and save the cute white guys for the white girls of texas you skank.
Jordan Peterson
Irish arent white XD. Jesus Christ mate your deluded.
Easton Torres
u have to go back mamacita
Noah Sanchez
Look. He's not going to cheat on you. He's just fantasizing. Things could be better between you two but you both love each other.
He doesn't even want this woman, he's just trying to figure some things out.
Nathaniel Sanders
tits or gtfo
David Smith
>hood rat name like shanequa lost here
Daniel Phillips
>I'm new to these ideologies but agree race mixing and pushing it is bad, ex. Proximity=Conflict(discrimination,hate,war) or Convergence(assimilation,Integration)
If you don't want mixing, you can not allow people into your country. People are a commodity, and can be reprogrammed.
Carter Green
Andrew Flores
>Aren't you the cuck since your wife needs to view other men fucking to get off? >The problem is pretending to be someone else; saying one thing acting another way. Tell him then. Ask why he wants to watch other people have sex.